Agenda item

Housing and Health Strategy Update


The Head of Housing and Health submitted a report providing Members with an update on the Housing and Health Strategy 2017/18, in delivering the objectives stemming from the Action Plan 2016-21.  Going forward, he asked Members to consider ways of achieving other objectives.  The Housing Strategy and Development Manager provided a summary of the strategic objectives and achievements delivered in 2017/18 and priorities for 2018/19.


Councillor A Alder referred to the issue of houses in multiple occupation and queried how many individuals had benefited from “warmer home” schemes.  The Head of Housing and Health explained how the Council was made aware of houses in multiple occupation and undertook to write to Members on those who had benefited from “warmer homes” schemes.  The Committee Chairman referred to the difficulties of insulating rural homes adding that many were of single wall construction.  The Environmental Sustainability Co-ordinator commented that there was some funding available for energy efficiency works through the Energy Company Obligation Scheme  offered by some utility companies.


Members debated the report at length.  They sought and were provided with clarification on a number of issues including:


·        The Council’s proactivity in securing good, affordable housing in the context of the District Plan and partnership working.


·        Dementia friendly homes and a recent decision by the Home Improvement Agency (HIA), to now move this forward.


·        Encouraging occupiers to downsize their under-occupied homes including the need to build more bungalows with better amenities, such as access to outside space, improved space standards and to a better specification which might act as an inducement to downsize. 


·        An update on the success of Government Grants for the delivery of new affordable housing and whether there was a need to scrutinise housing partners.  It was noted that regular meetings were held with key housing providers.  Members supported a suggestion that social housing approaches to maintenance and repairs be reviewed and included within the Work Programme.  The Committee Chairman undertook to submit a scrutiny proposal form to the Scrutiny Officer.


·        Empty homes and the impact this might have on those receiving benefit and steps officers were exploring to bring empty properties back into use.  In response to a query, the Head of Housing and Health explained options available to the Council, to assist those faced with the possibility of homelessness.  He explained that there was increased emphasis on preventing homelessness.


It was moved by Councillor M Pope and seconded by Councillor A Alder that the recommendations, as detailed be supported.  After being put the meeting and a vote take, the recommendations were declared CARRIED.


RESOLVED – that (A) the progress made in 2017/18 in delivering the objectives stemming from the Housing and health Strategy Action Plan 2016-21 be noted;


(B)   Members’ suggestions on how to achieve the objectives detailed in the Action Plan be forwarded to the Head of Housing and Health for consideration;

(C)   the Head of Housing and Health write to Members on those who had so far applied for assistance  from the new “Hertfordshire Warmer Homes” scheme; and

(D)   the Committee Chairman be requested to submit a Scrutiny proposal form in order for the Committee to scrutinise the issue of repairs and maintenance undertaken by social housing providers and to include this issue on the Work Programme.


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