Agenda item

2016/17 – 2019/20 Service Plans


The Executive Member for Finance and Support Services submitted a report that outlined the key service plan activity the Council intended to undertake between 2016/17 – 2019/20.  The Service Plans sat underneath the Corporate Strategic Plan and were the result of a new integrated finance and business planning process, which had begun in the summer of 2015.


The Head of Business Development advised that the Service Plans contained more detail than the public facing Corporate Strategic Plan.  He confirmed that the Service Plans supported the aspirations and content of the Corporate Strategic Plan.


The Head of Business Development emphasised that the Corporate Strategic Plan had only contained information of interest and relevance to the public.  He concluded that new priorities would inevitably emerge and the Service Plans would consequently be revisited each year.


The Head of Revenues and Benefits Shared Service confirmed to Councillor N Symonds that the transition into universal credit had commenced on 1 February 2016 with a completion of the first phase by the end of March 2017.


Councillor K Warnell was given clarification regarding the delivery of a modern car park management system.  He was assured that this issue had been reported to the Executive and there would still be a system similar to RingGo.


Councillor P Moore commented on whether the Scrutiny Chairs could be included on Executive away days.  The Leader summarised what occurred on Executive away days in that ideas were considered in line with the corporate priorities and straplines of the Authority.


The Leader stated that East Herts needed to be more focused as a Council and she indicated that consideration could be given to inviting the Scrutiny Chairs to join the Executive on future away days.  The Head of Business Development summarised what had occurred at the budget workshops that had taken place in October 2015.


The Chief Executive responded to Members’ comments by summarising the definition of a Business Improvement District.  She referred to a meeting with Town Clerks and a pilot project before this concept would be rolled out more widely in East Herts.  She assured Councillor J Jones that this concept would be the subject of substantial consultation.


The Chief Executive advised that many companies were building houses and research was needed to ascertain the best way to secure new housing for East Herts.  She confirmed that once the research stage was complete, reports would be brought before Members for their consideration.


Councillor C Snowdon expressed concern that mental health had not been included in the Service Plans as part of the Health and Wellbeing agenda.  The Executive Member for Health and Wellbeing stated that Councillor P Moore was the Council’s mental health champion and mental health would very likely be included in the Health and Wellbeing Strategy.


The Leader assured Councillor M Pope that football pitch provision was being looked at as part of the Bishop’s Stortford sports review.  She referred to the Bishop’s Stortford North Strategy that was being funded via Section 106 money.


The Manager of Housing Services confirmed to Councillor M Pope that the Authority wanted to review the current and future use of temporary accommodation to ensure the Council made the best use of the temporary accommodation available to it, avoids bottlenecks in the process and had sufficient provision to meet future demands.


Members received the report and supported the recommendation now detailed.


RESOLVED – that (A) the report be received; and


(B)   the Executive be advised that the joint meeting of Scrutiny Committees supports the approval of the 2016/17 – 2019/20 Service Plans, key actions and performance indicators as detailed in Essential Reference Paper ‘B’ of the report submitted.

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