Agenda, decisions and minutes

Executive - Tuesday 3rd September, 2019 7.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Wallfields, Hertford. View directions

Contact: Rebecca Dobson  Tel: (01279) 502082 Email:


No. Item


Leader's Announcements

Additional documents:


The Leader welcomed Members and Officers to the meeting and reminded everyone that the meeting was being webcast. 


The Leader summarised the ongoing work of the Overview and Scrutiny Task and Finish Group.  A survey was being conducted to seek residents’ views on parking and details were on the website.  Councillor J Wyllie, as Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, confirmed that this work was progressing and would be reported to the Committee in due course.



Minutes – 4 June 2019 pdf icon PDF 74 KB

To approve as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting held on 4 June 2019.

Additional documents:


Councillor L Haysey moved, and Councillor S Rutland-Barsby seconded, a motion to approve the Minutes of the meeting held on 4 June 2019 as a correct record.  After being put to the meeting and a vote taken, this motion was declared CARRIED.


RESOLVED – that the Minutes of the Executive meeting held on 4 June 2019 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Leader.



Declarations of Interest

To receive any Member(s) declaration(s) of interest.

Additional documents:


In respect of Minute XX – Grounds Maintenance Contract, Councillor E Buckmaster declared an interest in relation to the contract for verges maintenance with Hertfordshire County Council, in that he was the HCC Deputy Executive Member for Highways and the Environment.



Grounds Maintenance Contract Award pdf icon PDF 115 KB

Additional documents:


To approve the award of the ground’s maintenance contract to ‘Tenderer F’ as the most economically advantageous bid following a full EU competitive process with negotiation in accordance with the Public Contract Regulations 2015 (PCR 2015);

that the provisional item; ‘maintenance of highwaysagency areas’, is included in the contract to offer a service to Hertfordshire County Council under a separate agency agreement, with full cost reimbursement;

that the provisional item; ‘pest control’ is included in the contract;

delegation to the Chief Executive in consultation with the Head of Strategic Finance and Property and Head of Legal and Democratic Services to enter into a contract with the recommended Tenderer and make any minor amendment to the contract that should be required.



The Executive Member forEnvironmental Sustainability submitted a report to agree the award of the grounds maintenance contract for a term of eight years from 1 January 2020, with the ability to extend for another five years.  The report also asked Members to note that the award could be made within existing budgetary resources.  He referred Members to a minor correction in the report, at paragraph 2.1, which stated that the weighting criteria which had been applied to the tender evaluation had been 40% price, 60% quality.  The weighting which had been applied was in fact vice versa, that is, 60% price and 40% quality.  The table shown in the report at paragraph 2.8.1 reflected the correct weighting. 


The Executive Member for …. referred to the main features of the report, including an electronic contract management system; tracking devices for vehicles which would also increase fuel efficiency and minimise air pollution; a web-link to enable customers to find out information such as when the next grass cutting was due and a commitment to an ongoing reduction in complaints.  He referred to savings which would be made over the eight year term of the contract, as set out in the report.  He moved the recommendations. 


Councillor E Buckmaster said he welcomed the package of measures, which were important in keeping the District in shape and which encouraged residents’ wellbeing during challenging financial times.  He thanked Officers for their work on this report.  He congratulated Officers on the parks events held during the Summer and on the regular achievement of “green flag” ratings for Southern and the Ridgeway.


Councillor  M Goldspink asked, in respect of the pest control service, whether the concessionary rate available to vulnerable people was available to all residents. 


The  Executive Member for Environmental Sustainability said the pest control policy had been decided last year, and that it had been agreed to supply a service only to vulnerable people; othersthers would use private contractors.


Councillor M Pope asked whether there was a cost associated with pest control. 


The Head of Strategic Finance and Property  and Interim Head of Operations said the contract included a price for use of the pest control service, as an option if the Council wished to take up that opportunity. 


Councillor M Pope congratulated Officers on their work on this contract.  He asked  about the role played by the specialist consultants. 


The Leisure and Environment Service Manager said the contractors’ involvement in the procurement process had been useful.  He confirmed there were costs associated with the consultant’s involvement. 


Councillor G McAndrew moved, and Councillor E Buckmaster seconded, a motion that the recommendations now detailed be approved.  After being put to the meeting and a vote taken, the motion was declared CARRIED.  The Executive approved the recommendations now detailed. 


