There will be a presentation by external guests: Ms Debbie Watkins CEO (Harlow Occupational Health) and Dr Weston an Occupational Health Physician.
A presentation was provided by Dr Weston, an Occupational Health Physician. She explained that one in four people would experience a mental health problem at some point in their lives and the impact this had on the individual, their employers and on the economy (estimated to be in the billions of pounds). Dr Weston explained the risk associated with people who were coming to work when they should not.
The speaker referred to stress and the availability of mental health information on websites (e.g. the Health and Safety Executive and ACAS). Dr Weston explained how situations needed to be managed with open and honest discussion and the legal requirements in terms of the need to evaluate risk and of the consequences of not promoting a positive mental health approach.
Dr Weston referred to the “six management standard stresses” which impacted on an individual (including management of change) and what legal assessments needed to be carried out. The Human Resources Officer assured Members that Officers followed HSE guidelines, including the HSE toolkit. Dr Weston acknowledged that an employer would not be able to address issues which related to serious mental health, but that that it could address work related stresses. She encouraged the need to create a culture in the workplace which enabled employees to talk about mental health and for the employer to provide adequate support to returning employees including the need to make reasonable adjustments such as phased returns to work, home and flexible working arrangements.
Dr Weston referred to new training in mental health supported by the Government (mental health first aiders) and to a number of documents which were good sources of information for an employer including “Thriving at Work” written by a senior member of staff at Deloitte who had suffered a breakdown.
Dr Weston commented that she had reviewed the Council’s sickness and absence records and by comparison, the Council was doing relatively well. Of particular note was the fact that the Council had a small number of staff and that one employee with a mental health issue, could have a dramatic impact on its HR statistics. She referred to the possibility of under reporting in that an employee might not be able to cope and could be off sick for a day and record this as a cold. Dr Weston suggested that the Council might wish to consider the introduction of Mental Health First Aiders and a Mental Health Policy.
The Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development explained that the Council was particularly good at supporting health and wellbeing across its services and cited, by example a new initiative, “Fresh Start”, recently promoted by the Head of Housing and Health.
The Committee Chairman stated that a number of Councillors acted as champions on the Health and Wellbeing Forum which included one for Mental Health. Councillor P Ruffles sought clarification on Members’ supporting roles. The Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development explained the Council’s proactive and open approach to mental health, in providing adjustments such as allowing people to work at home.
Councillor P Boylan raised the issue of under reporting of mental health issues in terms of short term sickness and return to work interviews. He asked if Officers could review the template used to capture such issues. The Human Resources Officer undertook to review this.
Councillor S Cousins referred to stress caused by abusive telephone calls, particularly for those employees working in Revenues and Benefits and sought assurances that the Council was doing all it could to ensure staff were supported. The Human Resources Officer explained the steps in place to facilitate support to staff and manage workplace stress within Revenues and Benefits (such as the “buddy” system, rotas for different types of work, phones on “hunt”). In response to a query from Councillor M Stevenson, the Human Resources Officer explained the different stress related training employees were provided with.
Councillor S Bull acknowledged the progress made in addressing stress related issues. Councillor M Stevenson sought and was provided with clarification regarding the referrals system to occupational health.
The Committee Chairman, on behalf of Members, thanked the guest speakers for their presentation and thanked Human Resources for their positive policies in managing stress in the workplace. He suggested that there was a need for a Mental Health Policy and to progress the suggestion of Mental Health First Aiders and Champions. This was supported.
The Committee Chairman asked that the presentation slides be forwarded to the Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development for circulation to all Members.
RESOLVED – that (A) the presentation be received;
(B) the Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development be requested to circulate the presentation to all Members when available;
(C) the Head of Human Resources and
Organisational Development be requested to develop a Mental Health
Policy and progress initiatives in relation to Mental Health First
Aiders and Mental Health Champions; and
(D) the Head of Human Resources
and Organisational Development review appropriate return to work
templates to ensure accurate reporting and capture of issues which
might be mental health related.
At this point, there was a short recess to enable the guests to leave and allow the Human Resources Officer to set up the MyView presentation.