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Corporate Business Scrutiny Committee

This page lists the meetings for Corporate Business Scrutiny Committee.


Information about Corporate Business Scrutiny Committee

1.                     To develop policy options and to review and scrutinise the policies of the Council relating to Communications, Corporate Performance and Risk Management, Local Strategic Partnership, Customer Service, Finance, Information and Communications Technology, Democratic Services, Member Support, Facilities Management, Asset Management, Legal, Revenues and Procurement.


2.                     To consider the budget setting proposals and strategies of the Council.


3.                     To make recommendations to the Executive on matters within the remit of the Committee.


4.                     To take evidence from interested groups and individuals and make recommendations to the Executive and Council for policy change on matters within the remit of the Committee.


5.                     To consider issues referred by the Executive, including modifications to the Constitution, or members of the Committee and where the views of outsiders may contribute, take evidence and report to the Executive and Council on matters within the remit of the Committee.


6.                     To consider any item referred to the Committee by any Member of the Council who is not a member of this Committee and decide whether that item should be pursued on matters within the remit of the Committee.


7.                     To appoint annually Standing Panels as may be determined, which shall be given a brief to consider a specified service area relating to matters within the remit of the Committee and report back to the Committee on a regular basis as determined by the Committee.


8.                     To consider any item in the Forward Plan, within the remit of the Committee, to be considered by the Executive (except items of urgent business) before the item is considered by the Executive if requested by the Chairman of the Scrutiny Committee. The relevant report to the Executive will made available to the scrutiny committee.


9.                     To consider matters referred to the Committee by the Executive/Portfolio Holder on matters within the remit of the Committee and refer the matter to the Executive following consideration of the matter.