Agenda and minutes

Development Management Committee - Thursday 25th August, 2011 7.00 pm

Venue: Main Hall, Charis Centre, Water Lane, Bishop's Stortford

Contact: Peter Mannings  Tel: (01279) 502174 Email:

No. Item



To receive apologies for absence.


Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillors A Burlton, Mrs R Cheswright, G Lawrence and M Newman.  It was noted that Councillors E Bedford, T Page and E Buckmaster were substituting for Councillors Mrs R Cheswright, A Burlton and M Newman respectively.


Chairman's Announcements


The Chairman welcomed the press and public to the meeting.  He stated that the meeting was being videoed and the subsequent recording would be posted on the Council’s website.


In respect of Minute 252, the Chairman advised that, as a higher than anticipated number of people had registered to speak, he had agreed that all registered speakers should be allowed to address the Committee.  He sought and received the consent of the Committee in respect of all registered speakers addressing the Committee.


Declarations of Interest


Councillor T Page declared a personal interest in applications 3/10/1964/FP and 3/10/1965/LC in that he was a Member of the Bishop’s Stortford Town Council Planning Committee.


(A) 3/10/1964/OP - Outline Planning application for a mixed use development comprising retail, leisure hotel, food and drink, residential, community uses, car parking, servicing and access arrangements together with alterations to the public highway and/or public realm works and flood mitigation measures on land north of Link Road; and (B) 3/10/1965/LC - Demolition of 1 The Causeway;1, 2 and 3 Old River Lane; Church Hall Water Lane; boundary wall north of Church Hall and substation at Old River pdf icon PDF 433 KB

Recommended for Approval.

Additional documents:


The Director of Neighbourhood Services recommended that, in respect of applications 3/10/1964/OP and 3/10/1965/LC, planning permission and conservation area consent be granted subject to the conditions now detailed.


The Director referred to the additional representations schedule, as well as the Section 106 legal obligation agreement and the conditions.  The Committee was advised that these documents had been distributed to Members separately as they had not been finalised prior to the distribution of the Agenda.


Members were referred to the additional representations summary for the latest position in respect of the comments of the Environment Agency.  The Director stressed that the Environment Agency had considered that a weir to the north of the site was no longer required for flood risk mitigation.


The Committee was advised that Officers felt they had insufficient information to advise on whether the weir should be removed. 


Members could defer the applications for this issue to be investigated.  Members were reminded that the applications would have to be referred to the Secretary of State if the Committee resolved to grant outline planning permission and conservation area consent.


The Director referred to the comments of the Council’s retail advisors in respect of the position of Waitrose’s objections to the application, given that Waitrose had control of some of the land that was the subject of these applications.


The Director advised that the Council’s Solicitor felt that there remained some tension with regard to a number of issues, particularly flooding and the impact on heritage assets close to the site.


The following people addressed the Committee in objection to the applications:


·                          Mr Hurford, Chairman of the Bishop’s Stortford Civic Federation;

·                          Mr Edwards on behalf of the Chantry Residents’ Association;

·                          Mr Cooper on behalf of Coopers Bishop’s Stortford;

·                          Karen Burton;

·                          Jackie Colman;

·                          Mr Elmer;

·                          Mr Hare; on behalf of the Water Lane Table Tennis Club;

·                          Mr George on behalf of Yew Tree Place residents;

·                          Mr Harrison on behalf of Waitrose, Bishop’s Stortford;

·                          Mr Moys, Solicitor for Mr and Mrs Hagon and a number of other residents.


The following people addressed the Committee in support of the applications:


·                          Mr Fraser and Mr Perry on behalf of Hendersons Global Investors Company;

·                          Mr Disney;

·                          Mr Lawson; and

·                          Sarah Stevens.


Councillor N Symonds addressed the Committee by reading out a statement on behalf of Councillor A Burlton.  Councillor Burlton’s concerns related to overdevelopment of the site in terms of the massing and height of the proposed development.


Councillor Burlton was also concerned that the merits of the application did not justify 3 to 4 storey buildings on this site.  He had commented that buildings should be restricted to 2 to 3 stories and the residential elements of the scheme should be withdrawn.


Councillor Symonds referred to Councillor Burlton’s concerns that the application would result in traffic problems, particularly in respect of the proposed ‘T’ junction.  He was also concerned in relation to the loss of natural vegetation to make way for the flood compensation area (FCA).  ...  view the full minutes text for item 252.