Venue: Council Chamber, Wallfields, Hertford. View directions
Contact: Martin Ibrahim Tel: (01279) 502173 Email:
No. | Item |
Chairman's Announcements To receive any announcements. Additional documents: Minutes: The Chairman welcomed the press and public to the meeting and also welcomed the Alderman sitting in the public gallery.
The Chairman welcomed Mr Tom Gardner OBE and his wife Eleanor to the meeting and presented Mr Gardner with a certificate to celebrate his recent OBE. Mr Gardner thanked the Chairman and paid tribute to community volunteers as well as his colleagues in the UK and oversees.
The Chairman wished everyone present a very Happy Christmas and a peaceful and happy 2019. The Chairman explained that the wearing of Christmas jumpers this evening was to raise money for the Hertfordshire and Essex Air Ambulance.
The Chairman stated that he had attended 30 events since Council on 17 October and summarised the highlights. |
Apologies for Absence To receive any Members’ apologies for absence. Additional documents: Minutes: Apologies for absence had been submitted on behalf of
Councillors D Andrews, R Brunton, M Casey, L Haysey, |
Minutes - 17 and 23 October 2018 PDF 89 KB To approve as a correct record and authorise the Chairman to sign the Minutes of the Council meetings held on 17 and 23 October 2018. Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor G Jones moved, and Councillor G Williamson seconded a motion that the Minutes of the meetings held on 17 and 23 October 2018, be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
After being put to the meeting, and a vote taken, this motion was declared CARRIED.
RESOLVED – that the Minutes of the meetings held on 17 and 23 October 2018, be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. |
Executive Report - 23 October 2018 PDF 52 KB To receive a report from the Leader of the Council and to consider recommendations on the matters below: Additional documents:
Minutes: RESOLVED – that the Minutes of the Executive meeting held on 23 October 2018 be received.
(see also Minutes 315 – 317) |
Community Transport Strategy Additional documents: Minutes: Council considered the recommendations of the Executive in respect of the Community Transport Strategy.
Councillor G Jones moved, and Councillor Suzanne Rutland-Barsby seconded, a motion that the recommendations now detailed, be approved. After being put to the meeting, and a vote taken, the motion was declared CARRIED.
Council approved the proposals now detailed.
RESOLVED – that the draft Community Transport Strategy 2018-2021, as now submitted at Essential Reference Paper B, be approved.
(see also Minute 314) |
Mead Lane Area Masterplanning Framework Additional documents: Minutes: Council considered the recommendations of the Executive in respect of the Mead Lane Area Master planning Framework.
Councillor G Jones moved, and Councillor Suzanne Rutland-Barsby seconded, a motion that the recommendations now detailed, be approved. After being put to the meeting, and a vote taken, the motion was declared CARRIED.
Council approved the proposals now detailed.
RESOLVED – that the Masterplan Framework for the strategic allocation, Mead Lane Area, as detailed at Essential Reference Paper ‘C’, be agreed as a material consideration for Development Management purposes.
(see also Minute 314) |
East End Green Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan Additional documents: Minutes: Council considered the recommendations of the Executive in respect of the East End Green Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan.
Councillor G Jones moved, and Councillor N Symonds seconded, a motion that the recommendations now detailed, be approved. After being put to the meeting, and a vote taken, the motion was declared CARRIED.
Council approved the proposals now detailed.
RESOLVED – that (A) the responses to the public consultation, the Officer responses and proposed changes to the East End Green Conservation Area Character Appraisal and Management Proposals and Alternatives 1 and 2 described in the report submitted, be noted;
(B) authority be delegated to the Head of Planning and Building Control, in consultation with the Executive Member for Development Management and Council Support, to make any further minor and consequential changes to the document which may be necessary;
(C) the East End Green Conservation Area Character Appraisal and Management Proposals, as set out in Essential Reference Paper D, be approved; and
(D) a full survey of trees in any area excluded from the Conservation Area be undertaken to determine the need for any tree preservation orders.
