Agenda, decisions and minutes

Executive - Tuesday 12th October, 2010 7.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Wallfields, Hertford. View directions

Contact: Martin Ibrahim  (01279) 502173

No. Item



To receive apologies for absence.



Leader's Announcements


The Leader reminded Members that, “purdah” rules now applied until the Hunsdon by-election on 11 November 2010.  These rules existed to ensure that there was no risk of public funds being used and/or actions undertaken to support one particular political party or individual.


Proposed Designated Public Places Order (DPPO) in Sawbridgeworth pdf icon PDF 38 KB

Additional documents:


The Executive Member for Community Safety and Protection submitted a report requesting the Council to use the powers under section 13 of the Criminal Justice and Police Act 2001 to make a Designated Public Places Order (DPPO) for parts of Sawbridgeworth, in order to reduce alcohol related anti-social behaviour and crime.


The Executive recalled that, the Council had previously approved DPPOs for areas of Hertford and Ware.  The Executive Member stated these had proved successful in reducing alcohol related anti-social behaviour and crime.  He detailed the proposed area to be included within the Order, the analysis of crime statistics and the outcome of the statutory consultation with the local community.


Councillor A D Dodd, as a local ward Member, expressed full support for the proposals.


The Executive supported the recommendation as now detailed.


RECOMMENDED - that the proposed Designated Public Places Order (DPPO) in Sawbridgeworth be approved.


Strategic Housing Market Assessment - Viability Assessment for London Commuter Belt (East)/M11 Sub Region - Final Report (August 2010)


The Executive considered and supported the recommendations of the Local Development Framework Executive Panel, made at its meeting held on 23 September 2010, in respect of the Strategic Housing Market Assessment – Viability Assessment for London Commuter Belt (East)/M11 Sub Region – (August 2010).


RECOMMENDED - that the Strategic Housing Market Assessment – Viability Assessment for London Commuter Belt (East)/M11 Sub Region – (August 2010) be agreed and published as a technical study, forming part of the evidence base to inform and support the Local Development Framework (LDF), and for planning policy and housing strategy purposes.


(see also Minute 318 below)


East Herts Playing Pitch Strategy and Outdoor Sports Assessment (July 2010)


The Executive considered and supported the recommendations of the Local Development Framework Executive Panel, made at its meeting held on 23 September 2010, in respect of the East Herts Playing Pitch Strategy and Outdoor Sports Assessment – July 2010.


RECOMMENDED – that the East Herts Playing Pitch Strategy and Outdoor Sports Assessment – July 2010 be agreed and published:


(A)   as a technical study, forming part of the evidence base, to inform and support the East Herts Local Development Framework;


(B)   as a basis for informing future Development Control decisions concerning development which affects playing pitches and outdoor sports facilities; and


(C)   as a basis for informing the Sports and Active Recreation Facilities Strategy (part of the Facilities Improvement Scheme) and any Action Plans contained therein.


(see also Minute 318 below)


Hertfordshire Renewable and Low Carbon Energy Technical Study (July 2010)


The Executive considered and supported the recommendations of the Local Development Framework Executive Panel, made at its meeting held on 23 September 2010, in respect of theHertfordshire Renewable and Low Carbon Energy Technical Study (July 2010).


RECOMMENDED - that the Hertfordshire Renewable and Low Carbon Energy Technical Study (July 2010) be agreed and published as a technical study, forming part of the evidence base, to inform and support the East Herts Local Development Framework.


(see also Minute 318 below)


Local Development Framework Evidence Base - Technical Studies 2009/10 and 2010/11


The Executive considered and supported the recommendations of the Local Development Framework Executive Panel, made at its meeting held on 23 September 2010, in respect of the Local Development Framework Evidence Base – Technical Studies 2009/10 and 2010/11.


RECOMMENDED – that (A) it be noted that the technical studies listed in Essential Reference Paper ‘B’ to the report now submitted, which are due for completion, already underway or proposed to be undertaken during 2010/11, contribute to the Local Development Framework Evidence Base;


(B)   the technical studies referred in (A) above be completed or undertaken by means of:


(i)                     seeking competitive quotes or tenders, as appropriate, to engage consultants, with the costs being met from the 2010/11 Planning Policy/Local Development Framework budgets for such purposes; and/or


(ii)       partnership working where appropriate, with neighbouring authorities and other relevant partners; and


(C)   the Head of Planning and Building Control, in consultation with the Executive Member for Planning Policy and Transport, be given authority to approve funding, within the limits of the 2010/11 Planning Policy/Local Development Framework budgets, for such other relevant planning policy studies, as may be deemed appropriate.