RESOLVED – that ( A) Executive approve the award of the grounds maintenance contract to ‘Tenderer F’ as the most economically advantageous bid following a full EU competitive process with negotiation in accordance with the Public Contract Regulations  ...  view the full minutes text for item 126.


Draft Open Space, Sport and Recreation Supplementary Planning Document pdf icon PDF 96 KB

Additional documents:


The draft Open Space, Sport and Recreation Supplementary Planning Document (SPD), as set out in Essential Reference Paper ‘B’, be agreed and published for a six-week period of public consultation; and

In accordance with the Environmental Assessment of Plans and Programmes Regulations 2004 it be determined that a Strategic Environmental Assessment of the emerging Open Space, Sport and Recreation SPD is not required as it is unlikely to have significant environmental effects.


The Leader submitted a report on the draft Open Space, Sport and Recreation Supplementary Planning Document (SPD).  She said the Council took open spaces, sport and leisure seriously.  The documents set out the requirements and funding expected of developers.  The document would be published for consultation, and then adopted by the Council. 


The Executive Member for Wellbeing said this was a welcome part of the policies of the District Plan and would be important in the discussions with developers and stakeholders in the masterplanning of strategic sites.  He said it was vital that the developments should include infrastructure to keep residents well.  He trusted there would be a wide response to the consultation.


Councillor J Wyllie referred to the purpose of the SPD, which included the objective of retaining access to open spaces.  He asked how this aim might  be affected for example in Thorley, where developers, rather than the Council, owned land, and where small parcels of land were sold. The Leader  said she was not aware of the particular circumstances in Thorley, but if it was not appropriate for such land to be sold if they were in the Green Belt, then Article 4 provisions could be used.  She asked that Councillor J Wyllie send her details of the pieces of land to enable Officers to provide further advice. 


Councillor M Goldspink said recommendation “B” was that a strategic environment assessmentwas not required, as it was unlikely to have significant environmental effects.  She sought clarification on what these might be, and what the definition of “significant”was. 

The Leader  said this was a strategic document which would be used by developers.  If strategic environmental assessment was needed for each site, then that provision would apply. 


Councillor T Page, as Chairman of the Development Management Committee, said he welcomed the document which created transparency for provision of sports infrastructure, supported health and wellbeing, and sat neatly with Masterplanning.   He said that it would help the Committee in deciding aspects of applications.  The aims included reference to “retaining and improving access for all to open space, sport and recreation facilities so as to support increased participation in sport and leisure, particularly amongst groups and individuals with greatest social disadvantage”.  Councillor T Pagesaid such facilities should be provided for all residents.  He felt  a cost effective way of helping the groups referred to could be  by improving access to such services, rather than the provision of such services.  He also considered it was important to balance the demographic factors so that provision of this important infrastructure did not impact on affordable housing.


The Leaders  said the report did not refer to provision of special facilities for people who were disadvantaged, but meant provision of access to them.  She agreed there was an ageing population, but that the facilities could be easily adapted for older people. 

The Executive Member for Wellbeing….r said that Masterplanning took this kind of factor into account, as Members understood their local communities and could ensure these factors were  ...  view the full minutes text for item 127.


North of Hertford (Sacombe Road, Bengeo) (HERT4) Masterplanning Framework pdf icon PDF 121 KB

Additional documents:


To recommend to Council that the North of Hertford (Sacombe Road, Bengeo) Masterplanning Framework for the first phase of the strategic allocation known as HERT4 North of Hertford, as detailed at Essential Reference Paper ‘B’ to the report, be agreed as a material consideration for Development Management Purposes.


The Leader submitted a report to enable Executive Members to consider the Masterplanning Framework for the HERT4 North of Hertford (Sacombe Road, Bengeo) site.  She said this was another fine example of the work of the Masterplanning Steering Group.   This site was unusual as it was for 50 houses, the other part of the site which would have been for 100 houses having been subject to a gravel extraction planning application which was refused.  Whilst those other houses were not coming forward, this could not be guaranteed. 


The Executive Member for Planning and Growth said it was good to see so many local and residents’ groups engage with the Masterplanning process, which had worked well.


Councillor T Page queried the meaning of the reference to the Masterplanning process requiring all “significant” development proposals to prepare a Masterplan. 