(see also Minute 314) |
Executive Report - 11 December 2018 PDF 53 KB To receive a report (to follow) from the Leader of the Council and to consider anticipated recommendations on the matters below:
Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED – that the Minutes of the Executive meeting held on 11 December 2018 be received.
(see also Minutes 319 – 323) |
Budget Report and Service Plans 2019/20 - 2022/23 PDF 161 KB Note – In respect of this matter, the provisions of The Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2014, require that a recorded vote is taken on the matter. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Executive Member for Finance and Support Services submitted a report that updated and set out proposals and recommendations in respect of:
· The Medium Term Financial Plan 2019/20 – 2022/23 · The 2019/20 to 2022/23 Capital Programme · The 2019/20 Schedule of Charges
The Executive Member stated that the papers represented a comprehensive report into all aspects of the budget for the next financial year and the Medium Term Financial Plan until 2023. The report also covered revenue budgeting, the schedule for fees and charges, council tax, the capital programme and the use of reserves.
Council was advised that the report also covered service plans for the year ahead and these were derived from the corporate strategic plan around which the budget had been shaped. The Executive Member referred to and summarised the key elements that shaped the core spending power of the Authority. He stated that the 4th year of the government settlement had not resulted in any surprises for the Council.
The Executive Member referred to the possibility of 100% retention of business rates at a later date. The current rate was 70% and Members were reminded that the Council had no control over the setting of business rates. The 11 Hertfordshire Authorities had been successful in applying to pool business rates although the increase in income was expected to be modest for East Herts.
The Executive Member referred to the government’s ‘fair funding review’ and an evaluation of each Authorities’ resources and its ability to raise Council Tax. The budget had been designed to be as immune from external influences as was possible. The budget was therefore reliant on sources of income the Authority could generate and control for itself.
The Executive Member reassured Members that the net cost of services would remain unchanged and there would no reduction in frontline services. All Heads of Service would however have a set cash budget and they would be expected to manage their finances within those set limits. Members were advised that the Authority had started to explore commercial opportunities in the same way as a number of other local Authorities in recent times. The Executive Member referred to the work of the Financial Sustainability working group in this respect.
Council was reminded that Council Tax had been reduced or maintained for a number of years for residents. The Government had advised local authorities to be financially more self-sufficient and subsequently the proposal for the 19/20 budget was that Council Tax should be raised by the maximum allowable without a referendum and this would equate to £5 for a band D property. Similar increases had been factored into the lifespan of the Medium Term Financial Plan.
The Executive Member referred to fees and charges as another significant source of income for the Authority. A general increase of 2.5% had been factored into the budget although this would not apply to car parking charges. This was a smaller increase than last year and was generally in line with inflation.
The Executive ... view the full minutes text for item 319. |
East Herts Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2019-2023 PDF 53 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Executive Member for Health and Wellbeing submitted a report that presented the proposed Health and Wellbeing Strategy covering the period 2019 to 2023 including the proposed new Physical Activity Strategy.
The Executive Member advised that this report and strategy reflected the excellent work undertaken over the last 4 years and the ongoing ambition of improving the health of residents. Members were advised that the strategy articulated the Council’s role in the health system and the linkages between the NHS and public health as well as the ambition to tackle inactivity, obesity and loneliness.
The strategy also highlighted the important community wellbeing role being carried out by Officers and Members in engaging directly with communities in East Herts. The Executive Member drew attention to the work of the community wellbeing champions on the community wellbeing forum. He commended the recommendations to Members and drew attention to a number of important environmental initiatives in respect of health and wellbeing such as walking and cycling. Council considered the recommendations detailed in the report submitted.
Councillor E Buckmaster moved, and Councillor A Alder seconded, a motion that the recommendations now detailed, be approved. After being put to the meeting, and a vote taken, the motion was declared CARRIED.
Council approved the proposals now detailed.
