Agenda item

Application for a new premises licence for Anthropos Festival at Hixham Hall, Hixham Lane, Furneux Pelham, Herts SG9 0LR (22/0801/PL)


The Chairman summarised the procedure for the Sub-Committee hearing, and all those present introduced themselves.


The Senior Licensing and Enforcement Officer summarised the application and the representation that had been received. He detailed the licensable activities that had been applied for at Hixham Hall, Hixham Lane, Furneux Pelham. The Sub-Committee was advised of the timings that had been included the application for the licensable activities.


The Senior Licensing and Enforcement Officer drew the attention of Members to the steps that had been proposed by the applicant to satisfy the four licensing objectives. The Sub-Committee was referred to Appendix C for the conditions that had been agreed with the police and Environmental Health.


The Senior Licensing and Enforcement Officer summarised the relevant issues that the Sub-Committee should be considering when determining the application. He detailed the options that were open to Members when determining the application and said that the Sub-Committee should take appropriate and proportionate action to address any concerns.


The event manager said that the applicant was working with a sound and noise management team regarding noise restrictions and noise levels that could be put in place to mitigate any public nuisance.


The applicant explained that he would be limiting the hours for the sale of alcohol and also limiting the hours of music at certain sound stages depending on the likely impact. He said that the sounds levels would also be restricted during night time hours so that music would be inaudible outside of the site.


The applicant said that a similar event with similar hours had been run in the North Herts Council area and there had been no major concerns in respect of public nuisance. He said that the site at Hixham Hall was in a much more remote location.


The applicant said that the live sound stages would be switched off late at night and background music would be played at bars and cafes late at night. Councillor Andrews expressed his disappointment that the Parish Council objector had not attended the hearing to speak to their objection.


The Sub-Committee, the Head of Legal and Democratic Services and the Democratic Services Officer retired to a separate room to allow Members to consider the evidence.


Following this, Members and Officers returned and the Chairman announced that the Sub-Committee had considered the comments of the Senior Licensing and Enforcement Officer, the objection from Albury Parish Council and the comments provided by the Applicants during the hearing, and had decided to grant the application as applied for along with the conditions as agreed. The reasons for this decision were as follows:


1.                             The Sub-Committee are mindful that the event as applied for is outside the parameters of its own Statement of Licensing Policy insomuch as it allows licensing activity to persist until 03:00 on a Friday and Saturday, whereas para 6.9 of the policy states that licensable activity will generally be allowed until 01:00 on Fridays and Saturdays. However, the Sub-Committee are satisfied that allowing the licensable activity as requested would not, on this occasion, be contrary to the promotion of the licensing objectives. The Sub-Committee came to this conclusion due to the fact the SAG had been properly engaged throughout, there were no objections received from any responsible authorities nor any local residents;


2.                     The one objection received, from Albury Parish Council, did not, in the Sub-Committee’s opinion, provide any evidence for why it felt the event would be contrary to the promotion of the four licensing objectives. Further, and to the Sub-Committee’s disappointment, the Parish Council did not attend the meeting of the Sub-Committee in order to expand on their stated objection. The Sub-Committee therefore placed little weight on the objection for these reasons;


3.                     The Sub-Committee are satisfied that the licensable activity will be voluntarily restricted by the applicants once they have finalised their preparations, which addressed the main concern raised by the objector; and


4.                     The Sub-Committee are satisfied that the location of the event is sufficiently remote as to not be close in proximity to residential and other noise sensitive premises.


RESOLVED – that the application for a new premises licence for Anthropos Festival at Hixham Hall, Hixham Lane, Furneux Pelham be granted for the following reasons:


1.           The Sub-Committee are mindful that the event as applied for is outside the parameters of its own Statement of Licensing Policy insomuch as it allows licensing activity to persist until 03:00 on a Friday and Saturday, whereas para 6.9 of the policy states that licensable activity will generally be allowed until 01:00 on Fridays and Saturdays. However, the Sub-Committee are satisfied that allowing the licensable activity as requested would not, on this occasion, be contrary to the promotion of the licensing objectives. The Sub-Committee came to this conclusion due to the fact the SAG had been properly engaged throughout, there were no objections received from any responsible authorities nor any local residents;


2.           The one objection received, from Albury Parish Council, did not, in the Sub-Committee’s opinion, provide any evidence for why it felt the event would be contrary to the promotion of the four licensing objectives. Further, and to the Sub-Committee’s disappointment, the Parish Council did not attend the meeting of the Sub-Committee in order to expand on their stated objection. The Sub-Committee therefore placed little weight on the objection for these reasons;


3.           The Sub-Committee are satisfied that the licensable activity will be voluntarily restricted by the applicants once they have finalised their preparations, which addressed the main concern raised by the objector; and


4.           The Sub-Committee are satisfied that the location of the event is sufficiently remote as to not be close in proximity to residential and other noise sensitive premises.

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