Agenda item

Monthly Corporate Healthcheck - March 2014


That (A) the budgetary variances set out in paragraph 2.1 of the report be noted;


(B)     the following Capital Programme changes be approved:

·                    ICT Projects – Request for total slippage of £159,160 over various projects. The majority of the outstanding schemes will complete in early 2014/15.

·                    Footbridge over River Stort - £87,400. Retention payment held pending resolution of contractual issues.

·                    Heart of Bishop Stortford, Market Improvement Scheme - £45,300. Scheme still in development stage.

·                    Slippage on various other schemes totalling £42,430 on various other schemes.

·                    Total slippage into 2014/15 of £334,290.


(C)    the controls and scores listed in the strategic risk register for the period January to March 2014, as detailed at paragraph 2.26, be noted.


The Leader of the Council submitted an exception report on performance, finance and risk monitoring for East Herts Council for March 2014.


In response to Members’ questions and comments relating to Bishop’s Stortford market, the Executive Member for Economic Development provided an update in respect of Officers’ recent discussions with the Town Council.


In reply to a Member’s question on the footbridge over the River Stort, the Director of Finance and Support Services advised that a full briefing would be circulated to Members within a couple of days.


The Executive approved the recommendations as now detailed.


RESOLVED - that (A) the budgetary variances set out in paragraph 2.1 of the report be noted;


(B)      the following Capital Programme changes be approved:


·                        ICT Projects – Request for total slippage of £159,160 over various projects. The majority of the outstanding schemes will complete in early 2014/15.

·                        Footbridge over River Stort - £87,400. Retention payment held pending resolution of contractual issues.

·                        Heart of Bishop Stortford, Market Improvement Scheme - £45,300. Scheme still in development stage.

·                        Slippage on various other schemes totalling £42,430 on various other schemes.

·                        Total slippage into 2014/15 of £334,290.


(C)      the controls and scores listed in the strategic risk register for the period January to March 2014, as detailed at paragraph 2.26, be noted.

Supporting documents: