Agenda item

Annual Review of Communications and Revised Communication Strategy 2014


The Leader of the Council submitted a report which introduced the findings of the annual review of communications as well as the revised communication strategy and social media principles.


The Communications Team Leader drew Members’ attention to a revised Essential Reference Paper ‘B’, which had been tabled at the meeting and sought Members’ comments on the draft strategy.  She summarised the content of the report, strategy, and its focus for 2014.


In response to a query from Councillor J Ranger regarding the direction of the arrow in relation to press enquiries, the Communications Team Leader acknowledged that this might appear as an anomaly and explained how this should be interpreted in terms of the timely delivery of information and content using a variety of media tools. 


Councillor J Ranger referred to the number of parish magazines he received which, he stated, never contained any information from the Council.  The Communications Team Leader advised that information was regularly emailed to Parish Clerks.  She asked that, if Members had other contacts responsible for publishing the magazines, to forward that information to her.  This was supported.


Councillor Ranger expressed concern about the appearance of Link Magazine, and its possible perception by some, that it looked like ‘junk mail’.   The Communications Team Leader stated that following a residents’ survey, reader figures for Link Magazine were very good.


The Chairman suggested that the Communications Team prepare an item for the Members’ Information Bulletin regarding contacts for Parish Magazines. 


The Communications Team Leader provided an update in relation to responsibilities for webcasting and its features.  The Chairman referred to some of its functions, citing instances where these had appeared not to work properly.  The Director of Finance and Support Services provided an update in terms of the webcasting provision, which had been the subject of a report to scrutiny in November 2013.


In response to a query from Councillor G Jones regarding the Communications Strategy and its functional responsibility, the Communications Team Leader provided an explanation regarding what the strategy hoped to achieve.  The Director of Finance and Support Services explained the roles of Democratic Services in terms on inputting information via ModGov and the role of the Communications Team in disseminating that information.


In response to a query from Councillor T Page regarding the draft strategy, the Director of Finance and Support Services explained how the strategy complemented the Council’s Corporate Strategic Plan.  She stated that Members had an opportunity of scrutinising the strategy every year. 


The Communications Team Leader explained how social media, and the use of video, was being used more widely as a communications tool.


In response to a query from Councillor M Pope regarding the staff awards, the Director of Finance and Support Services stated that Corporate Management Team (CMT) had taken a decision to cancel the award ceremony in 2013/14, adding that staff were provided with refreshments by Directors at all staff briefings as a way to say “Thank You” to as many staff as possible throughout the year. 


Members received the report.


RESOLVED – that (A) the report be received;


(B)       the figures from the annual review of communications be noted;  and


(C)       any contacts responsible for publishing Parish Magazines be forwarded to the Communications Team.

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