Agenda item

No. 1 The Causeway, Bishop's Stortford Redevelopment


That in relation to No 1, The Causeway, Bishop’s Stortford (A) the request to demolish the existing structure and repurpose for short term use, as detailed throughout the report now submitted and recommended by the Old River Lane Steering Group, be approved, and


(B)     the funding for the cost of demolition and resurfacing from the Commercial Property Fund, recommended by the Old River Lane Steering Group, be approved.


The Executive Member for Finance and Support Services submitted a report setting out proposals for the interim development of the site at No 1, The Causeway, Bishop’s Stortford, prior to full redevelopment of the Old River Lane site. 


He reminded Members that a planning framework had been commissioned for Bishop’s Stortford town centre, which would inform the mix of uses for the future development of the whole town centre including the Old River Lane site.  Following the publication of the planning framework, a detailed plan would be developed for the Old River Lane site.  It was anticipated that this piece of work, obtaining the subsequent planning permission and procuring contractors would take a number of years.


In the meantime, there was a need to consider options for the redevelopment of No 1, The Causeway.  He detailed four options:


·                        Leave “as-is”.

·                        Full refurbishment and re-letting.

·                        Rebuild on existing foundations.

·                        Repurpose site.


The Executive Member set out the main issues, risks and costs for each of these options and recommended that option four, involving demolition of the building and repurposing for car parking be agreed.


Councillor T Page thanked the Executive Member and Officers for the clarity of the report, but disagreed with the conclusion reached.  He favoured the “leave as-is” option on the basis that it did not require £0.5m expenditure.  He spoke of the need for a proactive approach towards the redevelopment of the town centre and suggested that a car park would delay this for six and half years, the payback period for the option being recommended.  He also questioned the democratic process and suggested a lack of scrutiny.


In response, the Executive Member referred to the risks and liabilities of doing nothing, given the deteriorating fabric of the building and the costs that would be incurred.  The Head of Strategic Finance and Property Services provided details of the remedial works and costs that would be needed.  The Executive Member also commented that plans for the redevelopment of the site would come forward in due course and would not be delayed by the short-term use of the site as a car park.  This option would also provide an income stream in the short term.


In respect of the democratic process, the Head of Legal and Democratic Services advised that any decision taken would be subject to the call-in process, which required four Members to call in the decision.  If this happened, the decision would be referred to the Corporate Business Scrutiny Committee, which had responsibility for scrutinising asset management matters.


The Executive approved option four as detailed in the report submitted.


RESOLVED - that in relation to No 1, The Causeway, Bishop’s Stortford (A) the request to demolish the existing structure and repurpose for short term use, as detailed throughout the report now submitted and recommended by the Old River Lane Steering Group, be approved, and


(B)      the funding for the cost of demolition and resurfacing from the Commercial Property Fund, recommended by the Old River Lane Steering Group, be approved.

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