Agenda item

Mid-Year Progress Report on the Delivery of the Corporate Strategic Plan


The Executive Member for Finance and Support Services submitted a report which set out the progress which had been made during 1 April to 30 September 2016 in implementing key actions and performance indicators which supported the Council’s Strategic Plan.


In response to a query from Councillor J Kaye regarding other independent leisure provision, the Chief Executive explained that the strategy looked at the Council’s own provision and that some leisure centres (three) were shared with local schools.  She stated that the new Head of Service was charged with looking at a leisure strategy which contributed to the whole health and wellbeing agenda.


Members referred to the target HH5.1 (Bring Empty Homes Back Into Use) and commented that the target of 10 should be increased to 15.  This was supported. 


Councillor B Deering referred to the slow progress of the Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO).  The Chief Executive agreed that the target for empty homes needed to be improved and supported the suggestion to increase this figure.  In relation to the CPO, the CE explained the problems and timeframes associated with a CPO and that at the eleventh hour, an owner might take matters into their own hands and put the property on the market themselves.


The Chairman expressed concern that some targets were not deliverable and cited CPS5.1 (Rationalised Web and Intranet content and Structure support).  He stated that having looked on the website, the new templates were not available despite the September 2016 target.  The Head of Communications, Strategy and Policy explained some of the difficulties encountered and advised Members that this would “go live” at the end of November 2016.


Councillor M Casey referred to priority HH17.2 (Undertake feasibility work on setting up a company to build new homes).  He stated that although the report referred to a deadline, no formal decision to set up such a company had been made by the Council.


In response to a question regarding leisure provision in the District and particularly in relation to the shortage of football pitches, the Chief Executive explained that Leisure Officers were currently reviewing this issue in the context of the new leisure strategy.


Councillor P Phillips referred to service outcome CSP4.3 (Provision of efficient, easy to use telephony service facilities, to access services and for staff have the tools required to support efficient working) and queried how the target could be achieved, given recent telephone problems.  The Head of Communications, Strategy and Policy explained the problems which the Council had encountered in relation to “outages” rather than service provision. 


The Chairman referred to Service Outcome HH9.3 (Identify or build new partnerships and projects that meet Local Public Health priorities and are financially attractive for attracting future funding/commissioning) and suggested that this should not be deleted until there was clarity of other issues.  This was supported.


Members supported the recommendation and agreed that the Executive be advised of Members’ comments as now detailed.


RESOLVED – that (A) mid-year progress report be approved; and


(B)   the Executive be advised of the comments now detailed.

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