Agenda and minutes

Development Management Committee - Wednesday 26th October, 2011 7.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Wallfields, Hertford. View directions

Contact: Peter Mannings  Tel: (01279) 502174 Email:


No. Item



To receive apologies for absence.

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Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillors W Ashley and Mrs R Cheswright.  It was noted that Councillors D Andrews and E Bedford were substituting for Councillors Mrs R Cheswright and W Ashley respectively.


Chairman's Announcements

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The Chairman welcomed the press and public to the meeting and those who were watching the live webcast.


The Chairman reminded the Committee of the Members’ Code of Conduct Training due to be held at 5.15 pm in the Council Chamber prior to the 9 November 2011 meeting of the Committee.


3/11/1190/FP - Erection of a single wind turbine of up to 86.5m in height, substation, access tracks and ancillary infrastructure at Land east of Walkern Road and north and west of High Elms Lane, Benington for Mr Andrew Bott pdf icon PDF 264 KB

Recommended for Approval.

Additional documents:


Professor Sandra File addressed the Committee in objection to the application.  Mr Andrew Bott and Mrs Natalie Clennell spoke for the application.


The Director of Neighbourhood Services recommended that, in respect of application 3/11/1190/FP, planning permission be granted subject to the conditions detailed in the report now submitted.


The Director referred to the late representations schedule as being extensive in light of the strength of feeling regarding this application.  He also stated that comments from Councillor N Poulton had been inadvertently omitted from the report.  Therefore, he detailed these verbally. 


The Director also referred to comments received from Councillor J Ranger, who was concerned that the report lacked balance between the pros and cons of the scheme.  Councillor Ranger was fully supportive of the comments of the Parish Councils and commented on the low electricity generation, casting doubt on the applicant’s claim of 26% efficiency in a low wind area such as Hertfordshire.  He believed that this could be as low as 18% or less.


Councillor N Poulton, as a local ward Member, addressed the Committee in opposition to the application.  He commented that the proposed turbine would have a greater impact on Watton at Stone than for residents of Benington.


Councillor Poulton stressed that the turbine would dominate the skyline and would be totally out of proportion to the natural surrounding landscape.  He referred to the planning history of the previously refused application for 3 turbines and he summarised the comments of the planning inspector in rejecting the appeal.


Councillor Poulton stated that it was widely believed all the points raised by the inspector could also be applied to this application.  He referred to the many historic buildings close to the site, in particular Gregory’s Farm.  He summarised the inspector’s comments in relation to this historic building.


Councillor Poulton stressed that the only suitable access for lorries was through Watton at Stone and such movement would cause inconvenience and financial hardship to residents and shop owners.  He commented that traffic would have to negotiate a dangerous narrow lane towards Benington, in particular, a narrow ancient bridge over the River Beane where traffic could only flow in a single direction.


Councillor Poulton emphasised that all the comments of the inspector on the previous scheme were still relevant.  He referred to the Localism Bill and the weight of local objection and requested that Members refuse the application out of hand.


Councillor K Crofton, as the local ward Member, addressed the Committee in opposition to the application.  He summarised the decision facing Members as one that would affect the future of residents 10 km or more from the site in Benington, Watton at Stone and Aston.  He stated that this whole area was special in that it was devoid of any development or man made structures.


Councillor Crofton stated that this turbine would be totally out of character in a landscape conservation area.  He stressed that there were alternatives to such an intrusive structure, for example, ground heat source  ...  view the full minutes text for item 386.