RESOLVED – that Council approves the revised Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2019 – 2023, incorporating the new Physical Activity Strategy.
(see also Minute 318) |
Harlow and Gilston Garden Town Vision and Design Charter PDF 70 KB Note – Essential Reference Paper ‘G’ will follow. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Deputy Leader and Executive Member for Economic Development stated that work had been ongoing for 2 years on this vision and design charter for Harlow and Gilston Garden Town in collaboration with Epping Forrest, Harlow Council and Essex and Hertfordshire County Councils.
Members were advised that approximately £2 million had already been secured from the government to support the delivery of the garden town. The Deputy Leader explained that this report represented an important part of that delivery process. The vision document set out how new growth would be adaptable, healthy, sustainable and innovative whilst adopting the garden town principles which were at the heart of good place making.
Members were advised that the design guide was intended to help those involved in the delivery of the garden town. The guide provided a framework for Members, Officers and developers for the delivery of the principles contained in the Harlow and Gilston Garden town vision and design charter.
The Deputy Leader concluded that both documents had been created in collaboration with partners and the vision had been subjected to extensive public consultation. The documents had also been examined by the Harlow and Gilston Garden Town quality review panel. The Panel was comprised of highly respected practitioners who had provided impartial and objective advice to the garden town.
The Council’s own Gilston Steering Group had also submitted extensive comments on the vision and these comments had been fully considered when the final document had been crafted. Councillor R Brunton, as the local ward Member, had also made extensive comments. Council considered the recommendations of the Executive in respect of the Harlow and Gilston Garden Town Vision and Design Charter.
Councillor G Jones moved, and Councillor M Allen seconded, a motion that the recommendations now detailed, be approved. After being put to the meeting, and a vote taken, the motion was declared CARRIED.
Council approved the proposals now detailed.
RESOLVED – that (A) the Harlow and Gilston Garden Town Vision, as set out in Essential Reference Paper ‘B’ to this report, and its supporting Design Guide, as set out in Essential Reference Paper ‘C’, to this report, be agreed as material planning considerations for the preparation of masterplans, the preparation of the Gilston Area Charter, pre-application advice, assessing planning applications and any other development management purposes;
(B) the Head of Planning and Building Control, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, be authorised to agree any minor amendments following consideration of the Vision and Design Guide documents by the Garden Town local planning authorities; and
(C) the final Vision and Design Guide documents be taken to the Garden Town Member Board on the 4 February 2019 for endorsement.
(see also Minute 318) |
Draft Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document PDF 59 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: Council considered the recommendations of the Draft Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document.
Councillor G Jones moved, and Councillor J Goodeve seconded, a motion that the recommendations now detailed, be approved. After being put to the meeting, and a vote taken, the motion was declared CARRIED.
Council approved the proposals now detailed.
RESOLVED – that (A) in accordance with the Environmental Assessment of Plans and Programmes Regulations 2004, to determine that a Strategic Environmental Assessment of the emerging Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) is not required as it is unlikely to have significant environmental effects; and
(B) the draft Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document (SPD), as set out in Essential Reference Paper ‘B’, be agreed and published for a six-week period of public consultation.
(see also Minute 318) |
Note – Essential Reference Papers ‘C’ and ‘D’ are enclosed for Members only as they contain exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Part I of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Executive Member for Finance and Support Services submitted a report updating Council with respect to Old River Lane and Northgate End Development Sites in Bishop’s Stortford.
The Executive Member stated that he was pleased to advise that good progress had been made since Council in July by the Old River Lane Delivery Board with respect to both Old River Lane and Northgate End. With respect to Old River Lane, the Executive Member stated that, following a comprehensive procurement process, final bids would be submitted to the Council on 28January 2019. The preferred developer would be selected in February and proposed to Council in March 2019.
The draft heads of terms for the Old River Lane development formed part of the procurement process and this document was set out within Essential Reference Paper “C”. The final document would form part of the final bid submissions to the Council.
