Agenda item

Webcasting of Future Council Meetings


The Director of Finance and Support Services submitted a report outlining the options for future webcasting of Council meetings, the detail of which was set out in the report now submitted and in the supporting Essential Reference Papers.  She provided an explanation of the figures representing “views” or “hits” over a period of time.


Councillor G Williamson stated that, although the report gave Members an insight into how many views the webcast meetings achieved, the Council was in the minority in terms of the number of Authorities using webcasting arrangements.  He recognised the transparency afforded by the arrangement but felt that this could be an inhibiting factor in terms of debate.


In response to a query from Councillor T Page regarding why Corporate Business Scrutiny Committee was not being webcast, the Chairman stated that he wanted the Council to move forward in a full and frank way, but appreciated that there may be resistance to this.  The Chairman stated that what should be borne in mind was that Scrutiny was open to call on Officers and visitors to give evidence and that this might inhibit people in terms of what they might say and how they might be perceived.  He referred to the suitability of webcasting for Council and Executive meetings as they were more structured and formal.  Councillor E Bedford agreed with this view. 


The Director of Finance and Support Services stated that any decision to extend the facility would involve direct additional staff costs and other staff resources might need to be considered that currently supported the process.


Councillor J Wing stated that he had yet to see webcasting inhibiting anyone and that it might make Members choose their words more closely.  He stated that he had previously watched Development Management Committee when he could not attend the meeting and had found this to be very useful.  Councillor J Wing supported webcasting being extended to Scrutiny Committees.  He referred to the fact that local reporters used the webcast arrangement in reporting their stories.  The Chairman stated that the Council helped the press in whatever ways it could, but that their staffing resources were not an issue for the Council to take account of.


Councillors E Buckmaster and J Mayes supported leaving the current arrangements as they were.  Councillor E Buckmaster stated that he would be disappointed to lose the arrangement completely.


The Chairman referred to the two services which were responsible for different functions in terms of webcasting and queried whether this was a productive arrangement.  The Director of Finance and Support Services stated that she was responsible for the two different functions and that the separation was because of their areas of specialism.


In response to a query regarding stopping webcasting and the impact of this on accommodation needs if more independent observers then chose to attend meetings, Members were reminded that there were already instances where overflow accommodation could be provided and the Council would need to follow a similar process.  In response to a question, the Director of Finance and Support Services explained that the Council owned the equipment. 


The Committee stated that they valued the openness and transparency afforded by the Webcasting facility and considered the current arrangements to be acceptable and had no desire to extend the arrangements beyond the current status quo.


RESOLVED – that the Executive be advised that Corporate Business Scrutiny Committee value the openness and transparency afforded by the Webcasting facility and consider the current arrangements to be acceptable and have no desire to extend the arrangements beyond the current status quo.


Supporting documents: