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Contact: Martin Ibrahim Tel: (01279) 502173 Email:
No. | Item |
Bishop's Stortford Town Centre Planning Framework PDF 73 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Executive Member for Economic Development submitted a report seeking support for the finalised Bishop’s Stortford Town Centre Planning Framework.
The Executive recalled that the Council had engaged consultants, Allies and Morrison, to formulate a Planning Framework for the town centre in the early part of 2016. In their work, the consultants had analysed the historic development of the town, its current economic and commercial position and the strengths of its geographical position. Following an initial round of consultation, they had identified a number of themes around which future decisions for the town should be based. These themes, along with a more detailed approach to potential opportunities provided by three key development locations were then subject to a further round of consultation toward the end of 2016.
The Executive Member sought endorsement of the Framework and to establish that weight could now be assigned to the document in the various decisions that the Council (and others) make, including planning decisions, in relation to the town centre.
The Executive supported the recommendation now detailed.
RECOMMENDED – that the Bishop’s Stortford Town Centre Framework (March 2017) be approved for Development Management decisions. |
Leader's Announcements Additional documents: Minutes: The Leader welcomed the press to the meeting and reminded everyone present that the meeting was being webcast. |
To approve the Minutes of the meeting held on 4 April 2017. Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED – that the Minutes of the Executive meeting held on 4 April 2017 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Leader. |
Declarations of Interest To receive any Member(s) declaration(s) of interest. Additional documents: Minutes: In respect of some aspects of Minute 25 – Sustainable Transport – Report of the Task and Finish Group, Councillor G Williamson declared a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in that he was employed by Hertfordshire County Council. He remained in the chamber whilst the matter was discussed, but abstained from consideration of Recommendation (K). |
Sustainable Transport - Report of the Task and Finish Group PDF 128 KB
Additional documents:
Decision: That (A) in principle, revenue funding be committed to actively promote sustainable transport platforms and campaigns within the District;
(B) in partnership with Hertfordshire Highways, the cost and benefits of a charging mechanism for use of the road infrastructure, targeting certain types of vehicles (e.g. HGVs) or journeys taking place at certain times of the day (e.g. during rush hour), be considered;
(C) a charge for use of the car park at the East Herts Council offices, alongside an incentive scheme for those who car share or use lower emissions vehicles, be considered;
(D) as part of an overall work programme supported by revenue funding, the park and stride model to schools in Hertford, Ware, Buntingford and Bishop’s Stortford, be rolled out;
(E) further consultation with members of the public (building on responses already received) about what specific improvements to the current cycling and walking networks would encourage more journeys (e.g. electric charging points, cycling lanes, track improvements, etc) be undertaken;
(F) investment in minor changes to the cycling and walking networks to encourage greater use, be supported;
(G) cycling and walking networks be promoted in conjunction with the County Council and the bike and go scheme in Bishop’s Stortford be pro-actively marketed;
(H) volunteering opportunities to maintain and improve cycling and walking routes be considered with East Herts Council’s volunteering policy;
(I) uptake of CVS community transport options be encouraged;
(J) working in partnership with the University of Hertfordshire’s Smart Mobility Research Unit to look at mobility as a service business model for East Herts, viable on demand business models and driverless technology, be considered;
(K) the marketing and promotion of the Intalink mobile app to rural communities in East Herts, be supported;
(L) work in partnership with strategic bodies such as the County Council, LEP and LSCC to lobby the Department for Transport) for an East/ West light rail route, including a link to Buntingford and extending Stansted Airport links to Great Dunmow and Braintree, be supported;
(M) work in partnership with strategic bodies such as the County Council, LEP and LSCC for commuters to “think train” as well as lobby train service providers to “think customer”, be supported;
(N) the Council continues to ensure that, through the District Plan, travel planning and sustainable transport is an early consideration for any new development; and
(O) the Council continues to make further provision for electric car parking and charging points within its car parks and encourages their inclusion in all future housing developments. Minutes: The Executive considered the report of the Sustainable Transport Task and Finish Group and its recommendations, which had been supported by Environment Scrutiny Committee.
Councillor J Wyllie, as the Chairman of the Task and Finish Group, thanked everyone who had contributed to the work which had culminated in the recommendations before the Executive. He highlighted the importance of improved bus services and extending rail services to Buntingford. He also spoke of reducing congestion in Bishop’s Stortford by extending rail links to Stansted Airport from Great Dunmow and Braintree.
In response to questions raised on electric charging points, the Executive Member for Environment and the Public Space outlined the good progress being made in their provision, which had been boosted by bidding successfully for DEFRA/DoT funding that had been obtained. He also referred to a pilot electric vehicle car club that would be running in Bishop’s Stortford and Hertford, to promote the benefits of electric cars and to encourage greater use.
The Executive approved the recommendations now detailed.
RESOLVED - that (A) in principle, revenue funding be committed to actively promote sustainable transport platforms and campaigns within the District;
(B) in partnership with Hertfordshire Highways, the cost and benefits of a charging mechanism for use of the road infrastructure, targeting certain types of vehicles (e.g. HGVs) or journeys taking place at certain times of the day (e.g. during rush hour), be considered;
(C) a charge for use of the car park at the East Herts Council offices, alongside an incentive scheme for those who car share or use lower emissions vehicles, be considered;
(D) as part of an overall work programme supported by revenue funding, the park and stride model to schools in Hertford, Ware, Buntingford and Bishop’s Stortford, be rolled out;
(E) further consultation with members of the public (building on responses already received) about what specific improvements to the current cycling and walking networks would encourage more journeys (e.g. electric charging points, cycling lanes, track improvements, etc) be undertaken;
(F) investment in minor changes to the cycling and walking networks to encourage greater use, be supported;
(G) cycling and walking networks be promoted in conjunction with the County Council and the bike and go scheme in Bishop’s Stortford be pro-actively marketed;
(H) volunteering opportunities to maintain and improve cycling and walking routes be considered with East Herts Council’s volunteering policy;
(I) uptake of CVS community transport options be encouraged;
(J) working in partnership with the University of Hertfordshire’s Smart Mobility Research Unit to look at mobility as a service business model for East Herts, viable on demand business models and driverless technology, be considered;
(K) the marketing and promotion of the Intalink mobile app to rural communities in East Herts, be supported;
(L) work in partnership with strategic bodies such as the County Council, LEP and LSCC to lobby the Department for Transport) for an East/ West light rail route, including a link to Buntingford and extending Stansted Airport links to Great Dunmow and Braintree, be supported;
(M) work ... view the full minutes text for item 25. |