The Licensing and Enforcement Service Manager briefly summarised the report. He thanked the respondents to the consultation.
Councillor Wilson said that it was a pity that legislation prevented the Council from advertising licensing applications more widely, in the same way that planning applications were. Members should therefore be active in publicising licensing applications to residents.
The Chairman said that he agreed and had previously delivered letters by hand to notify residents of applications.
Councillor Goldspink and the Chairman said that they were pleased by the number of responses to the consultation, especially given the Committee’s concerns over low engagement in the past. The response regarding modern slavery was particularly insightful and interesting.
It was moved by the Councillor Jones and seconded by the Councillor Snowdon that the recommendations, as detailed, be approved. After being put to the meeting and a vote taken, the motion was declared CARRIED.
RESOLVED – that (A) the report be considered and received; and
(B) the final version of the Statement of Licensing Policy 2021-26 be endorsed for presentation for consideration by the Executive Member for Neighbourhoods.
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