Members were advised that plans for the Northgate End development had also been moving forward.
The Executive Member confirmed that the indicative net cost of the Northgate End development would be £19.03 million and the business case and details of the funding were detailed in Essential Reference Paper “D”. Members were advised the necessary land acquisitions would be funded by the Local Enterprise Partnership funding. Land behind the site and land to the east was owned by Hertfordshire County Council and Bishop’s Stortford Town Council.
Council was advised that the procurement process was due to commence next month with a contractor appointed by April 2019. Members were reminded that no major works would commence until Council in March 2019 had approved proposals for the Old River Laneand also until the revised planning application had been approved and planning conditions discharged.
The Executive Member concluded by stating that the Arts Centre Steering Group had been moving forward regarding the design brief for the new facility as detailed in Essential Reference Paper “B”. The estimated cost of the centre based on the design brief was £28 million and the indicative breakdown of indicative funding sources was detailed within table 1 on pages 284 and 285 of the report submitted.
The Executive Member thanked the Joint Meeting of Scrutiny for their input in November. Council considered the recommendations in respect of Old River Lane and the Northgate End Development.
Councillor G Williamson moved, and Councillor M Pope seconded, a motion that the recommendations now detailed, be approved. After being put to the meeting, and a vote taken, the motion was declared CARRIED.
Council approved the proposals now detailed.
RESOLVED – that (A) Council notesthe update on:
i. the competitive dialogue procurement process for Old River Lane ii. the latest brief, estimated budget and likely funding partners for the Arts and Entertainment Centre iii. the draft Heads of Terms for the Development Agreement
(B) Council approved the capital allocation of £19.03m for the Multi Storey Car Park and adjoining residential/commercial units at Northgate End (Exempt Essential Reference Paper “D”), known as the ‘Northgate End ... view the full minutes text for item 323. |
Licensing Committee Report - 14 November 2018 PDF 49 KB To receive a report of the Licensing Committee Chairman and to consider recommendations on the matters below: Additional documents:
Minutes: RESOLVED – that the Minutes of the Licensing Committee meeting held on 14 November 2018 be received.
(see also Minutes 325 – 326) |
Statement of Principles under the Gambling Act 2005 Additional documents: Minutes: Council considered the recommendations of the Statement of Principles under the Gambling Act 2005.
Councillor G Cutting moved, and Councillor S Rutland-Barsby seconded, a motion that the recommendations now detailed, be approved. After being put to the meeting, and a vote taken, the motion was declared CARRIED.
Council approved the proposals now detailed.
RESOLVED – that the final wording of the Statement of Gambling Principles, as detailed at Essential Reference Paper “A” to this report, be agreed so that the revised statement can be republished in 2019.
(see also Minute 324) |
Night Time Economy Position Statement Additional documents: Minutes: Council considered the recommendations of the Night Time Economy Position Statement.
Councillor G Cutting moved, and Councillor J Jones seconded, a motion that the recommendations now detailed, be approved. After being put to the meeting, and a vote taken, the motion was declared CARRIED.
Council approved the proposals now detailed.
RESOLVED – that the final wording of the Night Time Economy Position Statement, as detailed at Essential Reference Paper “B” to this report, be approved as an addendum to the Council’s Statement of Licensing Policy.
(see also Minute 324) |
Millstream 30 Year Business Plan: 2019/20 Onwards PDF 96 KB To consider a report of the Directors of Millstream Property Investments Ltd
Note – Essential Reference Paper ‘B’ is enclosed for Members only as it contains exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Part I of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Executive Member for Finance and Support Services and the Directors of Millstream Property Investments Limited submitted a report that presented Millstream’s Business Plan for the 30 year period commencing 2019/20.
The Executive Member reminded Members that Millstream Property Investments Limited had been formally established in April 2018. Members were also reminded that the only properties due to be transferred in this first year were those that the Council already owned. The Council as a shareholder was now looking ahead to next year in terms of how income from Millstream could contribute to the Councils revenue.
