Agenda and minutes

Council - Tuesday 18th July, 2017 7.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Wallfields, Hertford. View directions

Contact: Martin Ibrahim  Tel: (01279) 502173 Email:


No. Item


Chairman's Announcements

To receive any announcements.

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The Chairman welcomed Members, Officers, the press and public to the meeting.  Given the presence of children in the chamber, he emphasised that the meeting was being webcast as usual.


The Chairman reminded Members of the sad news relating to former Councillor David Smith, who had recently passed away.  David had represented Havers and Thorley ward and then Bishop’s Stortford Thorley ward from the District Council’s inception in 1973 until 1987.  As a mark of respect, everyone stood and observed a moment’s silence.


The Chairman referred to the exhibition outside the chamber celebrating 50 years of conservation in East Herts and urged Members to view it if they had not done so already.


The Chairman highlighted some of the events he had attended since the previous meeting, which had included his Civic Service, at which over £300 had been raised for charity.  He looked forward to future events, such as his charity golf day at Hanbury Manor, and sought Members’ support in its promotion.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 73 KB

To approve as a correct record and authorise the Chairman to sign the Minutes of the Council meeting held on 10 May 2017.

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RESOLVED – that the Minutes of the Annual Council meeting held on 10 May 2017, be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any Members' declarations of interest.

Additional documents:


In respect of Minute 114 – Leisure Facilities Strategy, Councillor I Devonshire advised Members that his daughter was employed at Fanshawe pool.  Whilst this was not a disclosable pecuniary interest, in the interests of transparency, he asked Members to note this.


Petitions pdf icon PDF 45 KB

To receive any petitions.

Additional documents:


Petition (A) – Planning Decisions on Ware Road, Hertford


A petition on behalf of the Kingsmead Residents Action Group had been submitted as follows:


We, the residents of Ware Road, Hertford and all roads in the surrounding area, request that East Herts District Local Planning Authority impose an immediate suspension on all planning decisions that involve residential parking provision, and call on Hertfordshire County Council Highways to complete their comprehensive traffic and parking study as soon as possible – to look in detail at the serious problems we are experiencing in relation to road safety, resulting from congestion, problem parking and speeding vehicles.


Karen Johns, on behalf of the Kingsmead Residents Action Group, addressed the meeting.  She advised that 335 signatures had been collected in support of the petition, which had arisen as a result of the increased parking and traffic problems which had occurred since the Liberty Rise development had been completed.  She argued that this development had been permitted without adequate parking provision, which had caused the overspill of parking onto Ware Road.  This had resulted in numerous scrapes, near misses and one serious accident.  She referred to the impact on safety for cyclists, children and pedestrians in general.


In response, the Executive Member for Development Management and Council Support commented that the Council could not suspend determining planning applications, as it was required to consider these within statutory deadlines.  She referred to the applicant’s right of appeal if these deadlines were not met and the associated risks for local decision-making.


The Executive Member recognised the concerns raised and stated that the lessons learned will be factored in when considering future applications within existing planning policies and guidelines.  In respect of the County Council’s study, she advised that Highways Officers were currently agreeing the scope for the study and that the survey would be undertaken in September when the schools had reopened.  The results of the study would be received by Christmas 2017, and hopefully, would identify appropriate measures to deal with the problems highlighted.


Councillor J Goodeve, as a local ward member, welcomed the Executive Member’s response and looked forward to receiving the County Council’s study.


Petition (B) – Save Leventhorpe Swimming Pool


Elizabeth Hall, a resident of Sawbridgeworth, had submitted a petition as follows:


We the undersigned petition the Council to continue to support the funding for Leventhorpe swimming pool in Sawbridgeworth.  This facility is highly valued asset to the town.  EHDC are considering stopping its financial support of the Leventhorpe swimming pool in favour of an improved complex in Bishop’s Stortford.  However, this would have a detrimental impact upon the community of Sawbridgeworth.  Our children would lose access to swimming lessons within our town.  Our community would have an increased journey to access leisure facilities which would be detrimental.


