Agenda and minutes

Executive - Tuesday 19th June, 2012 6.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Wallfields, Hertford. View directions

Contact: Martin Ibrahim  Tel: (01279) 502173 Email:


No. Item



To receive apologies for absence.

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Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillors M Alexander, M Carver and M Tindale.


Leader's Announcements

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The Leader advised that, as the meeting was inquorate, no decisions could be taken.  Recommendations arising from the two substantive agenda items (see Minutes 74 – 75 below) would be referred onto Council for decision and the remaining business would be deferred until the next Executive meeting.


Parking and Transport Strategy pdf icon PDF 22 KB

Additional documents:


The Executive Member for Economic Development submitted a report seeking support for a number of policy statements drawn from the Parking and Transport Strategy.  The Executive recalled that, at its previous meeting, it had considered the Strategy and requested Officers to formulate these statements.


The Executive Member commented that the proposed statements, as now detailed, if adopted, would shape the development of the Parking Service and the Council’s wider approach to transportation issues across the District.  


·                        We will seek to maintain car parking income at current levels in real terms.


·                        We will seek to ensure that users pay for the parking service rather than the council tax payer.


·                        We will promote existing and explore new technologies to improve the overall convenience of parking in East Herts.


·                        We will seek where possible and appropriate to match parking capacity with demand.


·                        We will seek to develop and implement parking solutions that reflect local needs.


·                        We will make the economic vitality of East Herts a core consideration when developing parking services.


Councillor E Buckmaster commented on the order of the statements and wondered whether the last statement on economic vitality should appear at the top of the list.  He also suggested strengthening one or two, by for example, including reference to reducing traffic congestion and air pollution.  Finally, he commented that cooperation with other bodies on transport strategies should be included.


The Leader commented that the Executive would look at these suggestions further and tweak the proposals as necessary when determined by Council.


The Executive recommended the policy statements.


RECOMMENDED – that the policy statements as now detailed, be approved.


Economic Development Strategy Revisions pdf icon PDF 49 KB

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The Executive Member for Economic Development submitted a report proposing four new strategic themes as a revision of the Council’s Economic Development Strategy.  He also identified specific projects and their funding that would deliver these themes.  The four themes were:


·        Create a more business friendly environment in our towns and town centres and deliver targeted initiatives to support the viability of employment land in the district.


·        Contribute to the competitiveness and survival rates of local business.


·        Encourage and support resilience and growth in the rural economy.


·        Develop a coordinated and targeted approach to the “Get Britain Working” agenda and to skills, training and advice programmes.


The Executive Member reminded the Executive that the Council had previously agreed to commit 25% of New Homes Bonus funding in 2012/13 to support economic development initiatives.  He detailed the specific projects that would utilise this funding.


The Executive supported the proposals as now detailed.


RECOMMENDED -  that (A) a revision of the Economic Development Strategy to incorporate amended strategic themes that will extend the timeframe of the strategy for another five years, be approved;


(B)      the proposed key activities be noted; and


(C)      the projects to be supported be funded by priority spend from the New Homes Bonus.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 29 KB

To approve the Minutes of the meeting held on 22 May 2012.

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It was noted that the Minutes of the Executive meeting held on 22 May 2012 would be submitted to the next meeting for approval as a correct record.