Agenda item

2014/15 Service Plans – Summary of Progress and Exceptions Report


The Director of Finance and Support Services submitted a report which provided a mid-year summary of the Council’s achievements against its priorities for 2014/15.  The report detailed those service plan actions which required a revised completion date and also monitored the outstanding service plan actions from 2013/14 and 2012/13.


Councillor J Wyllie referred to the absence of an IT Strategy (14-BTS05) and a Customer Services Strategy (14-IPCS07) and sought assurances that these were progressing.  The Chairman stated that the Head of Information, Customer and Parking Services had written to all Members giving an explanation as to why the Customer Services Strategy had been removed from the agenda recently.  He stated that it was essential that the strategy challenged all services in meeting the needs of residents and customers.  The Head of Service had stated that the draft strategy would be available for consultation by the end of December 2014.


The Executive Member for Economic Development assured Members that the IT Strategy was progressing.


The Executive Member for Community and Partnership Liaison explained that it was important that the Customer Service Strategy engaged with all services and worked in a “smarter” way, automating those services where possible.  The Chairman expressed concern that so much time had elapsed and that a draft strategy was still not available for Members’ consideration.  He referred to the introduction of new Members on the Committee from next May 2015.  He stated that he had spoken with the Head of Service who had explained that he had a number of issues taking priority over the strategy, including data protection and parking.  The Executive Member for Community and Partnership Liaison commented that Members needed to look forward and gave assurances that the draft would be available by the end of December 2014.  She stated that in terms of new Members in May 2015, the issue of customer services was not a political one. 


The Chairman acknowledged the fact that he would be consulted on the draft and asked whether all Members would like to see the draft, in which case, he suggested that there should be an additional meeting to consider the strategy.  It was acknowledged that given the established programme of meetings that this might have to be convened prior to one of the joint meetings of Scrutiny Committees next year.  This was supported. 


In response to a question regarding issues being kept under review by relevant Heads of Service, the Director of Finance and Support Services explained the monitoring protocols in place.  She stated that at certain points in the civic year, the Head of Service did attend meetings to provide updates on how their actions were progressing.


Councillor M Pope referred to objective 14-PPS06 (Further develop the Help Desk for Facilities Management and Property), the Director of Finance and Support Services stated that a proxy arrangement had been set up and that the initiative was progressing.  


The Committee received the report.


RESOLVED – that (A) progress against the Council’s priorities and the revised completion dates, suspensions and deletions against 2014/15 Service Plan actions and 2013/14 and 2012/13 Service Plan actions be received;


(B)   Members’ concerns regarding the absence of an IT Strategy and a Customer Services Strategy be noted; and


(C)   an additional meeting of Corporate Business Scrutiny be convened to consider the Customer Services Strategy (or added to the agenda of one of the Joint Scrutiny Committee meetings).

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