(see also Minute 318 below)



To approve the Minutes of the meeting held on 7 September 2010 (previously circulated in Council Minute Book for 29 September 2010).


RESOLVED – that the Minutes of the Executive meeting held on 7 September 2010 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Leader.


Issues Arising from Scrutiny pdf icon PDF 25 KB



Parking Enforcement and Management Contract: Evaluation and Award Criteria pdf icon PDF 36 KB


RESOLVED – that (A) the comments of the Environment Scrutiny Committee be received; and


(B)      the tender evaluation and award criteria for the parking enforcement and management contract, as now detailed, be approved.



The Executive Member for Planning Policy and Transport submitted a report on the evaluation and award criteria for the Parking Enforcement and Management contract, which would be let after the current contract expired in January 2012.


The Environment Scrutiny Committee, at its meeting held on 14 September 2010, had considered and supported the recommendations as now detailed.


It was proposed that the contract would be based on a model devised by the British Parking Association and would be awarded on the basis of a 50:50 split between price and quality.


The Executive approved the proposals as now detailed.


RESOLVED – that (A) the comments of the Environment Scrutiny Committee be received; and


(B)      the tender evaluation and award criteria for the parking enforcement and management contract, as now detailed, be approved.


Revenues and Benefits Options in East Herts and Stevenage pdf icon PDF 57 KB


RESOLVED - that the option to create a shared service with Stevenage under a joint governance model be approved. 


The Executive Members for Resources and Internal Support and Housing and Health submitted a joint report advising on the options that had been considered by the interim joint management team in respect of shared Revenues and Benefits services in East Herts and Stevenage.


Further to the Executive decision on 13 July 2010, the joint team had explored the various options as now detailed in the report submitted.  The Executive Members proposed the preferred option of creating a shared service under a joint governance model.


The Executive approved the proposal as now detailed.


RESOLVED - that the option to create a shared service with Stevenage under a joint governance model be approved. 


Executive Arrangements pdf icon PDF 48 KB


The Leader of the Council submitted a report on the results of the public engagement exercise on executive arrangements as required by the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007.  The Act had introduced two models on which the Council had been required to consult on, namely, a directly elected Mayor and Executive and an elected Leader and Executive.


The Leader advised that 46 responses had been received, which represented 0.33% of the population in the District.


The Executive, having considered the economy, efficiency, and effectiveness of the current elected Leader and Executive model, supported the adoption of this model.  It was noted that an Extraordinary meeting of Council would consider the matter on 8 December 2010.


RESOLVED – that Extraordinary Council be recommended to (A) note the results of the consultation exercise in respect of the two models; and


(B)      having regard for the economy, efficiency and effectiveness of the elected Leader and Executive model, this option be adopted and implemented three days after the next District elections in May 2011.


Monthly Corporate Healthcheck - August 2010 pdf icon PDF 138 KB

Additional documents:


RESOLVED – that (A) the budgetary variances set out in paragraph 2.1 of the report submitted, be noted;


(B)      the reporting of the data for the new local crime indicators from the September Corporate Healthcheck report onwards, be noted; and


(C)      the capital bid for a supplementary estimate of £65k relating to works at the Southern Country Park, as detailed at paragraph 2.30 of the report submitted, be approved.


The Leader of the Council submitted an exception report on finance and performance monitoring for the month of August 2010.


The Executive approved the proposals as now detailed.


RESOLVED – that (A) the budgetary variances set out in paragraph 2.1 of the report submitted, be noted;


(B)      the reporting of the data for the new local crime indicators from the September Corporate Healthcheck report onwards, be noted; and


(C)      the capital bid for a supplementary estimate of £65k relating to works at the Southern Country Park, as detailed at paragraph 2.30 of the report submitted, be approved.


Local Development Framework (LDF) Executive Panel pdf icon PDF 34 KB

Minutes of the meeting held on 23 September 2010.
