Agenda item

2013/14 Performance Indicator Outturns


The Leader of the Council and the Director of Finance and Support Services submitted a report detailing the performance indicators that the Council was required to monitor and publish annually in the Annual Report.  The purpose of the report was to advise Members of the performance outturns for 2013/14 and any changes to targets.


Members were advised that the February to March 2014 Healthcheck, which had been included within this report as an Essential Reference Paper, set out the finance and performance monitoring for the March/Quarter 4 for 2014.


Councillor J Ranger referred to where a number of Performance Indicators (PIs) showed a decline in performance.  The Director of Finance and Support Services stated that although the PIs show a decline in performance when comparison is made to the previous financial year it did not mean that they were off target.


Councillor Ranger referred to a number of variances in the committed budget for a number of items referred to in the Healthcheck.  The Director of Finance and Support Services stated that Corporate Management Team was generally willing to permit the commitment of extra funds if this was required to ensure the completion of a project that was nearing its conclusion.


The Committee received the report.


RESOLVED – that (A) the 2013/14 Performance Indicator Outturns report be received; and


(B)   the February to March 2014 Corporate Healthcheck report be received.

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