The Director of Neighbourhood Services submitted a report providing an update on processing licences, enforcement activity and the implementation of the Service Plan for Quarter 3, the detail of which was set out in the report now submitted.
The Committee was advised that, under the licensing points system, a total of 80 points had been issued to 40 licence holders between 1 July and 30 September 2013.
The Senior Specialist Licensing Officer advised that 2 taxi drivers would be attending a Licensing Sub–Committee hearing having accumulated 12 or more points. This was part of the Council’s continued efforts to improve standards and behaviour amongst taxi drivers and proprietors.
In reference to some taxi drivers’ concerns that significant numbers of new drivers had been approved and were taking their livelihood away, the Senior Specialist Licensing Officer confirmed that East Herts Council had only approved 2 additional taxi drivers during quarter 3 of 2013.
The Chairman confirmed that the Authority did not approve taxi driver applications lightly, in an ‘ad hoc’ manner or in large numbers.
Councillor Mrs R Cheswright commented on the low take up of CCTV cameras in taxis in East Herts. Members were advised that 20 cameras were in operation and no incidents had been reported in relation to the footage captured by those cameras.
Members were invited to inform Officers of any other information they wanted to see as regards quarterly licensing activity data. The Senior Specialist Licensing Officer advised that concerns that some taxi drivers were overcharging customers and refusing fares had not been backed up by any firm evidence following recent investigations.
Members were advised however, that concerns remained that some taxi drivers had a poor command of English and a poor geographic knowledge of the District. Various Members expressed the view that a good command of English and a solid geographic knowledge of East Herts were essential prerequisites for taxi drivers.
The Senior Specialist Licensing Officer advised that there was no knowledge test for private hire vehicle drivers. Members were advised however, that a suitable test could be explored for private hire drivers and the existing knowledge test could be amended to include a test for a good command of English. A failure of this element of the test could be designated as a trigger for a failure of the test as a whole.
Councillor P Ballam commented on whether anything was being done to tackle the problem of taxi drivers from outside East Herts parking at Ware Train Station and taking trade away from local taxi drivers.
Members were advised that police officers did have powers to stop any vehicles that were breaking the law. The Senior Specialist Licensing Officer advised that Officers were in conversation with other local authorities regarding joint enforcement operations that targeted drivers from other local authority areas in East Herts.
The Chairman advised that the Head of Community Safety and Health Services was very keen to see joint enforcement operations in East Herts.
Members received the report.
RESOLVED – that the report be received.
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