Agenda item

Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Draft Work Programme


The Scrutiny Officer submitted the work programme report and sought Members’ comments on items for inclusion on the agenda for the future meetings in 2024/25. She drew Members’ attention to the Appendix to the report and provided an update on the programme.


The Scrutiny Officer said that in relation to Parks, Officers had provided Councillors with potential dates in respect of a site visit to review the district’s parks. This date has yet to be confirmed.


Members were advised that a first of a kind playground for children with disabilities opened in the London Borough of Barnet. The Scrutiny Officer said that the cost of the park was £500,000 with £400,000 obtained from private funding and a £100,000 contribution from the London Borough of Barnet.


Members were advised that the award of the waste, recycling and street cleansing contract would be presented to Overview and Scrutiny on 11 June and then to the Executive.


The Chairman said that a number of questions had been asked of the three key registered social landlords. Only one had responded.  In the absence of other responses, he asked Members for their views on how to progress this further.  Councillor Boylan referred to the recently agreed Housing Strategy and Action Plan which might provide a better platform to identify issues for scrutiny.


The Head of Legal and Democratic Services suggested that Members might wish to debate this further at a Work Programme Workshop on a date to be agreed.  This approach was supported.


The Scrutiny Officer confirmed that the summary bulletin in respect of climate change had been finalised and would be circulated as soon as possible.


In relation to neighbourhood policing and financial support given by Parish and Town Councils, the Scrutiny Officer provided an update to that already stated in the report adding that that 14 Parish Councils and one Town Council had so far responded and that she would provide updates as and when received.


The Chairman said that he was content for neighbourhood policing to be removed from the work programme. This was supported.


The Scrutiny Officer said that a summary bulletin in respect of the Anti-Racism Charter had been drafted and would be circulated to Members shortly.


On the issue of the use of herbicides and particularly Glyphosate, Officers had confirmed that Glyphosate was being used across East Herts. She sought Members’ views on whether they wanted to progress this issue further.


Councillor Buckmaster said that Hertfordshire Highways still used Glyphosate and he wondered whether a paper or summary bulletin could come before the Committee that covered the pros and cons of Glyphosate for controlling weeds. This was supported.

Members suggested that the summary bulletin should include background information on the Pros vs Cons of its use, frequency, how and where and its impact on the Biosphere and Eco System.  Members also asked if the bulletin could include an update on the Class Action in the USA in terms of the impact on human health and also refer to alternative methods.


The Scrutiny Officer reminded Members that the corporate plan had been agreed at Council on 28 February 2024 and it was hoped that this would help Overview and Scrutiny populate the work programme based upon the Council’s now agreed priorities.


Members were reminded that the matter of water risk supply was debated at Council on 28 February and the Scrutiny Officer said that she would be guided by Members as to whether they considered this to be a suitable topic for scrutiny.


Councillor Cox said that he had discussed this Councillor Buckmaster and they considered that it should come up at a later date. Councillor Andrews said that he received a monthly update from Affinity Water, and this covered in a positive way the challenges of water supply.


Councillor Buckmaster referred to the motion debated at council on 28 February in respect of water supply. He referred to future reviews of the District Plan by the District Plan Executive Panel as being the best forum to ensure safeguards were in place.


The Chairman talked about the challenges in water cycle and expressed a concern that the committee could dedicate time to this in the work programme and get nowhere other than being better informed.


Councillor Andrews said that recommendations (B) and (C) of the work programme could be removed as these would be covered in the planned workshop. He suggested that the word “agreed” be replaced with “noted” in recommendation (D). This was supported.


Councillor Nicholls proposed and Councillor Cox seconded a motion that, subject to the above changes, the Overview and Scrutiny Committee work programme in Appendix 1 for 2023-24, be agreed.


After being put to the meeting and a vote taken, the motion was declared CARRIED.


RESOLVED – that (A) the update be agreed and the Overview and Scrutiny Committee work programme, as amended, be agreed;


(B)   an Overview and Scrutiny Workshop be convened to discuss items for inclusion on the Work Programme for scrutiny in the civic year;


(C)   Officers prepare a summary bulletin on the use of Glyphosate in the District including information referred to above; and 


(D)   Neighbourhood Policing be removed from the Work Programme.

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