Elizabeth Hall, on behalf of Sawbridgeworth residents, addressed the meeting.  She advised that 2094 signatures had been collected in support of what had been a very emotive petition.  Local residents were concerned that  ...  view the full minutes text for item 109.


Members' questions pdf icon PDF 53 KB

To receive any Members' questions.

Additional documents:


Question 1


Councillor P Ballam referred to the Council’s corporate priorities/objectives which included “improve the health and wellbeing of our communities” and “enhance the quality of people’s lives”.  She was surprised, indeed shocked, to learn that the members of the Council’s Executive, including Councillor Buckmaster were willing to contemplate the closure of Fanshawe Swimming Pool.  Since his appointment as Executive Member for Health and Wellbeing, Councillor Buckmaster had been proactive in all matters relating to the health and physical and mental wellbeing of our residents.  We hear of postcode lottery in relation to some services provided by the National Health Service, but this would be postcode lottery on fitness in East Hertfordshire.  If you lived in some of our towns you will continue to be encouraged to keep fit in this extremely valuable way.  Some people in Ware will be disadvantaged as everyone does not drive, and indeed, we should not be encouraging the greater use of cars.  Therefore, she asked him how he could contemplate the closure of this extremely important facility in the town of Ware, a town of over 18,000 inhabitants, surrounded by rivers and other bodies of water. 


In response, the Executive Member for Health and Wellbeing commented that he felt her frustration as the question applied equally to Leventhorpe as well as Fanshawe.  He explained the thinking that was involved in the work of Members and Officers throughout this process and the circumstances with which they had been confronted.  Firstly, the great news was that the Executive was recommending an expansion of leisure services to the east and west of the District that would sustain them for the next 20 or more years, in the centres which we owned.  Previous contract renewals had been more straightforward in enabling the Council to roll on with existing arrangements concerning the joint use pools.  However, this time was different, because the facilities were of an age where substantial investment was necessary and so a long term view of our relationships was needed.


The Executive Member reminded Council of the wider financial context and the need to ensure that services remained viable in order to continue to operate them.  The centres at Leventhorpe and Chauncy were owned by the schools, and they paid a 40 per cent share of maintaining them from money received from the Education and Skills Funding Agency, which would be available for at least the next two years.


The Council had to consider whether the schools would be able to commit to a long term arrangement that would justify the investment needed for a contract that had to work for 10 or more years.  The Executive Member suggested they could not and the District Council was not permitted to fund education.  Therefore, it would be important to consider security of tenure so far as the schools’ ability and willingness to form a partnership with the Council.  He referred to the long term vision needing to address these special circumstances, so that there was appropriate  ...  view the full minutes text for item 110.


Executive Report - 16 May 2017 pdf icon PDF 64 KB

To receive a report from the Leader of the Council and to consider recommendations on the matters below:

Additional documents:


The Leader referred to recent tragic events that had occurred since the previous meeting in Manchester, Borough Market, Grenfell Tower and Finsbury Park.  On behalf of the Council, she expressed deep sorrow for all those affected.


RESOLVED – that the Minutes of the meeting held on 16 May 2017 be received.


(see also Minute 112)


Bishop's Stortford Town Centre Planning Framework

Minute 21 refers

Additional documents:


The Executive Member for Economic Development advised Members that a steering group, Shaping Stortford, had now been set up to facilitate projects consistent with the framework.  Its membership included business representatives, residents and the three tiers of local government.


RESOLVED – that the Bishop’s Stortford Town Centre Framework (March 2017) be approved for Development Management decisions.


(see also Minute 111)


Executive Report - 27 June 2017 pdf icon PDF 99 KB

To receive a report from the Leader of the Council and to consider recommendations on the matters below:

Additional documents:


RESOLVED – that the Minutes of the meeting held on 27 June 2017 be received.


