Agenda item

3/13/2067/FP – Construction of 2 no. detached dwellings following demolition of existing barns at Bromley Farm, Bromley Lane, Much Hadham, SG11 1NY for Chaldean Estate

Recommended for Refusal.


Anne Peacock addressed the Committee in support of the application.


The Director of Neighbourhood Services recommended that, in respect of application 3/13/2067/FP, planning permission be refused for the reasons detailed in the report now submitted.


The Director advised that the Landscape Officer had objected to the proposed development and had concluded that the application would result in significant change to the landscape character and appearance of this section of Bromley Lane.


Councillor D Andrews stated that he did not agree that the location of the barns detracted from the appearance of the rural area.  He commented that he was supportive of the application as the proposed development was the best outcome for this site.  Councillor N Symonds stated that she was also supportive of the application.


The Director stated that the site was located in the rural area beyond the green belt where new dwellings were classed as inappropriate development unless there were special circumstances to grant permission contrary to policy.


Members were advised that if applications for housing were allowed on all sites containing redundant agricultural buildings in the District there could be significant implications for the character of rural areas.  Members should be aware that the site did not have to be reused and could be allowed to revert to grass or landscape. 


The Director stated that the introduction of dwellings and their associated curtilages was contrary to policy and would have a harmful and inappropriate impact on the rural character of the area.  Councillor M Alexander stated that Members were regularly told that there was no such thing as a precedent in planning.


Councillor T Page stated that all applications were unique and he felt that Members had the opportunity to be pragmatic in respect of this site.  He concluded that he could not see how this application would be detrimental to the local area.


Councillor D Andrews stated that, whilst there were no shops and local amenities to support small dwellings, a larger family dwelling would allow a degree of self sufficiency and having dwellings on this site would be much better than what was on the site at present.


Councillor T Page commented that the application would, aside from providing much needed additional housing, provide some degree of temporary economic benefits for the area and would improve the appearance of the site.


The Director advised that Members should consider whether the benefits from this scheme outweighed the policy presumption against residential dwellings in the rural area beyond the green belt.


Councillor D Andrews proposed and Councillor N Symonds seconded, a motion that application 3/13/2067/FP be granted on the basis that there would be no significant harm resulting from the application, which would not set a precedent and was in keeping with the surrounding area.  The application would enhance the appearance of the site and would provide much needed housing.


After being put to the meeting and a vote taken, this motion was declared CARRIED.  The Committee rejected the recommendation of the Director of Neighbourhood Services as now submitted.  Councillors M Alexander and A Burlton requested that their dissent from this decision be recorded.


RESOLVED – that, in respect of application 3/13/2067/FP, planning permission be granted subject to conditions to be formulated by Officers in consultation with the local ward Member.

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