Agenda item

3/14/1851/FP – Change of use of nine parking spaces to hand car wash and valeting operation including installation of an office and erection of a canopy with illumination at Tesco, 1 Bishop's Park Centre, Lancaster Way, Bishop's Stortford, CM23 4DA for Waves Consultancy Limited

Recommended for Approval.


Steven Shaw addressed the Committee in objection to the application.


The Director of Neighbourhood Services recommended that in respect of application 3/14/1851/FP, planning permission be granted subject to the conditions detailed in the report now submitted.


Councillor G Jones stated that he had asked for this matter to be reported to the Committee because the operating hours of the proposed development exceeded the opening hours of the Tesco store on Sundays and also as it was relatively close to residential properties.


Councillor Jones commented that the car park also served a number of other retail outlets as well as the largest GP Surgery in Bishop’s Stortford and a community centre.  He stressed that the car park served the 400 or so properties at Bishop’s Park and would also serve around 800 additional dwellings at Bishop’s Stortford North.


Councillor Jones sought clarification from Officers regarding the issue of the car park barrier being closed at 4 pm on Sundays as this would prevent the car wash operating between 4 and 5 pm on Sundays.  He also referred to the issue of cars queuing in a car park where there was no dedicated queuing space for this.


The Director advised that the store closing time on Sundays was 4 pm and condition 5 could be amended to ensure that the car wash operation also ceased at 4 pm.  Members were advised that queuing cars would only affect the internal operation of the car park and Officers would only be concerned if the queue reached the public highway.


Councillor Jones referred to the loss of 9 spaces and also the possibility of further spaces being unavailable due to queuing traffic.  He also expressed concern that there would be a loss of two disabled spaces and there would also be insufficient spaces for Tesco shoppers and for those using the community hall and the South Street Surgery.


Councillor Jones concluded that he did not believe that noise would be a major issue but residents would hear the operation of the car washing process most of the time and the noise impact would be consequently greater than the noisiest situation likely to occur at this site at present.


The Director confirmed that although there would be a loss of 9 spaces the design and access statement did highlight that many of the users of the car wash would also be using the Tesco store.  Members were advised that the floor space of the store required a maximum of 387 spaces and the store had operated successfully for a number of years alongside the other shops and community facilities.


The Director reported that there had been some concerns raised regarding instances of overspill parking onto surrounding residential streets.  Officers could attach a condition requiring that the disabled spaces be provided elsewhere within the car park.  Members were advised that Hertfordshire Highways had not raised any concerns regarding this application.


The Director concluded that the noise issue was a key consideration and there would inevitably be some impact for residents.  Members were advised that Environmental Health and Planning Officers were satisfied that the impact of the proposed development could be mitigated by acoustic fencing and other measures to avoid significant harm for the occupants of neighbouring residential properties.


Councillor D Andrews expressed concerns that the proposed development was so close to residential dwellings when there were other areas of the car park that were much further away from houses.  He stated that the car wash could be sited much more sympathetically and he was surprised that existing disabled bays were so far away from the store entrance.


Councillor K Warnell stated that queuing traffic would prevent the use of spaces and cars already parked could be blocked in.  He was also of the view that more than 9 spaces would be affected by the proposed development.  He referred to the loss of the 308 bus service to this site resulting in more journeys being made by car.


Councillor K Crofton stated that any additional noise resulting from the proposed development was unacceptable as was any subsequent illumination.  He stressed that the consequences of either of these issues would be unacceptable for the neighbouring households.


Councillor M Alexander commented that the constant frequency of the jet washing operation would be unacceptably noisy and he was also concerned regarding the overspray from the jet washing process.  He concluded that this style of car wash and valeting operation would be better suited to a garage style environment.


Councillor D Andrews proposed and Councillor P Ruffles seconded, a motion that application 3/14/1851/FP be deferredto allow Officers to enter into further negotiations with the applicant with regard to the siting of the proposal and the nature of the operation.


After being put to the meeting and a vote taken, this motion was declared CARRIED.  The Committee rejected the recommendation of the Director of Neighbourhood Services as now submitted.


RESOLVED – that in respect of application 3/14/1851/FP, planning permission be deferred to allow Officers to enter into further negotiations with the applicant with regard to the siting of the proposal and the nature of the operation.

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