Agenda and minutes

District Planning Executive Panel - Tuesday 3rd December, 2013 7.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Wallfields, Hertford. View directions

Contact: Martin Ibrahim  Tel: (01279) 502173 Email:


No. Item


Transport Update Report and Modelling Results pdf icon PDF 186 KB

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The Executive Member for Strategic Planning and Transport submitted a report on the November 2013 Transport Update prepared by Hertfordshire County Council as part of the evidence base to inform the emerging East Herts District Plan.  The report also explained that further transport assessment would be needed following agreement of the Draft District Plan, to assess the feasibility and viability of transport and highways mitigation measures.  The Executive Member also set out ATLAS advice that the extended process of evidence gathering would go beyond the District Plan itself and into further plan-making and planning application stages of the end-to-end development process.


The Panel Chairman welcomed Paul Chappell and Sue Jackson from Hertfordshire County Council, who were in attendance to answer Members’ questions.


A number of questions were asked by Members.  Some of these concerned the level of congestion in town centres and how transport infrastructure improvements could be funded.  Paul Chappell explained that developers would be expected to contribute to such improvements as and when large applications came through.  He acknowledged that new developments added pressures and the purpose of the study had been to identify the pressure points.  He reassured the meeting that ringfenced section 106 funds for specific areas were applied as identified in the agreement.


Sue Jackson also commented on sustainable transport solutions for shorter trips and the need to encourage a modal shift away from the motor car, given the limitations on road capacity.  She also detailed the work undertaken with neighbouring Authorities.


The Panel supported the proposals as now detailed.


RECOMMENDED – that Hertfordshire County Council’s Transport Update November 2013, informed by transport modelling, be noted and agreed as part of the technical evidence base to inform the preparation of the District Plan.



East Herts Green Belt Review – Parts 2 to 6 (December 2013) pdf icon PDF 133 KB

Additional documents:


The Panel considered a report summarising the findings of the East Herts Green Belt Review – Parts 2 to 6 (December 2013), which sought endorsement to use the Review to inform the preparation of the East Herts District Plan. 


The Panel recalled that the Review had been split into two parts, with the first part having been considered by the Panel, at its meeting held on 3 October 2013.  Part 1 of the Review had informed the Detailed Site Assessments undertaken in Part 2 of the Review, the subject of this report.  The purpose of Part 2 had been to undertake a detailed assessment of the Green Belt for the shortlisted areas of search remaining at the end of Chapter 4 of the Supporting Document.  This report also contained Parts 3 to 6, which included more information on the approach towards Major Developed Sites in the Green Belt, minor boundary amendments necessary as a result of digital mapping improvements, new or compensatory Green Belt and the approach towards safeguarding Green Belt land for future development beyond the emerging Plan period.


Members noted a number of minor corrections to various figures, as detailed in the supplementary sheets tabled.


In response to Members’ questions, Officers confirmed that the criteria and scoring used in the assessmentwere comparable to those used by other Authorities and reflected the local circumstances and relationships between East Herts towns and villages.  In respect of some confusion on the hierarchy of the maps, Officers undertook to include cross-referencing that would benefit the public. 


The Panel supported the recommendations as now detailed.


RECOMMENDED – that (A) the East Herts Green Belt Review – Parts 2 to 6, December 2013, be agreed as part of the evidence base to inform and support the East Herts District Plan; and


(B)      the Head of Planning and Building Control, in consultation with the Executive Member for Strategic Planning and Transport, be authorised to make non-material, and typographical corrections to the Green Belt Review.



Duty to Co-operate – Update Report pdf icon PDF 118 KB

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to a report presenting the notes of the latest round of Member-level meetings with adjoining Local Planning Authorities.  Officers updated the meeting on these and forthcoming meetings that were required as demonstrating the Council’s engagement with neighbouring Authorities under the Duty to Co-operate.


The Panel noted the report.


RECOMMENDED – that the notes of recent Member-level meetings with Harlow and Uttlesford Councils, as now submitted, be noted.



District Plan Update Report and Supporting Document Chapter 6 pdf icon PDF 133 KB

Additional documents:


The Panel considered a report presenting the final chapter of the District Plan Supporting Document, Chapter 6: Conclusions.  This explained the revised scope of Chapter 6, and how the conclusions of the overall strategy selection process would be presented in the Strategy Report at the next meeting on 16 January 2014.


In response to Members’ comments and questions, Officers explained that the various references to the outcome of an appeal at a joint inquiry in respect of a site near Buntingford, were factual statements correct at time of going to press.  These statements could be reworded before the public consultation period, if the outcome of the appeal was known.  Officers further advised that the Appeal Inspector had asked to be kept informed of the progress of the emerging Plan.


The Panel considered the chapter in detail and a number of corrections and typographical amendments were highlighted.


The Panel supported the recommendations as now detailed.


RECOMMENDED - that (A) the revised approach to the presentation of the strategy for the District Plan, set out at Essential Reference Paper ‘B’, be agreed; and


(B)      Essential Reference Paper ‘C’, containing District Plan Supporting Document Chapter 6: Conclusions, be agreed.



Local Development Scheme (LDS) Version 5 (December 2013) pdf icon PDF 122 KB

Additional documents:


The Panel gave consideration to a report, which presented Version 5 of the Council’s Local Development Scheme (LDS).  This comprised a schedule and work programme that set out when and how the Council would prepare its Development Plan Documents (DPDs), namely the District Plan.  It was proposed that this would replace Version 4 of the LDS (August 2012).


In response to Members’ questions, Officers clarified the need to outline a 5 year land supply, as set out in the Annual Monitoring Report.


The Panel supported the recommendation as now detailed.


RECOMMENDED – that the Local Development Scheme (LDS) Version 5 – December 2013 be agreed, to take effect from 12 December 2013.



Chairman's Announcements

Additional documents:


The Chairman welcomed the press, public and Members to the meeting and reminded everyone that the meeting was being webcast.


The Panel Chairman provided a further reminder of the training session on 9 January 2014.  He also reminded everyone of the meeting schedule in the next few weeks, which would culminate in the Council approving a draft District Plan for the purposes of public consultation on 29 January 2014.  It was still anticipated that the consultation period would run for the full twelve weeks commencing in February 2014.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 136 KB

To approve the Minutes of the meeting of the Panel held on 18 November 2013 (to follow)

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RESOLVED – that the Minutes of the Panel meeting held on 18 November 2013, be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.



Declarations of Interests

To receive any Member(s)’ Declaration(s) of Interest

Additional documents:


The Panel Chairman asked Members to note that he was the Chairman of Hertford Regional College and a board member of South Anglia Housing Association.


Councillor T Page asked Members to note that his wife was a member of Bishop’s Stortford Golf Club.


Councillor J Wing asked Members to note that his wife was the Vice Chairman of Hertford Regional College.