The Leader said the District Plan required that even quite a small number of houses which could have a significant impact on ecology or heritage would need to go through the Masterplanning process.  Whilst some of the sites in Hertford were not strategic sites, they were still required to go through the Masterplanning process.  In answer to a further question from Councillor T Page, Councillor L Haysey said it would be for the Leader to take a decision to put a site through the Masterplanning process.  Councillor Goodeve said it was a decision based on the cumulative impact of these sites so that the County Council was aware of forthcoming development. 


Councillor L Haysey moved and Councillor S Rutland-Barsby seconded, a motion that the recommendations now detailed be approved.  After being put to the meeting and a vote taken, the motion was declared CARRIED.  The Executive approved the recommendations now detailed. 


RESOLVED – that the North of Hertford (Sacombe Road, Bengeo) Masterplanning Framework for the first phase of the strategic allocation known as HERT4 North of Hertford, as detailed at Essential Reference Paper ‘B’ to the report, be agreed as a material consideration for Development Management Purposes.



North of Sawbridgeworth (SAWB4) Masterplanning Framework pdf icon PDF 94 KB

Additional documents:


To recommend to Council that the land to the North of Sawbridgeworth Masterplanning Framework for the strategic allocation known as SAWB4, as detailed at Essential Reference Paper ‘B’ to the report, be agreed as a material consideration for Development Management purposes.


The Leader submitted a report to enable Executive Members to consider the Masterplanning Framework for the SAWB4 site, Land to the North of Sawbridgeworth.


The Leader invited the Executive Member for Wellbeing  to introduce the report as he had chaired the meetings of Shaping Sawbridgeworth. 


The Executive Member for Wellbeing said this was the third of the strategic sites in Sawbridgeworth, all of which had been considered as a whole.  The Masterplan considered the entire allocated site although Countryside owned only part of it.  The Executive Member explained that this would be the basis on which to move forward and to assess detailed planning applications, and he noted Masterplanning Steering Groups would continue to exist to monitor the developments. 


Councillor L Haysey moved, and Councillor E Buckmaster seconded, a motion that the recommendations now detailed be approved.  After being put to the meeting and a vote taken, the motion was declared CARRIED.  The Executive approved the recommendations now detailed. 


RESOLVED – that the land to the North of Sawbridgeworth Masterplanning Framework for the strategic allocation known as SAWB4, as detailed at Essential Reference Paper ‘B’ to the report, be agreed as a material consideration for Development Management purposes.



Standon Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan - Adoption pdf icon PDF 154 KB

Additional documents:


To recommend to Council that the Standon Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan, as detailed in Essential Reference Paper ‘B’ to the report, be formally ‘made’ and used as part of the Development Plan.


The Leader submitted a report on the adoption of the Standon Neighbourhood Development Plan.  The District was fortunate in having a number of parishes which had taken up the neighbourhood planning process, and she felt that it was well worth the time and effort put in, to enable the policies chosen by local communities to become material planning documents.  She paid tribute to a volunteer who had contributed significantly to the process, who had died before the neighbourhood plan could be adopted.   


Councillor L Haysey moved and Councillor P Boylan seconded, a motion that the recommendations now detailed be approved.  After being put to the meeting and a vote taken, the motion was declared CARRIED.  The Executive approved the recommendations now detailed. 


RESOLVED – that the Standon Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan, as detailed in Essential Reference Paper ‘B’ to the report, be formally ‘made’ and used as part of the Development Plan.



Update from Overview and Scrutiny Committee (standing item)

To receive the report of the Committee Chairman.

Additional documents:


Councillor J Wyllie submitted a verbal report on the work of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.  The Committee was running a task and finish group on the parking within the District.  The group had taken evidence from the Bishop’s Stortford Business Improvement District, and with Hertford retailers and Hertford Town Council.  The survey currently being conducted would contribute to the review of the task and finish group.


The Executive received the report.


RESOLVED – that the report be received.



Update from Performance, Audit and Governance Oversight Committee (standing item)

To receive the report of the Committee Chairman.

Additional documents:


Councillor M Pope submitted a verbal report on the work of the Performance, Audit and Governance Oversight Committee. 


He said the Committee had looked at the Council’s performance indicators and how it would look at these in detail during its next meetings.   The programme would address the areas of Section 106, economic development, public health and communications.


The Executive received the report.


RESOLVED – that the report be received.