The Executive Member explained that the business plan had to be approved by Council. The business plan would require Council investment which must also be approved by Members.
Helen Standen, as a Director of Millstream Property Investments Limited, presented the 30 year business plan to Council for approval and reminded members that the business plan would normally be presented in February/March alongside the council’s budget report, but since the budget was being presented in December this year, a decision had been made to do the same with the Millstream business plan.
Members were advised that the business plan had been prepared in line with requests and suggestions from both the elected Members who sit on the Shareholder Advisory Group and the Financial Sustainability Group as well as the Executive Member for Finance and Support Services and the Head of Strategic Finance and Property. The Directors of Millstream were grateful for the guidance provided by all.
The Director stated that the plan suggested a programme of acquisitions and developments for 2019/20 to 2022/23. This would see the property portfolio increase from the 3 properties on Old River Lane, Bishop’s Stortford to 49 properties, overall.
The Director stated that she was pleased to advise that 9 of these dwellings would be affordable homes, with the remainder available to let at market rents. The business plan was detailed within exempt Essential Reference Paper “B”.
The Directors believed that the 30 year business plan provided a robust and stress tested approach to delivering high quality homes in the district whilst at the same time, providing an income stream which had been included in the budget papers presented to Members earlier during the meeting.
The report sought approval of the business plan, as well as capital resources detailed in recommendation B. This would enable the company to acquire five properties on the open market in 2019/20 and also to facilitate the delivery of the Kingsmead Scheme referred to by the Executive Member for Finance and Support Services. The Director summarised the requirements of recommendations C and D, as now detailed.
Councillor G Williamson moved, and Councillor A Alder seconded, a motion that the recommendations now detailed, be approved.
Councillor K Crofton moved and Councillor S Reed seconded, a motion that pursuant to Section 100 (A) (4) of the Local Government Act 1972 as amended, the press and public be excluded during consideration of the business referred to in Minute ... view the full minutes text for item 327. |
Calculation of Council Tax Base 2019/20 PDF 48 KB To consider a report of the Executive Member for Finance and Support Services. Additional documents: Minutes: The Executive Member for Finance and Support services submitted a report that recommended that Council approve the calculation of the Council Tax base for the whole District, and for each Parish and Town Council, for 2019/20.
Councillor G Williamson moved, and Councillor J Wyllie seconded, a motion that the recommendations now detailed, be approved. After being put to the meeting, and a vote taken, the motion was declared CARRIED.
Council approved the proposals now detailed.
RESOLVED – that (A) the calculation of the Council’s tax base for the whole district, and for the parish areas, as now submitted for 2019/20 be approved; and
(B) pursuant to the report and in accordance with the Local Authorities (Calculation of Tax Base) Regulations 2012, the amount calculated by East Hertfordshire District Council as its council tax base for the whole area for 2019/20 shall be 60721.9 and for the parish areas as listed in the report submitted for 2018/19. |
Performance, Audit and Governance Scrutiny Committee: Minutes - 4 September 2018 PDF 63 KB Chairman: Councillor M Pope Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED – that the Minutes of the Performance, Audit and Governance Scrutiny Committee held on 4 September 2018, be received. |
Licensing Committee: Minutes - 5 September 2018 PDF 30 KB Chairman: Councillor D Andrews Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED – that the Minutes of the Licensing Committee meeting held on 5 September 2018, be received. |
Development Management Committee: Minutes - 12 September, 10 October and 7 November 2018 PDF 49 KB Chairman: Councillor T Page Additional documents:
Minutes: RESOLVED – that the Minutes of the Development Management Committee meetings held on 12 September, 10 October and 7 November 2018, be received. |
Overview and Scrutiny Committee: Minutes - 18 September 2018 PDF 57 KB Chairman: Councillor M Allen Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED – that the Minutes of the Licensing Committee meeting held on 14 March 2018, be received. |