The Leader of the Council submitted a report on Service Plans for 2014/15. The Service Plans were produced every year by Heads of Service and set out the key activity that would be taking place to deliver the services provided by the Authority. The Service Plans did not include day to day activity and the plans reflected the information in the Consolidated Budget Report. Members were advised that updates would be provided to the relevant individual Scrutiny Committees every six months.
The joint meeting of Scrutiny Committees was invited to scrutinise the Service Plans and to make recommendations to the Executive.
Councillor N Symonds expressed concern that the options for disabled access to the stage and back stage areas of Hertford Theatre had not already been established and implemented.
The Head of Communications, Engagement and Cultural Services stated that the refurbishment works had only addressed the front of house. Officers would now examine a number of options for back stage access at the theatre. Members were advised that comparisons had been made to the Rhodes Arts Complex regarding disabled access and it was clear that the two venues were very different. Councillor M Wood stated that he was pleased that an independent options appraisal would be undertaken regarding future governance arrangements for Hertford Theatre.
In response to a query from Councillor G Williamson regarding flood alleviation, the Head of Community Safety and Health Services stated that a team of two Officers gave advice to the Authority and other agencies in terms of where resources should be invested regarding surface water management.
In response to a query from Councillor K Warnell, the Economic Development Manager stated that support for the 25 – 49 age group who were out of work had been included in the Service Plans as government funding for this age group had been cut. Previous initiatives had focussed on the younger unemployed, but this older age group did include a significant number of long-term unemployed who might benefit from additional support.
Councillor J Wyllie referred to the revised management plan for Waytemore Castle as well as the nearby open space linked to proposed housing development. The Head of Environmental Services advised that Officers were already in consultation with Bishop’s Stortford Town Council and would continue to work closely with them in respect of a Management Plan for the Waytemore Castle and the nearby Red, White and Blue open space.
Councillor S Bull commented on why there did not appear to be any reference in this Service Plan regarding the maintenance of Ward Freman Pool. The Head of Environmental Services advised that general maintenance of the pools was funded and carried out by SLM as the Leisure Contractor so this did not appear in the Council’s Service Plan or the Capital Programme. The Council was responsible for replacement of major plant and the Capital programme for did include an item for the replacement of air conditioning at that site.
In response to a comment from Councillor M Wood regarding ‘3G’ all weather football pitch provision at Grange Paddocks, the Head of Environmental Services explained that Officers had prepared a business case for both Hartham and Grange Paddocks and it showed there would be a longer payback period for the Grange Paddocks site. The ‘3G’ provision would be installed first at Hartham and could be extended to Grange Paddocks at a future date if it proved feasible.
Councillor M Pope commented on the feasibility of trade waste recycling via a new commingled collection system. The Head of Environmental Services stated that the feasibility study would examine whether it was possible to extend the current collection regime to businesses if there was capacity in terms of vehicles and refuse crews.
Officers must ensure that the commercial viability of the service was secure as the Authority could not make a loss that would risk damaging this area of Council business. Officers were aware that commercial clients were more interested in the glass and paper recycling as opposed to plastics or organic waste. Members were also advised that the SPARC service may be expanded to include communal properties.
Members were provided with an update in respect of the cross border targeting of fly tipping and joint prosecutions. Members were also updated in respect of deliverable savings regarding the business case for rationalising and improving the print solutions delivered across partner Authorities.
The joint meeting resolved to recommend that the Executive approve the Service Plan activity for 2014/15.
RESOLVED – that the Executive be informed that the joint meeting of Scrutiny Committees considers that the Service Plan activity for 2014/15, as now submitted, be approved.
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