Agenda item

Executive Report

To receive a report from the Leader of the Council, and where necessary, approve the recommendations of Executive meetings:


RESOLVED – that (A) in respect of Minute 229 – Financial Strategy 2011: MTFP Update: Emergency Budget Proposals, an additional recommendation (F) be approved as follows:


(1)       the concerns of the Local Joint Panel meeting of 16 September 2010, be noted; and


(2)       in respect of savings which may have staffing implications, the Chief Executive ensure that the Council’s Redundancy Policy be followed, including the exploration of options (such as reduced hours, early and flexible retirements, offer of lower graded jobs and redeployment) and that informal and formal consultation with the staff affected and with Unison be undertaken in accordance with that policy.


(B)      the Minutes of the Executive meetings held on 13 July and 7 September 2010, be received, and the recommendations contained therein, be adopted.


The Leader reported on the work of the Executive and presented the Minutes of the Executive meetings held on 13 July and 7 September 2010.


In respect of Minute 229 – Financial Strategy 2011: MTFP Update: Emergency Budget Proposals, the Leader referred to concerns raised at the Local Joint Panel meeting held on 16 September 2010, in respect of the staffing impact of some of the savings.  He had discussed the matter with the Chairman of the Local Joint Panel and proposed an additional recommendation (seconded by Councillor M R Alexander) as follows:


“(F)     (1)       the concerns of the Local Joint Panel meeting of 16 September 2010, be noted; and


(2)       in respect of savings which may have staffing implications, the Chief Executive ensure that the Council’s Redundancy Policy be followed, including the exploration of options (such as reduced hours, early and flexible retirements, offer of lower graded jobs and redeployment) and that informal and formal consultation with the staff affected and with Unison be undertaken in accordance with that policy.”


The Leader believed that the Council should consider savings in terms of the service implications for the public and that any consequential staffing implications were the responsibility of the Chief Executive.


Councillor M Wood welcomed the additional recommendation and believed this would reassure the Staff Side.


In response to a question by Councillor Mrs M H Goldspink, the Leader referred to the Environment Scrutiny Committee’s comments and that consultation with residents was provided for by recommendation (C).


Councillor A M Graham moved (seconded by Councillor M Wood) that further consideration be given to the arts in the same way that the Museums service had been identified for further review in recommendation (C).  He referred to the need to look at using existing budgets to attract external funding and thus achieve better value for the council taxpayer. 


The Executive Member for Community Development, Leisure and Culture referred to her comments earlier in the meeting regarding the overall review of arts provision.  The Executive Member for Resources and Internal Support stated that it was difficult to accept this amendment as there was nothing specific to the savings identified.


The Leader gave an assurance that, as part of the forthcoming budget cycle, he would welcome Councillor A M Graham’s invitation to work together.  He did not believe that the proposed recommendations would compromise this.  Councillor A M Graham agreed to withdraw his amendment on this basis.


RESOLVED – that (A) in respect of Minute 229 – Financial Strategy 2011: MTFP Update: Emergency Budget Proposals, an additional recommendation (F) be approved as follows:


(1)       the concerns of the Local Joint Panel meeting of 16 September 2010, be noted; and


(2)       in respect of savings which may have staffing implications, the Chief Executive ensure that the Council’s Redundancy Policy be followed, including the exploration of options (such as reduced hours, early and flexible retirements, offer of lower graded jobs and redeployment) and that informal and formal consultation with the staff affected and with Unison be undertaken in accordance with that policy.


(B)      the Minutes of the Executive meetings held on 13 July and 7 September 2010, be received, and the recommendations contained therein, be adopted.

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