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Development Management Committee

This page lists the meetings for Development Management Committee.


Information about Development Management Committee

1.                     The Development Management Committee (in Section 2 referred to as “the Committee”) is authorised to undertake (or sub-delegate) all of the council’s functions specified in Part A (town and country planning and development management) and paragraphs 46 (hedgerows), 47 (trees) and 48 (high hedges) of Part I of Schedule 1 to the Local Authorities (Functions and Responsibilities) (England) Regulations2000, save that where the Committee has resolved to grant planning permission or listed building consent subject to completion of a planning obligation (including a deed modifying or discharging an existing obligation) and an obligation acceptable to the Head of Planning and Building Control has not been entered into within 3 months of the Committee’s resolution, the Head of Planning and Building Control may refuse that application for lack of an acceptable planning obligation.


2.                     The Committee is also authorised to exercise the council’s local choice functions in relation to the obtaining of information under Section 330 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as to interests in land and the obtaining of particulars of persons interested in land under section 16 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 (as specified in the table in Section 1).


Development Management Committee meetings are broadcasted via you tube – details can be found here: