Agenda item

Planning Applications for Consideration by the Committee


The Chairman addressed a couple of procedural matters regarding speaking arrangements in respect of the determination of the application before the Committee.


Councillor Deering said that a statutory consultee, Sue Fogden from the NHS, had registered to speak. He said that Ms Fogden would be allocated a total of 6 minutes to speak at his discretion. Councillor Deering explained that this was consistent with the time for strategic sites and he considered this to be reasonable and proportionate in the circumstances.


Councillor Deering said on Friday 24 February 2023 at 11:59 am, Democratic Services had received an email from Mr Richard Ford in relation to the duration of public speaking time for objectors. The Chairman said that he was obliged to raise this as under the constitution, the Committee can depart as it sees fit from arrangements previously agreed on 8 February 2023.


Councillor Deering summarised the arrangements that had been approved on the 8February 2023 and he said that it had now been requested that the 12 minutes previously agreed be extended to 30 minutes in total to be split between the objectors on the basis that 12 minutes was insufficient for a proposal of this scale and size.


The Legal Services Manager said that the Committee could depart from the arrangements that were previously agreed and given the potential threat of a legal challenge and considering the nature of the request, it would not be unreasonable to agree an extension of time.


The Legal Services Manager said that in the circumstances it would be reasonable and proportionate for Members to agree to extend the time to 25 minutes as opposed to 30 minutes to be split between each objector. She said that there were 5 objectors in total as Mr Ford and Mr Hudson represented the same objector and the same total time would be offered to speakers in favour of the application for fairness.


The Legal Services Manager advised that the speaking arrangements for Eastwick and Gilston and Hunsdon Parish Councils would remain at 12 minutes and the other Parish Councils at 5 minutes as this was considered proportionate. She said that she was aware that all speakers were contacted yesterday afternoon by Democratic Services to advise them that there might be a slight departure in the interests of fairness and transparency.


Councillor Deering proposed and Councillor Fernando seconded, a motion that in accordance with paragraph 6.4.5 in Section 6 – Regulatory Committees of the constitution, the committee agree to depart from the speaking arrangements agreed in minute number 336 of the Development Management Committee meeting held on 8 February 2023, to extend the time for those speaking for or against from 12 minutes to 25 minutes in respect of application 3/19/1045/OUT.


After being put to the meeting and a vote taken, the motion was declared CARRIED.


RESOLVED – that in accordance with paragraph 6.4.5 in Section 6 – Regulatory Committees section of the constitution, the committee agree to depart from the speaking arrangements agreed in minute number 336 of the Development Management Committee meeting held on 8 February 2023, to extend the time for those speaking for or against from 12 minutes to 25 minutes in respect of application 3/19/1045/OUT.

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