Agenda item

3/20/2481/FUL - Demolition/removal of existing structures and the erection of a manufacturing building and associated works at GlaxoSmithKline Services Ltd

Recommended for Approval


The Head of Planning and Building Control recommended that in respect of application 3/20/2481/FUL, planning permission be granted subject to the conditions detailed in the report submitted. It was also recommended that delegated authority be granted to the Head of Planning and Building Control to finalise the conditions.


The Interim Development Management Team Leader, on behalf of the Head of Planning and Building Control, said that the site was bounded directly to the north by Park Road and was separated from residential properties by an existing tree buffer.


Members were advised of the planning history of the site and were also advised that the site was a designated employment area under District Plan policy Ware 3. The Interim Development Management Team Leader said that the key issues regarding this application were as follows:


·               Employment provision

·               Design and neighbour amenity

·               Access

·               Parking and transport

·               Flood risk

·               Climate change

·               Water efficiency and environmental quality

·               Biodiversity

·               Natural environment and heritage assets


Members were advised that the principle of this development within the employment area was acceptable and was in line with the Development Plan. The Officer referred to landscaping and new planting that would be secured by condition. Members were advised that the proposed development complied with the District Plan and the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).


The Officer advised that there would be a neutral impact in respect of trip generation as staff would be relocated to this building. Members were advised that conditions would secure a construction management plan and conditions would also cover the review of the existing travel plan.


Members were advised that the sustainable drainage could be achieved on the site in accordance with the SUDS hierarchy and a minimum reduction of carbon had been calculated at 3.9% for this development. Solar panels were also proposed and the building would be connected to an existing combined heat and power plant.


The Interim Development Management Team Leader said that water management technology and water saving devices would be installed. A condition was recommended that the development was constructed in accordance with the sustainable construction, energy and water statement.


Members were advised that a phase 2 contamination report had revealed no viable pollutant linkages and therefore an unsuspected contamination condition had been proposed. The development proposed a biodiversity net gain of 11.45%, and this compliant with the Environment Bill and the District Plan.


The Interim Development Management Team Leader said that heritage assets and archaeology could be appropriately investigated and the conditions stipulated that development could commence on areas of the site where investigations had already been completed.


Members were advised that there were no identified conflicts with the development plan and the scheme was considered to be a sustainable form of development and Officers were recommending approval subject to the conditions in the report. 


Mr Pope and Mr Goldfarb addressed the Committee in support of the application.


Councillor Kaye referred to paragraph 1.7 of the report and welcomed the landscaping that was being proposed to help reinforce an existing tree buffer. He talked about the comments of the Environmental Health Officer and the proposed conditions in respect of plant machinery and noise. Councillor Kaye emphasised the importance of electric vehicle charging as well as any measures to encourage cycling.


Councillor Page commented on whether some form of agreement was possible in respect of electric vehicle charging points being secured as part of the application. Councillor Crystall said that if there was nowhere to locate electric vehicle charging points then this matter was not relevant.


Councillor Fernando referred to the objection from the Conservation and Urban Design advisor and asked for clarification from the Officer as to why she felt that the proposed scheme was not more impactful.


The Interim Development Management Team Leader said that Councillor Crystall was correct in that there was no parking provision as part of this proposed development. She said that there was a proposed condition for a review of the travel plan for the wider site.


Members were advised that, as regards the design of the proposed development, the building was to be set further back from the boundary with Park Road and this mitigated the impact of the increased building height. The Officer said that would still be reduction in the scale of the building on the Park Road elevation and she was satisfied that this would not cause significant harm to the visual amenity of the area.


Councillor Crystall requested that bird, bat and swift boxes be installed on the building that was being proposed by the applicant. Councillor Deering reinforced the balanced points that had been made by Councillors Kaye and Page in respect of electric vehicle charging points.


The In Interim Development Management Team Leader said that Officers could apply a condition to secure biodiversity measures in accordance with the report and the existing conditions regarding the sustainability report might be sufficient to cover biodiversity measures.


Councillor Crystall asked about the issue of contractors parking on the south side of Park Street. The Interim Development Management Team Leader confirmed that the condition regarding the construction management plan would cover this matter.


Councillor Beckett proposed and Councillor Kaye seconded, a motion that application 3/20/2481/FUL be granted, subject to the conditions detailed in the report submitted and delegated authority be granted to the Head of Planning and Building Control to finalise the conditions.


After being put to the meeting and a vote taken, this motion was declared CARRIED.


RESOLVED that (A) in respect of application 3/20/2481/FUL, planning permission be granted subject to the conditions detailed in the report submitted; and


(B)   delegated authority be granted to the Head of Planning and Building Control to finalise the conditions.

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