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No. | Item |
Appointment of Chairman Minutes: It was moved by Stevenage Borough Councillor P Choudhury and seconded by Stevenage Borough Councillor Mrs J Lloyd that East Herts District Councillor G Williamson be appointed Chairman for the meeting.
RESOLVED – that Councillor G Williamson be appointed Chairman for the meeting.
Apologies To receive apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies for absence were submitted from Councillors J Heywood (Hertsmere Borough Council), G McAndrew (East Herts District Council) and L Needham (North Herts Council).
Chairman's Announcements Minutes: The Chairman stated that Councillor M Stevenson would be late.
Minutes - 10 September 2015 PDF 527 KB To approve as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting held on 10 September 2015. Minutes: RESOLVED - that the Minutes of the meeting held on 10 September 2015 be confirmed as a correct record.
Annual Operations Report PDF 68 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Operations Manager presented the Annual Operations Report for 2015/16 and provided an overview of key points, including replacement cameras, systems developments in the partnership areas, upgrades in relation to databases and new business joining the partnership. The Operations Manager referred to specific areas in Borehamwood where, despite annual stock losses of 10%, the Commerical Property Management Company were reluctant to join the partnership. Operational developments and protocols were discussed.
The Operations Manager stated that the Hertfordshire CCTV Partnership had been successful in achieving three awards; the Certificate of Compliance regarding Codes of Practice from the Surveillance Commissioner and two national CCTV awards in relation to Control Room Operators 2015 and the CCTV Management and Innovation Award.
Members congratulated the partnership on its achievement.
The Operations Manager provided an update in relation to the number of incidents which had occurred within the partnership areas and referred to specific areas which could benefit from more CCTV coverage.
In response to a question concerning the quality of the CCTV and whether the definition it provided was of use to the Police, the Lead Officer explained that the partnership was working with the Police to enable this to be streamed.
Members sought clarification on how the annual report was used by the Police. The Lead Officer (Stevenage) explained that work was currently ongoing and that it was a question of (Police) resources. Members suggested that the report should be forwarded to the Police at the highest level, i.e., that of the Commissioner, so that the ongoing positive work of the partnership could be given the support it needed to tackle incidents. This was supported.
The Operations Manager stated that 75% of incidents attended by the Police was as a result of information sent to them by the partnership. He commented that the Police Commissioner had visited their Control Room and was impressed by what he had seen. The Operations Managed stated that he hoped that the partnership could work even more closely with the Police.
The issue of fly-tipping in the partnership areas and the difficulties faced in catching those responsible was discussed.
The Operations Manager provided an update in relation to the number of independent inspectors employed by the partnership.
The Chairman, on behalf of Members, congratulated the Operations Manager on achieving the awards and on his thorough and detailed report.
The CCTV Joint Executive Committee approved the Management and Inspector’s report, as now detailed and requested that this be forwarded to the Police Crime Commissioner.
RESOLVED – that (A) the report be received;
(B) the Hertfordshire CCTV Partnership be thanked for their ongoing hard work and achievements; and
(C) the Annual Report be forwarded to the Police Crime Commissioner.
CCTV Code of Practice Amendments PDF 69 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Operations Manager provided an update in relation to the CCTV Code of Practice, the detail of which was set out in the report. The Operations Manager provided an update in relation to ABOT (Automatic Back Office Tasks) and BORIS (Back Office Recording Incident System) database.
The CCTV Joint Executive Committee approved the Code of Practice, as now detailed.
RESOLVED – that the Code of Practice as detailed, be approved.
Ltd Company - Verbal Update Minutes: The Lead Officer provided a verbal update in relation to the partnership. He stated that the accounts had been closed in July 2016 and showed a gross profit of £84,000 and £79,000 before tax. He explained that his role in assisting the partnership had created an additional cost for his services and time and the need to carry out a compulsory audit. The Lead Officer explained that, at the present time, Officers were reviewing how best to offset some tax liabilities.
A Member raised the issue of crime in some retail areas. The Lead Officer explained the issues encountered in some areas when Managing Agents switched off their CCTV in an effort to meet their management budgets and of the difficulties this caused for the partnership and retailers in terms of increased incidents, primarily thefts. The issue of why retailers were unwilling to participate with the CCTV partnership in specific areas was discussed.
RESOLVED – that the update be noted.
Date of next meeting To agree a date for the next meeting. Minutes: Members agreed that the next meeting of the CCTV Joint Executive Committee be held in mid- October 2017 on a date to be agreed at Hertsmere Borough Council offices.
RESOLVED – that the next meeting of the CCTV Joint Executive Committee be held in mid-October 2017 on a date to be agreed at Hertsmere Borough Council offices.
Urgent Business To consider such other business as, in the opinion of the Chairman of the meeting, is of sufficient urgency to warrant consideration and is not likely to involve the disclosure of exempt information. Minutes: The Chairman agreed to add an urgent item of business onto the agenda, in order to facilitate the business of the CCTV Joint Executive Committee.
The Lead Officer referred to the tax position of the company and the need to find more tax efficient ways to run the partnership. It was suggested that the partnership should appoint a group accountant to undertake a cost benefit analysis (CBA) to review more tax efficient ways. This information would be shared with the Executive Committee and its shareholders.
The Head of Housing and Health (East Herts District Council) explained that he was aware of ongoing discussions with Stevenage finance Officers, Members and each of the partners, to find the most tax efficient way forward for the partnership to operate.
The CCTV Joint Executive Committee approved the suggestion that the partnership appoint a group accountant to undertake a cost benefit analysis to review more tax efficient ways to run the partnership and that the results of the CBA be reported back to the CCTV Joint Executive Committee.
RESOLVED – that a group accountant be appointed to undertake a cost benefit analysis to review more tax efficient ways to run the Hertfordshire CCTV Partnership.