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No. | Item |
Chairman's Announcements Minutes: The Chairman welcomed Members, the public and the press to the meeting.
He congratulated Laura Pattison, Assistant Planning Policy Officer on completing her Masters Degree in Spatial Planning.
The Chairman made a statement concerning the Local Development Framework (LDF). He explained that there was a continuing process to develop this and no decisions on the framework itself would be made until the end of the process. The LDF Executive Panel scrutinised the details and the Executive would decide on strategy. The Council would make decisions on the final document. The LDF sought to provide sustainable regulation and guidelines for land use and community development.
He added that all parties would have a chance to comment on what had been produced so far in the Spring of 2012. In addition, he said that he always declared an interest where appropriate and had not taken part in discussion where it would not be correct to do so.
The Chairman said that training sessions on the LDF would be held for Parish and Town Councils on 30 November 2011 (River Room, Hertford Theatre) and 5 December 2011 (Council Chamber, Wallfields)
Declarations of Interests To receive any Member(s)’ Declaration(s) of Interest Minutes: The following Members declared a personal interest in Minute 17 – Strategic Land Availability Assessment (SLAA) Next Steps, by virtue of the reason shown below:
Councillor E Buckmaster – Member of the Stop Harlow North Campaign. Councillor M Carver – Chairman of the Board of Governors of Hertford Regional College; Councillor M Newman – Member of the Stop Harlow North Campaign; Councillor M Pope – Member of Save our Green Spaces, Ware; Councillor J Wing – Husband of Vice-Chairman of the Board of Governors of Hertford Regional College.
Strategic Land Availability Assessment (SLAA) Next Steps PDF 45 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Executive Member for Planning Policy and Economic Development submitted a report setting out the next steps in the ongoing Strategic Land Availability Assessment (SLAA) technical work which would inform the East Herts Local Development Framework (LDF) and housing trajectory.
The Chairman added that meetings had been held to obtain more information on all sites so that the LDF would be robust and stand up to the Examination in Public. It was important to include Harlow North as this was in the RSS (Regional Spatial Strategy) which had not yet been abolished.
Officers said that the SLAA did not make decisions as to whether a site should be developed. It was about obtaining information to understand whether a site could be developed. It was believed important to involve Town and Parish Councils, although it was concluded that Councillors might feel compromised if they attended the meetings. Having come to that conclusion, it was felt the best compromise was to invite Clerks who as employees of Parish Councils could act as representatives and feedback and comment as appropriate. All Clerks had been invited. Although not all sites were considered at the meetings, this did not mean that those that were not had been approved. All SLAA sites would be considered by Officers when they undertook their initial assessment, taking on board information received. Amendments to Essential Reference Paper ‘B’ and Essential Reference Paper ‘C’ were tabled. It was confirmed that Braughing was a Category 1 Village in the existing Local Plan. .
The Chairman said it was essential to provide infrastructure for developments and this would be part of the LDF. A Member raised the need to take into account the frequency of bus services as well as how close they were to developments.
The Panel decided to make the recommendations detailed below to the Executive.
RECOMMENDED - that (A) the information received in respect of the SLAA sites, attached at Essential Reference Papers ‘B’ and ‘C’ of the report submitted and revised at the meeting, be noted; and
(B) the SLAA Next Steps, Assessment Criteria and Fact Sheet, attached at Essential Reference Papers ‘D’, ‘E’ and ‘F’ of the report now submitted, be agreed.
Hertfordshire Strategic Employment Sites Study (April 2011) PDF 66 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Executive Member for Planning Policy and Economic Development submitted a report seeking the consideration and agreement of the Hertfordshire Strategic Employment Sites Study (April 2011).
Members commented on the lack of strategic sites in the District but the Chairman explained that East Herts had a diverse range of employment although the sites were not large enough to be included in this study.
The Panel decided to make the recommendation detailed below to the Executive.
RECOMMENDED – that the Hertfordshire Strategic Employment Sites Study (April 2011) be agreed and published as a technical study, forming part of the evidence base to inform and support the East Herts Local Development Framework.
Local Development Framework - Evidence Base - Technical studies 2010/11 and 2011/12 PDF 34 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Executive Member for Planning Policy and Economic Development submitted a report updating the Panel on progress in respect of completed and ongoing Local Development Framework (LDF) evidence base related technical studies from 2010/11 and seeking noting of, or agreement to, those underway or proposed to be undertaken during 2011/12.
The Chairman explained that all the studies helped to support the LDF, in particular concerning infrastructure such as transport.
The Panel decided to make the recommendations detailed below to the Executive.
RECOMMENDED- that (A) it be noted, or as appropriate agreed, that the technical studies listed in Essential Reference Paper ‘B’ to the report now submitted, which are due for completion, already underway or proposed to be undertaken during 2011/12, contribute to the Local Development Framework Evidence Base and be completed or undertaken by means of:
(1) seeking competitive quotes or tenders, as appropriate, to engage consultants, with the costs being met from the 2011/12 Planning Policy / Local Development Framework budgets for such purposes; and/or
(2) partnership working where appropriate, with neighbouring authorities and other relevant partners; and
(B) the Head of Planning and Building Control, in consultation with the Executive Member for Planning Policy and Transport, be given authority to approve funding, within the limits of the 2011/12 Planning Policy/Local Development Framework budgets, for such other relevant planning policy studies, as may be deemed appropriate.
Annual Monitoring Report 2010/11 PDF 46 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Executive Member for Planning Policy and Economic Development submitted a report seeking Members’ approval for the publication and submission of the Annual Monitoring Report to the Secretary of State by 31 December 2011.
Members noted that this was the final Annual Monitoring report which would be required to be submitted to the Secretary of State.
The Panel decided to make the recommendations detailed below to the Executive.
RECOMMENDED – that (A) the Annual Monitoring Report 2010/2011 contained as Essential Reference Papers ‘B’ and ‘C’ to the report now submitted be approved for publication and submission to the Secretary of State by 31 December 2011; and
(B) the Head of Planning and Building Control, in consultation with the Executive Member for Planning Policy and Economic Development, be authorised to make any necessary amendments or corrections to the above document, which may be required or identified prior to publication and submission to the Secretary of State.
Interim Neighbourhood Planning Guidance Note (November 2011) PDF 58 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Executive Member for Planning Policy and Economic Development submitted a report seeking Members’ agreement to publish an interim guidance note on Neighbourhood Planning; and to set out what the potential resource implications of Neighbourhood Planning are for East Herts Council.
The Chairman said that he hoped communities would become involved with planning but did not wish to see them waste money on plans which might not be consistent with the LDF. The completion of the LDF as soon as possible was important to help Neighbourhood Plans proceed.
The Panel decided to make the recommendations now detailed to the Executive.
RECOMMENDED – that (A) the Interim Neighbourhood Planning Guidance Note (November 2011) contained at Essential Reference ‘B’ to the report now submitted be agreed and published;
(B) further consideration is given to the potential resource implications of Neighbourhood Planning; and
(C) communities be advised to wait before they do any substantive work on Neighbourhood Plans until the Localism Bill has been enacted, associated regulations published and the Council has progressed with its Core Strategy.
To approve the Minutes of the meeting of the Panel held on 7 July 2011 (circulated with Executive agenda for 9 August 2011) Minutes: RESOLVED – that the Minutes of the meeting held on 7 July 2011 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.