Agenda item

Consideration of Responses to Draft Vehicle Age and Emission Policy


The Head of Housing and Health submitted a report that presented the responses to the draft vehicle age and emissions policy.  The Service Manager (Licensing and Enforcement) advised that Members were being asked to endorse the final wording for approval by Council.


The Service Manager advised that 4 consultation responses had been received.  3 of these responses had been from the licensed trade which represented less than a 1% response rate.  The first 2 responses had been from licensed dual drivers.


The Service Manager referred to the Euro 4, 5 and 6 emission standards.  Members were advised that the Euro 6 standards had been introduced in 2014.  The Service Manager summarised the consultation responses for Members and advised that no significant amendments were suggested to the draft policy.


Members were advised that some of the exception criteria had been deleted from the policy and this should benefit the licensed trade and the Council as Licensing Authority.  The Service Manager stated that the final consultation response had been from a resident of Bishop’s Stortford who lived within one of the districts Air Quality Management Area (AQMA).  The resident had been supportive of the policy.


Councillor T Page commented on whether Officers had considered a possible unintended consequence of Members of the licensed trade deserting East Herts and there being a shortage of drivers as a result of the policy.


The Service Manager advised that a majority of the fleet would be compliant aside from the very oldest vehicles.  He believed that there would enough vehicles to cover the District in the unlikely event of a percentage of the currently licensed vehicles were not renewed.


The Service Manager acknowledged a vote of thanks from Members for the diligent and hard work carried out by Licensing Officers.  Councillor D Andrews proposed and Councillor J Jones seconded, a motion that the final wording of the Draft Vehicle Age and Emissions Policy be endorsed and recommended to Council for approval.  After being put to the meeting and a vote taken, the motion was declared CARRIED.  Members unanimously supported the recommendations now detailed.


RESOLVED – that (A) the consultation responses received in respect of the draft Vehicle Age and Emissions Policy be noted;


(B)   the draft Vehicle Age and Emissions Policy be endorsed; and


(B)   the final wording be recommended to Council for approval.

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