(see also Minutes 114 - 116)


Leisure Facilities Strategy Part 1: Proposed future direction of travel for Council managed leisure facilities and Part 2: Proposal to develop leisure and sports provision in Bishop's Stortford pdf icon PDF 555 KB

To consider a report of the Executive Member for Health and Wellbeing

Additional documents:


The Leader of the Council referred to an error contained in the original report that had been submitted to the Executive in that paragraph 4.9 should have referred to the current leisure contract expiry date as December 2018 and not December 2022.  The correct contract date had been reflected in the Minutes of the Executive meeting.


The Executive Member for Health and Wellbeing referred to the recommendations set out in both Parts 1 and 2 of the report and proposed some amendments.


Part 1


In respect of recommendation (E), he proposed an amendment so that it read “public consultation and further investigation of the options for Fanshawe Pool and Gym are carried out and a report is presented in October 2017”.  Councillor D Oldridge seconded this amendment and asked for details of what the consultation would involve.


The Head of Operations advised that Officers would continue to engage with the public and look at all the options available.  This would include all the correspondence received to date as well the comments made in the petitions.  Discussions with the schools would continue and all market options would be examined.


In respect of recommendation (F), the Executive Member for Health and Wellbeing proposed an amendment so that it read “public consultation and further investigation of the options for Leventhorpe Pool and Gym are carried out and a report is presented in October 2017”.  This was seconded by Councillor A Alder.


In respect of recommendation (J), the Executive Member for Health and Wellbeing proposed an amendment so that it read “subject to funding approval, delegated authority to make decisions relating to the leisure development projects is provided to the Executive Member for Health and Wellbeing with the support of a leisure project board.  The board will consist of the Executive Members of Health and Wellbeing and Finance and Support Services, the Head of Operations, the Chief Finance Officer, Monitoring Officer and a Director.”  Councillor D Oldridge seconded this amendment.


Council approved the recommendations as now amended.


RESOLVED – that (A) the views of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and the recommendations of the Executive, be noted;


(B)      investment and development for Grange Paddocks as reflected in paragraph 4.8 of the report submitted, including costs for the submission of outline planning permission, be approved;


(C)      investment and development for Hartham Leisure Centre as reflected in paragraph 4.8 of the report submitted, including costs of the submission of outline planning permission, be approved;


(D)      investment and development for Ward Freman as reflected in paragraph 4.8 of the report submitted, be approved;


(E)      public consultation and further investigation of the options for Fanshawe Pool and Gym are carried out and a report is presented in October 2017;


(F)       public consultation and further investigation of the options for Leventhorpe Pool and Gym are carried out and a report is presented in October 2017;


(G)      the Design, Build, Operate and Maintain model for Grange Paddocks Leisure Centre, be approved;


(H)      the Design, Build, Operate and Maintain model for  ...  view the full minutes text for item 114.


Furneux Pelham Conservation Area Appraisal

Minute 68 refers

Additional documents:


RESOLVED – that (A) the responses to the public consultation be noted and the Officer responses and proposed changes to the Furneux Pelham Conservation Area Character Appraisal and Management Proposals, be supported;


(B)   authority be delegated to the Head of Planning and Building Control, in consultation with the Executive Member for Development Management and Council Support, to make any further minor and consequential changes to the  document which may be necessary; and


(C)   the Furneux Pelham Conservation Area Character Appraisal and Management Proposals be approved for adoption.


(see also Minute 113)


Council Tax Support Scheme 2018/19

Minute 69 refers

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RESOLVED – that no changes to the scheme design for 2018/19 be made.


(see also Minute 113)


Environment Scrutiny Committee: Minutes - 7 March 2017 pdf icon PDF 69 KB

Chairman: Councillor J Wyllie

Additional documents:


RESOLVED – that the Minutes of the Environment Scrutiny Committee meeting held on 7 March 2017, be received.


