This is a joint committee of the Executives of Stevenage Borough
and East Hertfordshire District Councils, under the provisions of
section 10 of the Local Government Act 1972 and all regulations
made thereunder.
The terms of reference
of the committee are as follows:
(a) To recommend the
ICT Strategy to the constituent Councils;
(b) To approve the
annual service plan for the Shared ICT Service;
(c) To receive
explanations of variances in service performance against the agreed
service plan;
(d) To approve the
expenditure within the budget of the shared service and where so
delegated determine requested virements
within that budget;
(e) To give initial
consideration to future development of the shared service and any
changes in legislation that may affect service delivery and make
recommendations thereon to the Executive or officers;
(f) Where it is
considered appropriate, provide reports to the constituent