The Leader of the Council submitted a report on Service Plans for 2015/16. The Corporate Planning and Performance Manager advised that the Service Plans set out the planned service activities in support of the Council’s priorities as agreed last year.
The joint meeting of Scrutiny Committees was advised that the documents complied with relevant service plan guidance and the Service Plans were included in the supporting Essential Reference Papers. Members were reminded that updates would be provided to the relevant individual Scrutiny Committees every six months.
Members were advised that, as Corporate Business Scrutiny Committee had expressed an interest in having an opportunity to understand where dates had slipped on this year’s plans and the reasons why, Essential Reference Papers ‘C’, ‘D’, ‘E’ and ‘F’ detailed the actions that were currently off target as at the end of December 2014.
Councillor C Woodward commented that the air quality management project needed to be a plan for action rather than just monitoring. The Head of Community Safety and Health Services stated that air quality matters were beyond the control of East Herts Council but the Authority would encourage other agencies to assist the Council.
Councillor M Pope queried the confidence level of Officers regarding the flood alleviation and surface water management plans for high risk areas. The Head of Community Safety and Health Services advised that East Herts Council was one of only two Councils in Hertfordshire with a dedicated flood alleviation team and the Authority had very experienced Officers. The grants for flood alleviation work were underspent but the fund had been ring-fenced to support further work in this area.
In reply to a query from the Chairman, the Head of Democratic and Legal Support Services confirmed that the completion dates for Action Codes DLSS4 and DLSS5 in the Democratic and Legal Support Services Service Plan should be 31 March 2016.
In response to a query from Councillor M Wood, the Economic Development Manager explained the meaning of the Eastern Plateau title in the context of the ongoing rural development programme. The Chairman commented on whether the economic aspects of the programme would extend to initiatives specific to the 5 main towns. Members were advised that the intention was to support businesses in various ways and this would include transport infrastructure work and working with the towns.
In response to a comment from Councillor G Williamson regarding Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) and farms, the Economic Development Manager referred to a new project whereby the Authority was supporting applicants that were rural businesses by identifying barriers to growth within the planning system.
The Economic Development Manager confirmed to Councillor Pope that the Authority welcomed the input of Parish and Town Councils to the production of the new 2015–2020 Economic Development Strategy.
Councillor J Wing referred to the issue of the lack of corporate signage in the Marsh Lane business area in Ware. The Economic Development Manager commented that the signage was the responsibility of the estate owner but East Herts Council could encourage them to improve the situation. The Executive Member for Economic Development stressed that it would be inappropriate for the Authority to fund improvements on a site owned by a private enterprise. He referred to a review of industrial land and estates which had previously been presented to Corporate Business Scrutiny.
Councillor Woodward welcomed the seeking of support for enhancements to the ancient monument of Waytemore Castle. He encouraged Officers to work with the curator of the Bishop’s Stortford Museum. Councillor N Symonds championed the reinstatement of the friends of Waytemore Castle. The Chief Executive and Director of Customer and Community Services undertook to draw this suggestion to the attention of the relevant service.
Following comments from a number of Members regarding sports and leisure provision in East Herts, the Chief Executive and Director of Customer and Community Services stated that the Authority already had a long list of priorities and service plan actions. Following a lengthy debate on the issue of leisure provision, the joint meeting agreed that the Executive be requested to approve an additional service plan action in respect of developing a business case for leisure development in East Herts.
Councillor N Symonds referred to the procurement and implementation of a new Choice Based Lettings Contract and the excellent work currently undertaken in this area. The Manager of Housing Services advised that the current contract was about to conclude and there would have to be a competitive tender process. She advised that Officers hoped to procure the same level of service with a few enhancements and the current provider was one of the companies involved in the tendering process.
Councillor Woodward referred to the importance of the Footway and Grass Verge Parking Policy in respect of limiting further damage to grass verges and enforcing pedestrian safety in collaboration with the Police. The Chairman stated that Environment Scrutiny Committee would be receiving a report in 2015/16 relating to this service plan action.
The Chairman expressed concern that progress in respect of residents’ parking zones only seemed to be going forward and pushing the parking problem further out, and questioned the possibility of reversing them. The Executive Member for Economic Development reminded Members that the issue had been thoroughly investigated by Scrutiny and there had been some helpful suggestions.
In response to comments from a number of Members, the Head of Information, Customer and Parking Services reminded Members that resident parking schemes were only progressed where there was support from a majority of the residents living in the area concerned. Revoking such schemes would need to follow due legal process. Members were reminded that there was a long list of requests from the public for resident parking schemes due to concerns regarding congestion and pavement parking.
Councillor Wing expressed a number of concerns regarding website accessibility. He stressed the importance of consulting local people as well as utilising suggestions from website users rather than relying solely on the advice of website experts. The Head of Information, Customer and Parking Services reminded Members that the website remained compliant with accessibility guidelines and the website accessibility review would go ahead subject to the revised procurement process. The company undertaking the review would be consulting on the basis outlined by Councillor Wing.
The Chairman reminded Members that a verbal update would be given at the 17 February 2015 meeting of Environment Scrutiny in respect of the Micro Hydro Project at Hertford Theatre.
The joint meeting resolved to recommend that the Executive approve the Service Plan activity for 2015/16.
RESOLVED – that (A) the Executive be informed that the joint meeting of Scrutiny Committees considers that the Service Plan activity for 2015/16, as now submitted, be approved; and
(B) the Executive be requested to approve an additional service plan action in respect of developing a business case for leisure development in East Herts.
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