Agenda item

3/10/1598/FP - Farm based anaerobic digester at Buttermilk Hall Farm, Baldock Road, Buntingford, SG9 9RH for Hallwick Ltd.


Mr Pitman and Mrs Snell addressed the Committee in opposition to the application.  Mr Fenwick and Mr Bayles spoke for the application.


The Director of Neighbourhood Services recommended that, in respect of application 3/10/1598/FP, planning permission be granted subject to the conditions now detailed.


The Director stated that Officers had requested an additional condition to ensure that the proposed gas flare did not result in any damage to existing trees on the site.


Councillor J O Ranger, as the local ward Member, commented that there was nothing wrong with anaerobic digesters so long as these were provided in the right location and in the right way.


Councillor Ranger stressed that the crucial issue was the location.  He commented that a key problem was that the buildings would make the site more industrial.  He also stated that the buildings themselves would not look like normal farm buildings.


Councillor Ranger expressed concerns that many of the measurements in relation to the size of the structures were inaccurate in the report now submitted.  He provided a number of examples of incorrect measurements.


Councillor Ranger stated that the residents were particularly concerned in relation to the potential loss of heat from the site.  Residents were concerned in relation to potential future developments that could make use of the lost energy, such as further industrial buildings of residential development.


Councillor Ranger stressed that Members might wish to consider deferring the application to clarify details of the measurements of the proposed development.  He suggested that some of the conditions should be reworded if the Committee was minded to approve the application.


Councillor S A Bull expressed concerns in relation to the highways impact of the application.  He suggested that a condition be added to ensure that the bunding close to the site access track was removed due to the size of vehicles using the surrounding roads.


Councillor Bull expressed concerns in relation to the wildlife implications of the proposals and stated that he would be voting against the application.  Councillor R N Copping commented that he was going to suggest the application be refused for lack of information. 


Councillor R Gilbert suggested that this application did not comply with policy SD3 of the East Herts Local Plan Second April 2007.  He expressed concerns in relation to the emissions of methane and carbon dioxide.


Councillor Mrs M H Goldspink proposed and Councillor R N Copping seconded a motion that application 3/10/1598/FP be deferred to enable Officers to seek further information in relation to the issues raised by Cottered Parish Council, to confirm the reported dimensions of the development and to investigate possible alternative siting options to reduce visual impact on the countryside.


After being put to the meeting and a vote taken, this motion was declared CARRIED.


The Committee rejected the recommendation of the Director of Neighbourhood Services that application 3/10/1598/FP be granted subject to the conditions now detailed.


RESOLVED – that in respect of application 3/10/1598/FP, planning permission be deferred to enable Officers to seek further information in relation to the issues raised by Cottered Parish Council, to confirm the reported dimensions of the development and to investigate possible alternative siting options to reduce visual impact on the countryside.

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