Agenda item

The "Grange Paddocks Project" - Revenue And Capital Implications


RESOLVED – that (A) Environment Scrutiny support the scheme as detailed in the report now submitted and that Council be advised of the following;


(B)       the need to review proposals for Apton Road Car Park;


(C)       the need to upgrade the Riverside walkway including the provision of a Cycle Path; and


(D)       the need to protect residents’ parking in Rye Street, Bishop’s Stortford.


The Director of Customer and Community Services reminded Members that the report now submitted along with a number of other reports included elsewhere on the agenda had been requested by Members within the context of making savings in relation to the Medium Term Financial Plan (MTPF).


The report now submitted set out the rationale for planned changes to parking arrangements in Bishop’s Stortford and expenditure and income assumptions. 


Councillor Mrs M H Goldspink was disappointed at the possibility that the Council might not renew the lease of Apton Road Car Park.  She felt that it was a useful car park and the Town would suffer if it was lost.  She asked what revenue the car park generated.  The Parking Manager stated that revenue was approximately £12,000 per year but was unable to state what the net income was, adding that the car park generated a surplus.


Councillor Mrs M H Goldspink referred to the changes in the current parking arrangements for Bishop’s Stortford and supported the implementation of a Residents’ Permit Parking Scheme in the “Chantry” area of Bishop’s Stortford.  She queried whether the parking proposals nearby and including Rye Street, would impact negatively on the Chantry Road scheme.  Officers stated that residents in the area fully supported a Residents’ Permit Parking Scheme as the scheme would protect and preserve kerbside spaces.  The Parking Manager explained the segregated use of some car parks including Rye Street. 


Councillor G A McAndrew asked about the sense of relinquishing Apton Road car park which made a profit and he also stated that if South Street was pedestrianised, Apton Road would make an ideal car park.  The Director of Customer and Community Services said that Apton Road had to be taken in context with a whole host of other issues around the car park, including the fact that it needed £200,000 to be spent on it to make it a reasonable car park.  The car park also drew in traffic into what was a mainly pedestrianised area.  The Director of Customer and Community Services stated that members would have a further report for consideration before any decisions were taken in relation to Apton Road Car Park.


Councillor R Beeching referred to the proposal to introduce long stay parking at Grange Paddocks and Rye Street.  Officers explained that it was short distance to the Town Centre and of proposals to upgrade the area and include lighting. The Director of Customer and Community Services referred to the lack of long stay places in the town especially for people using the station. 


In response to a query from Councillor G McAndrew about the Riverside walkway, the Director confirmed that the walkway would be upgraded with lighting and the possibility of a cycle way alongside was supported by all Members.


In scrutinising proposals within the Medium Term Financial Plan, the Committee indicated their general support for the scheme as detailed in the report now submitted and asked that Members’ comments, summarised below, be referred to Council.


RESOLVED – that (A) Environment Scrutiny support the scheme as detailed in the report now submitted and that Council be advised of the following;


(B)       the need to review proposals for Apton Road Car Park;


(C)       the need to upgrade the Riverside walkway including the provision of a Cycle Path; and


(D)       the need to protect residents’ parking in Rye Street, Bishop’s Stortford.

Supporting documents: