Agenda and minutes

Council - Wednesday 2nd March, 2011 7.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Wallfields, Hertford. View directions

Contact: Martin Ibrahim  (01279) 502173


No. Item


Chairman's Announcements

To receive any announcements.

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The Chairman welcomed the press and public to the meeting and reminded Members that the meeting was being webcast and that they should remain seated when speaking.


The Chairman advised that Councillor J Hedley had been admitted to hospital through illness and expressed best wishes on behalf of the Council.


He detailed a number of his recent engagements.  This being the last Council meeting of this Administration, the Chairman thanked all staff for their support throughout the previous four years.  He expressed best wishes to all Members seeking re-election and thanked those retiring Members for their valued work.


The Leader of the Council also thanked the staff and paid tribute to those Members known to be retiring.  In particular, he thanked Councillors R N Copping, R Gilbert, A M Graham, P Grethe and R L Parker and referred to their specific achievements.


Councillor M Wood echoed these comments and expressed his view that East Herts was a better place as a result of their efforts.


Councillor K A Barnes concurred with the Leader and commented that although he had not always agreed with them, he was sorry to see them go.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 67 KB

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Members' questions pdf icon PDF 20 KB

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Councillor V Shaw asked the Executive Member for Community Safety and Protection, why she had been told last week, that if a town council defaulted on its payment for CCTV cameras, East Herts Council would not be liable, when in the Executive papers of 11 January 2011, Agenda item 7, regarding the future plans for CCTV, the risk management implications had stated that there was no service level agreement with town councils and East Herts Council was vulnerable to councils withdrawing and not paying their contribution. 


In reply, the Executive Member asked whether Councillor V Shaw was suggesting that town councils were going to default.  He questioned whether this would happen, given the benefits resulting from the investment in CCTV cameras.  He stated that the Executive report of 11 January 2011, had detailed all the costs that East Herts Council would be liable for.  In the unlikely event that a town council did default, then East Herts Council would have to manage the risk, but not necessarily the costs.  Ultimately, the costs would be borne by the council taxpayer.


The Executive Member reminded Council of the ongoing work being carried out in exploring partnership opportunities and alternative funding sources with relevant stakeholders.  He hoped that all Members would support the forthcoming review of the Community Safety Strategy.


In response to a supplementary question, the Executive Member stated that, if there was a defaulting town council, there were a range of options that could be considered, such as withdrawing cameras, which would have an impact on security.  He referred to a number of recent decisions that had been taken to demonstrate the Council’s commitment to Ware.


Councillor A Burlton asked the Executive Member for Housing and Health if he was aware that East Herts PCT had told the dentists surgery at Thorley Community Centre that it was withdrawing its NHS funding with effect from last Friday, 25 February 2011 and that they would no longer be able to treat NHS patients.  He also asked if he was aware of any consultation that had been carried out with a huge number of patients spread over 3 wards in Bishop’s Stortford who had relied upon this practice for 25 years.


In reply, the Executive Member outlined the communications he had received on this matter before and since the 25 February 2011.  He expressed concern at the timing and believed that the short notice given was unacceptable.  He understood that a short term extension until the end of August 2011 had been granted, but that the PCT would have to determine arrangements beyond this date.  The Executive Member hoped that an amicable settlement could be reached and that patients would receive timely advice on the availability of an NHS dentist.


In response to a supplementary question, the Executive Member did not accept that residents in Bishop’s Stortford appeared to be treated worse than residents in the western part of the District.  He believed that service provision was there, but that perhaps, they were sufficiently  ...  view the full minutes text for item 575.


Council Tax 2011/12 - County Council and Police Authority Elements pdf icon PDF 28 KB

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Council Tax 2011/12 - Parishes pdf icon PDF 26 KB

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Council Tax 2011/12 - Formal Resolution pdf icon PDF 31 KB

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Amendments to Constitution pdf icon PDF 28 KB

The Chairman has agreed to accept this item onto the agenda as an urgent matter in order to avoid delay as determined by the Council meeting held on 23 February 2011.

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Further to Council’s consideration of proposed amendments to the Constitution at its meeting held on 23 February 2011 (Minute 570 refers), the Monitoring Officer submitted a further report as requested.  Council considered the proposed amendment relating to the role of Scrutiny Committees as detailed at paragraph 2.5 of the report now submitted.


Councillor Mrs M H Goldspink moved, and Councillor R Taylor seconded, a motion that paragraph 2.5 be amended with the inclusion of the words “before it comes to the Executive” after “…urgent business”.


Councillor J O Ranger commented that as the forward plan was usually blank, it was unnecessary to restrict this matter to forward plan items only.  Therefore, he suggested an amendment by deleting the words “in the Forward Plan”.  Councillor Mrs M H Goldspink agreed to accept this amendment.


After being put to the meeting and a vote taken, the motion was declared LOST.


Councillor A P Jackson moved, and Councillor M G Carver seconded, a motion that paragraph 2.5 be amended with the deletion of the words “in the Forward Plan”.  After being put to the meeting and a vote taken, the amendment was declared CARRIED.


Council approved the recommendations as now amended.


RESOLVED – that the amendment to the Constitution, as now amended, be approved.