The Executive Member for Finance and Support Services submitted a report detailing the responses received during the second stage consultation period for the Community Governance Review of Bishop’s Stortford Town Council. He asked the Executive to consider these and forward recommendations to Council, which would agree the final outcome of the review.
The Executive noted the responses as detailed in the report submitted. The Executive Member commented on the consultation responses and suggested that amended proposals be forwarded to Council for consideration. In particular, he referred to the land south of Whittington Way and the uncertainties and timescales in respect of the proposed development. He suggested that in view of these, no change to the boundary be made at this stage, but that the situation be kept under review when residents in the area could be consulted.
In respect of the proposals on St. Michaels’s Mead, he proposed the new boundary in the original suggested changes, except that the unoccupied land adjacent, including Southern Country Park, be left in Thorley.
Finally, in respect of the Thorley Parish Council electoral arrangements, given the more limited change to the boundary now proposed, he suggested that the change to an unwarded parish was now unnecessary.
The Executive Member for Economic Development reiterated his previously expressed view that the land south of Whittington Way should be transferred from Thorley to Bishop’s Stortford and did not support the Executive Member for Finance and Support Services’ proposal on this.
The Leader expressed her appreciation to John Williams for his continued support on all community governance review matters.
Councillor G Williamson moved, and Councillor S Rutland-Barsby seconded, a motion that the recommendations now detailed be supported. After being put to the meeting and a vote taken, the motion was declared CARRIED.
The Executive supported the recommendations now detailed.
RECOMMENDED – that (A) the responses received to the second stage consultation on the community governance review of Bishop’s Stortford Town Council, as set out in the report submitted, be noted;
(B) the draft recommendations for the community governance review of Bishop’s Stortford Town Council be confirmed, subject to the following amendments:
(i) the land south of Whittington Way earmarked in the District Plan should not be transferred to Bishop’s Stortford at this stage and that no change be made to that section of the parish boundary in connection with this review;
(ii) all of St Michael’s Mead be included in Bishop’s Stortford as proposed but that the parish boundary should follow Moor Hall Lane from St James’ Way to the existing boundary so that Southern Country Park and other undeveloped adjacent land will remain in Thorley Parish;
(iii) the size of Bishop’ Stortford Town Council be reduced from 18 to 17 town councillors as proposed by the Town Council, to be achieved by reducing the number of town councillors to be elected to represent All Saints Ward from 4 to 3;
(iv) Thorley Parish Council on its new boundaries continue to be divided into Urban and Rural wards and that the new parish council comprise of six councillors across the two wards; and
(C) the Council keep under review any future development in Bishop’s Stortford South or elsewhere with a view to considering whether this may in due course give rise to the need for a further community governance review of any part or parts of the District.
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