Health and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee: Minutes - 14 March 2017 pdf icon PDF 57 KB

Chairman: Councillor A Alder

Additional documents:


RESOLVED – that the Minutes of the Health and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee meeting held on 14 March 2017, be received.


Licensing Committee: Minutes - 16 March 2017 pdf icon PDF 47 KB

Chairman: Councillor R Brunton

Additional documents:


RESOLVED – that the Minutes of the Licensing Committee meeting held on 16 March 2017, be received.


Audit and Governance Committee: Minutes - 22 March 2017 pdf icon PDF 58 KB

Chairman: Councillor M Pope

Additional documents:


RESOLVED – that the Minutes of the Audit and Governance Committee meeting held on 22 March 2017, be received.


Community Scrutiny Committee: Minutes - 28 March 2017 pdf icon PDF 50 KB

Chairman: Councillor P Moore

Additional documents:


RESOLVED – that the Minutes of the Community Scrutiny Committee meeting held on 28 March 2017, be received.


Human Resources Committee: Minutes - 19 April 2017 pdf icon PDF 43 KB

Chairman: Councillor C Woodward

Additional documents:


RESOLVED – that the Minutes of the Human Resources Committee meeting held on 19 April 2017, be received.


Development Management Committee: Minutes - 26 April 2017 pdf icon PDF 59 KB

Chairman: Councillor T Page

Additional documents:


RESOLVED – that the Minutes of the Development Management Committee meeting held on 26 April 2017, be received.


Development Management Committee: Minutes - 17 May 2017 pdf icon PDF 71 KB

Chairman: Councillor T Page

Additional documents:


RESOLVED – that the Minutes of the Development Management Committee meeting held on 17 May 2017, be received.


Performance, Audit and Governance Scrutiny Committee: Minutes - 23 May 2017 pdf icon PDF 75 KB

Chairman: Councillor M Pope

Additional documents:


RESOLVED – that the Minutes of the Performance, Audit and Governance Scrutiny Committee meeting held on 23 May 2017, be received.


Scrutiny Annual Report 2016-17 pdf icon PDF 74 KB

To consider a report of the 2016/17 Scrutiny Chairmen.

Additional documents:


Councillor M Allen, on behalf of the 2016/17 Scrutiny Chairmen, presented the Scrutiny Annual report 2016/17. 


Council approved the report for publication.


RESOLVED – that the Annual Report on the work of the East Herts Scrutiny Committees during 2016/17 be received and approved for publication.


Discretionary Community Grants Policy pdf icon PDF 85 KB

To consider a report of the Executive Member for Health and Wellbeing

Additional documents:


Council considered a report proposing changes in the discretionary community grants policy in order to maximise health and wellbeing outcomes for residents in East Herts.  The Executive Member for Health and Wellbeing highlighted the key changes and advised that these would simplify the application process.  The proposed changes had arisen from a review undertaken by an informal group of Members.


Council approved the recommendations as now detailed.


RESOLVED – that (A) the new grants policy as detailed in Essential Reference Paper ‘B’ of the report submitted, be approved, including proposals listed in paragraph 2.7 to:


·           open the fund up to not-for-profit organisations;

·                        remove the requirement of match funding for building projects;

·                        increase the maximum revenue grant from £1,000 to £3,000; and


(B)      new priorities and outcomes, as detailed in Appendix 1, Essential Reference Paper ‘B’ of the report submitted, be approved.


Review of the Constitution pdf icon PDF 68 KB

To consider a report of the Head of Legal and Democratic Services

Additional documents:


The Head of Legal and Democratic Services submitted a report updating Members on the progress of the review of the Constitution, which also sought agreement to transitional arrangements for dealing with Standards complaints presented before 1 March 2017.


Council approved the recommendations as now detailed.


RESOLVED – that (A) the report on the review of the Constitution be noted; and


(B)      current Members of the Standards Sub Committee remaining in place to deal with any matters presented to them before 1 March 2017, be approved.