Agenda item

Harlow and Gilston Garden Town: Strategic Economic Framework


a) That the findings of the HGGT Strategic Economic Framework, as set out in Appendix 1, be endorsed;

b) That subject to all authorities approving the HGGT Strategic Economic Framework, the Framework is supported and agreed and will form the basis of the approach to economic development in the Garden Town area; and

c) That it delegates to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader of the Council and the Executive Member for Planning and Growth, to make any necessary, non-consequential and minor amendments and refer those amendments back to the HGGT Chair and Director.


The Leader of the Council presented the Strategic Economic Framework for the Harlow and Gilston Garden Town which was the roadmap for economic growth over the next 20 years and would sit alongside various economic development strategies in partner authorities. He said that the framework would help get the right mix of jobs and housing.


The Leader of the Council said that the Framework set a target and timeline for the trajectory of employment creation to hit 23,000 jobs created by 2045. He said that the targets in the framework would be reviewed annually and a major review would be undertaken every five years. The framework had been presented to the Harlow and Gilston Garden Town Board and was now with the member authorities for approval.


Councillor Crystall proposed that the recommendations in the report be supported. Councillor Glover-Ward seconded the proposal.


Councillor Dunlop said that the data set used for the framework was pre-pandemic and there was now a large increase in home working and therefore fewer transport requirements. He said it would be good to think in the framework about how to encourage more home working and there was an opportunity for it to be updated once post-pandemic data was available.


The Garden Town Lead Officer said that the framework would continue to be reviewed on a regular basis and understood the beneficial impact of home working. He said that the framework was about the initial creation of jobs, some of which would allow people to work from home.


Councillor Brittain said it was a great report but referred to section 6 on page 251 of the report which raised concerns about the current state of the commercial market. He said it was good to set targets but questioned whether there was a Plan B if there was no land available to create employment space.


The Garden Town Lead Officer said that under the District Plan, an economic analysis of wider areas was undertaken which identified land requirements and challenges. He said there were a range of ‘easy wins’ like the commitment to the delivery of the new hospital in Harlow but the framework set out a range of options and would assess risks and take actions as appropriate.


Councillor Buckmaster said that following the pandemic, there was more home working but also there had been an increase in commercial vehicles as more people shop online so that type of employment needed to be factored in. He said that it went back to the phasing of infrastructure and ensuring it was right to enable economic growth.


Councillor Estop asked if key worker housing would be provided as this went hand in hand with the stated objectives.


The Garden Town Lead Officer said it was not the focus as the framework was about the delivery of growth, but that housing delivery requirements had been assessed in the preparation of the Councils District Plan.


The motion to support the recommendations having been proposed and seconded was put to the meeting and upon a vote being taken, was declared CARRIED.


RESOLVED - That (A) the findings of the HGGT Strategic Economic Framework, as set out in Appendix 1, be endorsed;

(B) subject to all authorities approving the HGGT Strategic Economic Framework, the Framework is supported and agreed and will form the basis of the approach to economic development in the Garden Town area; and

(C) it delegates to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader of the Council and the Executive Member for Planning and Growth, to make any necessary, non-consequential and minor amendments and refer those amendments back to the HGGT Chair and Director.


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