Agenda item

3/14/0607/FP – 2 and 3 storey hotel with restaurant, parking, replacement Herts CC Youth Connexions Centre, workshop and fenced recreational areas with revised access from Marsh Lane at land at the junction of Viaduct Road and Marsh Lane, Ware, Herts for Premier Inn Hotels Ltd

Recommended for Approval.


Mr Owen addressed the Committee in objection to the application.  Mr Brooker spoke for the application.


The Director of Neighbourhood Services recommended that, subject to the applicant or successor in title entering into a legal obligation pursuant to Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, in respect of application 3/14/0607/FP, planning permission be granted subject to the conditions detailed in the report now submitted.


Councillor M Pope, as the local ward Member, stated that whilst Ware generally welcomed the Premier Inn development, there was some disappointment regarding the design of the hotel building. 


Councillor Pope commented that, whilst the site was located in an industrial area, it was also located at the entrance to an historic market town and it was disappointing that the architect had not been encouraged to design a scheme more in keeping with Ware’s historic town centre, such as one that included less render, a pitched roof and a greater emphasis on aesthetics rather than functionality.


The Director advised Members that, as the number of parking spaces had been reduced from 113 to 111 and the sustainability contribution was based on £500 per parking space to be provided, Officers had felt that the sum requested towards enhanced pedestrian links and other sustainable transport measures should be amended from £56,500 to £55,500.


Councillor E Bedford stated that, whilst he had sympathy with the views of the local ward Member, Marsh Lane had been an eyesore for many years and, as stated by the supporting speaker, no one had shown any interest in a site that was located on the main southern approach to Ware.


Councillor Bedford referred to the loss of the Roebuck Hotel and the lack of affordable hotels in Ware.  He commented that this application might encourage the whole Marsh Lane industrial area to become less of an eyesore.  He concluded that, as this site was over the viaduct and not in the actual historic Ware town centre, the impact on the town centre would be limited and he would be supporting this application.


Councillor N Symonds stated that she agreed with the comments of Councillor E Bedford regarding the industrial areas.  She also agreed with the comment from the local ward Member on the building’s design and concluded that she would have preferred to see a pitched roof as the proposed flat option did nothing for the entrance to Ware.


Councillor G Williamson referred to concerns of the Council’s engineers in that they had advised that the proposed drainage scheme for the site would not constitute sustainable development.  He commented that Officers were right to pursue the issue of the green roof that had been resisted so hard by the developer.


Councillor M Alexander sought and was given clarification that the hotel would have 60 bedrooms.  The Director advised Councillor Alexander that conditions 9 and 11 in the report covered how the development would operate in terms of access and Hertfordshire Highways had confirmed that they were happy with the proposed development.


The Director also advised that the sustainable transport contribution was solely to improve the pedestrian links from the site to the town centre, as well as widening the footpath on the northern side of Viaduct Road along with a number of other measures.


In response to a query from the Chairman, Officers had been of the view that, although further enhancements had been pursued, a flat roof design was acceptable in terms of the choice of high quality materials and detailing in the design on the edge of the Ware conservation area.


The Director confirmed that the developer had discounted the request from Officers for a pitched roof for the hotel on the grounds of cost.  Officers were unable to justify refusal reasons on this issue as there were other flat roofed structures in Ware.  The applicant had agreed however, to include a pitched roof for the Beefeater restaurant that would be located adjacent to the hotel.


The Director stated that a pitched roof would add a considerable additional bulk to the hotel building, which was already a wide span building.  The further additional bulk of a wide span pitched roof might not necessarily be in keeping with the other pitched roofs in Ware.


Councillor M Alexander stated that, for a 2% increase in cost, the extra cost of a green roof was a missed opportunity.  The Director stated that, if Members were seeking design improvements, Members could defer the application to allow further discussions to take place with the applicant.


Councillor M Alexander proposed and Councillor G Williamson seconded, a motion that application 3/14/0607/FP be deferred to enable Officers to discuss improvements to the façade and roofscape of the proposed hotel building with the applicant.


After being put to the meeting and a vote taken, this motion was declared CARRIED.  The Committee rejected the recommendation of the Director of Neighbourhood Services as now submitted.


RESOLVED – that, in respect of application 3/14/0607/FP, planning permission be deferred to enable Officers to discuss improvements to the façade and roofscape of the proposed hotel building with the applicant.

Supporting documents: