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Contact: Lorraine Blackburn Tel: (01279) 502172 Email:
No. | Item |
Chairman's Announcements Minutes: The Chairman welcomed all those in attendance. For the benefit of the public, he provided some general “housekeeping” information in relation to fire exits and public conveniences.
The Chairman stated that with Members’ consent, he would like to bring agenda item 6 (Priorities for Parking Enforcement) forward. This was supported.
Appointment of Vice Chairman Minutes: It was moved by Councillor M Freeman and seconded by Councillor K Warnell that Councillor P Phillips be appointed Vice Chairman for the civic year 2017/18.
RESOLVED – that Councillor P Phillips be appointed Vice Chairman for the civic year 2017/18.
Apology To receive apologies for absence. Minutes: An apology for absence was received from Councillor P Moore. It was noted that Councillor K Warnell was substituting for her.
Declarations of Interest To receive any Member(s)’ Declaration(s) of Interest and Party Whip arrangements. Minutes: Although not a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest, Councillor I Devonshire asked that his daughter’s employment at Fanshawe Pool be recorded.
Priorities for Parking Enforcement (Task and Finish Group) PDF 66 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Parking Manager submitted a report outlining the scope and draft Terms of Reference of the Parking Enforcement Contract Scrutiny Task and Finish Group. He provided a summary of the report adding that the membership had been agreed and that Group meetings would be held in June and July 2017. The Parking Manager invited Members to contact either himself or the Scrutiny Officer with any comments or observations within the next seven to ten days.
Councillor M Casey referred to the issue of evening enforcement. The Parking Manager explained that the majority of parking restrictions ended at 6:30pm but that there was some evidence of chronic parking on double yellow lines well into the evening, which caused problems.
In response to a query from Councillor P Phillips about reviewing the need for some single and double yellow lines, the Parking Manager explained that a review had been undertaken several years ago and that this was not within the scope of the Task and Finish group.
Councillor Mrs D Hollebon agreed that areas around schools needed greater enforcement attention and that this should be given priority.
In response to a query from Councillor N Symonds, the Parking Manager explained the function of double yellow lines and when penalty charges could be issued to vehicles parked on the footway adjacent to yellow lines.
Members supported the report, as detailed.
RESOLVED – that (A) the scope and Terms of Reference of the Parking Enforcement Contract Scrutiny Task and Finish Group as detailed in Essential Reference Paper “B” of the report submitted, be endorsed; and
(B) Members’ comments or suggestions relating to the remit of the Task and Finish Group be referred to the Lead Officer and Scrutiny Officer.
Additional documents:
Minutes: Part 1
The Leisure Task and Finish Group submitted a report setting out the proposed future direction of travel for Council managed leisure facilities.
Councillor M Freeman provided a summary of the Leisure Strategy Facilities report regarding a proposed mix of leisure facilities to be provided by the Council over the next 20 years and the options available. He referred to the remit of the Task and Finish Group, reminding Members that the Council had no statutory obligation to provide leisure facilities, but that there was a statutory responsibility in terms of the health and wellbeing of its community.
A presentation was provided by Councillor M Freeman on the work of the Task and Finish Group which highlighted key challenges, the profile of the communities and the business case evidence for the five facilities. Ms Lisa Forsyth, (Consultant from Max Associates), provided detailed responses to questions previously notified.
Councillor M Stevenson referred to the Education Funding Agency (EFA) Government funding and queried where this would leave the school and the children if this was clawed back by the Government. The Leisure Services Development Manager explained how Government funding supported education related leisure and the need for the proposal to be commercially viable.
In supporting the proposals, Councillor K Warnell thanked the Task and Finish Group for the report and referred to the Old River Lane proposals and the refurbishment of Bishop’s Stortford Town Centre. He hoped that what was being proposed complied with Sport for England specifications.
Councillor J Wyllie fully supported the proposals and the investment in leisure facilities in Bishop’s Stortford. He stated that Rye Street was a “hot spot” in terms of traffic and that this would only deteriorate when thousands of homes planned on the Bishop’s Stortford North site were developed. He suggested that there was a need to review the infrastructure and use Section 106 monies and New Homes Bonus monies.
Councillor B Deering supported investment in health and fitness. He queried the £31Million proposed investment in terms of the impact this would have on revenue streams and whether this was commercially viable. He sought assurances that a development with the private sector had been fully explored. A query was also raised by Councillor P Phillips on the funding through borrowing and the rate of return on investment. The consultant provided a detailed response on the breakdown of the investment figure and why working with private leisure developers was not feasible in this instance.
The Head of Strategic Finance assured Members that financial modelling had been carried out and was satisfied that the margins necessary to achieve a profit, could be reached.
Councillor C Snowdon was concerned that many current facilities were not properly managed and that there were times through the day when people were turned away. The Leisure Services Development Manager explained how joint use pools were managed and the contributions made by schools.
Councillor H Drake commented on the cost of membership of private sector leisure facilities and of the difficulties of ... view the full minutes text for item 54. |
Review of Planning Enforcement PDF 70 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Director submitted a report outlining the current position in regard to the Council’s Planning Enforcement Service. She provided a summary of the report and of the action being taken including the production of an action plan, employment of additional staff and the use of a specialist enforcement company to help clear the backlog.
Councillor M Freeman welcomed the action being taken and asked that the Chairman of Development Management Committee be kept informed of progress.
Councillor I Devonshire and Councillor M Casey welcomed the report. It was acknowledged that some of the enforcement delays could be attributed to re-structuring the department. Councillor M Casey hoped that developers would be made aware of the steps which were being put into action.
Concern was expressed by Members regarding the disregard by some developers in terms of the planning process. Councillor K Warnell asked Officers to ensure that consultants were advised to stick with the legal process regarding unauthorised developments. The Director provided assurances that the Council would take whatever action was appropriate.
In response to a query regarding the basis for external charging and follow ups, the Director explained that the Consultants would provide a cost basis for handling each enforcement action and would ensure that the Enforcement Team were provided with the resources and ability to support the action needed.
Members received the report.
RESOLVED – that (A) the report be received; and
(B) an Action Plan be presented to the next meeting of Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
Draft Work Programme 2017 /18 PDF 64 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Chairman submitted a report setting out the draft work programme for Overview and Scrutiny Committee for the civic year 2017/18. The Scrutiny Officer advised that the report before Members was a draft and that further reports would be added to the programme. She stated that a meeting would be held on 12 July 2017 to which all Members were invited, to consider other items for inclusion on the draft work programme.
The Scrutiny Officer explained that the two new Scrutiny Committees would also be supported by Claire Pullen who would be co-ordinating with Officers.
Members approved the draft Work Programme for Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
RESOLVED – that the draft Work Programme for Overview and Scrutiny Committee, as now detailed, be approved.