Agenda item

Quarterly Corporate Healthcheck - Quarter 3 December 2015


The Director of Finance of Support Services submitted a report updating Members on finance, performance and strategic risk monitoring for East Herts Council for 2015/16 as at December 2015.  The Head of Strategic Finance provided a summary of the report in relation to revenue budget forecasts and capital schemes. 


Councillor M Pope sought clarification regarding the Decent Homes Grant budget which was £130k underspent.  The Director of Finance and Support Services explained that the Council was not receiving sufficient throughput of referrals for grant awards to be made.


In response to a query from Councillor M Allen regarding the Council’s debtors, the Director explained that 90% of the debt related to one particular debtor and that matters were in hand to recover this outstanding amount.


Councillor M Pope referred to the fact that £200k of the ICT programme remained uncommitted.  The Director provided an update on what was being done to deliver the programme.


Councillor S Bull asked for further information regarding funding four Policy Community Support Officers.  The Head of Strategic Finance agreed to write to Members.


Councillor M Pope referred to the overspend on the salary budget.  The Director explained that this was a one off situation and related to the turnover factor of staff, as well as some posts that were being funded through specific earmarked reserves. 


The Head of Communications Strategy and Policy provided a summary in relation to performance monitoring.  The Chairman explained that a number of changes were being planned to present performance monitoring information in a different format.  He stressed the need to ensure that the performance figures be presented to Members in a timely manner.


Members received the report and supported the recommendations now detailed.


RESOLVED – that (A) the report be received; and


(B)   the Executive be advised that Corporate Business Scrutiny Committee has no comments to make in respect of the following:


1.        the revenue budget forecast underspend of £677k as set out at paragraph 2.1 of the report submitted;


2.        the proposed slippage on the following capital schemes:


·              Hertford Theatre, £13k

·              The Bourne Ware, £41k

·              Wallfields solar panel, £45k

·              Environmental enhancements to town centres, £28k

·              Market improvements, £22k

·              Community Capital Grants, £41k

·              Operational Building Rolling Programme, £74k

·              North Drive Ware, £12k

·              Print investment, £20k

·              HR and payroll system, £55k

·              Electoral management software, £75k

·              Historic Building Grants, £13k

·              Energy grants, £38k

·              Land Management Programme, £26k ;


(3)   the reported performance for the period October    2015 to December 2015.

Supporting documents: