Agenda item

Economic Development Vision: Update 2016/17 to 2019/21


The Executive Member for Economic Development submitted a report on the progress made in supporting the Council’s economic vision.  The Head of Communications, Strategy and Policy provided an overview of the themes and actions to be progressed.  He explained the impact of Brexit and the unknown challenges to be faced in supporting businesses, the need to diversity and expand on progress so far. 


The Head of Communications, Strategy and Policy provided an overview of the success of “Launch Pad” and plans to expand the initiative into Hertford and Ware areas and the challenges in finding suitable accommodation.


The Business Engagement Manager acknowledged that ongoing use of Charrington’s House would eventually be affected by other local development projects (such as Old River Lane) and that Officers were actively looking more for commercial space in Bishop’s Stortford.  The Head of Communications, Strategy and Policy referred to the increasing loss of commercial space to residential and how this was being achieved.


Councillor N Symonds sought and was provided with clarification on the criteria and application process for those seeking a place at Launch Pad. 


Members acknowledged the success of Launch Pad and supported its vision to expand and search for alternative premises in other towns in the District.


Councillor B Deering supported Officers’ attempts to maintain employment space.  He referred to the fact that as the Council did not have to pay rent, Launch Pad effectively created a value from “dead” rental space.  He endorsed the approach to find suitable premises to expand in Hertford and Ware and urged Officers to work with planning colleagues. 


In response to a query from Councillor M Stevenson and widening types of business supported, the Business Engagement Manger explained that the space was designed to support a range of people. 


Councillor H Drake supported the view that the scope should be widened and referred to the numbers commuting from Bishop’s Stortford and the need to challenge developers when they sought a change of use from commercial to residential on the basis of “no demand”. 


The possibility of using Northgate End and Old River Lane proposals in Bishop’s Stortford as part of the Launch Pad expansion was debated. 


Councillor S Bell referred to multi-national companies moving out from London to Cambridge and Stansted Airport and queried the possibility of “piggy-backing” onto these expansion ideas along the M11 corridor.   The Head of Communications, Strategy and Policy acknowledged this and said that Officers needed to investigate this further.


Councillor K Warnell commented that 4.5m people commuted from Bishop’s Stortford station a year and spoke of the need to try and capture and accommodate some of these commuters. 


The Committee Chairman queried whether it was possible to trademark the name “Launch Pad”.   He thanked Officers for the work done in relation to:

·        the Eastern Plateau Rural Development Programme (RDP) and the success in being allocated an additional grant;

·         Digital innovation and investment in broadband for rural areas;

·        supporting Business Improvement in Bishop’s Stortford; and

·        Hertfordshire’s Visitor economy success. 


The Head of Communications, Strategy and Policy referred to the challenges of broadband provision in rural areas and the fact that some areas were not viable to operators.  He referred to the fact that Officers were in the process of considering a bid to be a test case for 5G provision alongside others in the Digital Innovation Zone.

It was moved by Councillor M Allen and seconded by Councillor B Deering that the progress made in terms of the Council’s Economic Development Vision be supported. After being put to the meeting and a vote taken, the recommendation was declared CARRIED.


RESOLVED – that the progress made in terms of the Council’s Economic Development Vision be supported.


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