Agenda and minutes

Community Scrutiny Committee - Tuesday 24th September, 2013 7.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Wallfields, Hertford

Contact: Lorraine Blackburn  Tel: (01279) 502172 Email:

No. Item


Police and Crime Commissioner - Guest Presentation pdf icon PDF 119 KB

Additional documents:


At the invitation of the Committee, Mr David Lloyd, Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) gave a short presentation and introductory responses to the key issues of concern to Members.  He stated that one of the main roles of the PCC, was to work with other partners for mutual benefit.  At the moment the PCC was working to arrange 20 ‘District days’ per annum as an opportunity to share and discuss concerns with local partners.


In terms of responses to the questions posed, he stated that in his view, the key principles underpinning the Policing Plan for Hertfordshire was working with partner organisations on the need to prevent crime and in resolving crimes.  He referred Members to the document “Everyone’s Business” and urged them to read the crime plan.


In relation to the issue of limited funding, the PCC explained that he had a number of initiatives to roll out from the Community Fund.  He stated that the first £160,000 of bids had been agreed.  By way of example, Mr Lloyd referred to the use of an old library bus which would be refurbished and used for youth related work, another initiative related to the vulnerable and giving them help with their front gardens to reduce the likelihood of them being targetted.


On the issue of reducing/ keeping crime low in East Herts and investment in new technology he hoped that keeping “feet on the street” and targeting the young who get drunk and making sure that they are properly supported would go some way to helping reduce crime.  He acknowledged the important role of volunteers in the process.  Mr Lloyd stated that from an investment viewpoint in tackling crime, there was a need to work with health partnersparticularly in the field of drug and alcohol strategies and addressing housing issues.  He added that he had set up a quarterly Community Safety Board and was in the process of co-coordinating with various stakeholders.  Mr Lloyd stressed the role of partnership working which he considered to be “core” business.


In response to questions about PCSOs, Mr Lloyd acknowledged that they had been a great success.  He referred to their role in relation to the Waltham Cross riots which had been prevented largely as a result of their community “grass roots” knowledge and intelligence gathering, adding “that sort of intelligence is how we stop crime from happening”.  Mr Lloyd explained that there was less and less funding available.  He did not have an operating role and could not say how areas should be policed as this was a matter for the Police Chief Superintendent.


Mr Lloyd provided an update on crime in East Hertfordshire.  The only statistics which had increased related to burglary as a result of a “one-man crime wave”.  He stated that the particular individual was now behind bars. 


Mr Lloyd reinforced the need to recruit more “Specials”.


The Chaiman then invited questions from Members but reminded them to focus on the PCC’s areas of responsibilities and  ...  view the full minutes text for item 250.



To receive apologies for absence


Apologies for absence were submitted from Councillors J Jones and P Moore.  It was noted that Councillor C Rowley was substituting for Councillor P Moore.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 107 KB

To receive the Minutes of the meeting held on 25 June 2013


RESOLVED – that the Minutes of the meeting held on 25 June 2013 be confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.



Declarations of Interest


The Committee noted that Councillor S Bull attended meetings of South Anglia Housing Association but that this was not a disclosable pecuniary interest.


Community Scrutiny Work Programme pdf icon PDF 115 KB

Additional documents:


The Scrutiny Officer submitted a report outlining the future work programme for Community Scrutiny Committee.  Councillor N Symonds expressed concern regarding the role and expectations of Registered Social Landlords (RSLs) in ensuring that repairs and adaptations, particularly for the vulnerable, were carried out promptly and asked that Officers write to RSLs seeking information on their policies and performance against protocols.  This was supported.


Members received the report and asked Officers to write to RSLs seeking information about their policies and performance against protocols.  


RESOLVED – that (A) the report be received; and


(B)   Officers write to Registered Social Landlords seeking information on their policies and performance against protocols on adaptations and repairs, particularly in relation to vulnerable tenants.



Hertford Theatre End of Financial Year Report pdf icon PDF 158 KB

Additional documents:


The Executive Member for Health, Housing and Community Support submitted a report on the annual performance of Hertford Theatre for the Financial Year 2012/13, the detail of which was set out in the report now submitted and Essential Reference Papers.


The Head of Communications, Engagement and Cultural Services welcomed what was another “good news” report on the theatre’s performance.  From a financial viewpoint, he stated that performance had been monitored against the business plan and the theatre was doing well and that Officers would report back next year on the tracked variances, but that this year, the Council would be liable for a backdated VAT liability relating to the café and bar.


Councillor R Beeching drew Members’ attention to ticket sales in relation to two different films and said that it would be helpful to see what the ticket sales were against how many showings, as this would give a more accurate figure.


Councillor M Wood congratulated the team on the progress they had made, adding that the theatre had achieved the right balance on all counts.  He felt that the projected figures for the forthcoming pantomime were encouraging and was also positive about the work with Hertford Regional College.  He sought further clarification on the theatre’s future governance arrangements.  In response to the governance issue, the Executive Member for Health, Housing and Community Support stated that it was necessary to ensure that the theatre had strong foundations first and that it might be possible to look at the issue of governance again next year, when matters were clearer.


Councillor C Rowley welcomed the use of the apprentice scheme.  The Director of Hertford Theatre explained that work experience at the theatre was offered as part of one Hertford Regional College’s courses and that the theatre was doing everything it could to work with the HRC.


In respect of a request by the Chairman, Hertford Theatre Officers each provided a summary of some of their memorable highlights in working for the theatre.


In response to a query on the issues of seating, it was stated that the Head of Communications, Engagement and Cultural Services had commissioned an independent technical assessment and would be undertaking a tender process to find out what needed to be done and this could then be considered by the Executive once costs were known.


In response to a query from Councillor C Rowley regarding attendances at the pantomime and the balance between live and film performances, Officers outlined the marketing strategy to encourage better attendances and explained that booking live acts needed at least six months to a year advance notice, but that film was more flexible. 


Members received the Annual Report on Hertford Theatre for the year 2012/13 and thanked the team as a whole, including the cohort of volunteers for their contribution to the success of the venue.


RESOLVED – that (A) the Annual Report on Hertford Theatre for the year 2012/13 be received; and


(B)  the team as a  ...  view the full minutes text for item 255.


Annual Performance Report of South Anglia and Riversmead Housing Associations pdf icon PDF 161 KB

Additional documents:


The Executive Member for Health, Housing and Community Support submitted a report on the progress made by the two large scale voluntary transfer housing associations on the three undertakings which remained following the end of the Delivery of Promises Programme 2007, the detail of which was set out in the report now submitted. 


Councillor N Symonds expressed concern that South Anglia had not met its target on Aids and Adaptations for 2012/13.  The Manager of Housing Services pointed out that some minor work such as grab rails could be carried out via tenant self-referral and would then be costed under the more general repairs budget rather than the specialist adaptations one.


Members considered how South Anglia could be encouraged to be more proactive in meeting its target on aids and adaptations.  The Chief Executive and Director of Customer Services stated the Council did have Council Members who were Board Members and that this was an opportunity to express the Council’s concerns.  This was supported.


Members received the performance report on Riversmead and South Anglia Housing Associations.


RESOLVED – that the report be received.



East Herts Homeless Strategy 2013-2018 pdf icon PDF 126 KB

Additional documents:


The Executive Member for Health, Housing and Community Support submitted a report setting out the Council’s new Homeless Review and Strategy for 2013-18, the detail of which was set out in the report now submitted and within the supporting Essential Reference Papers.


In response to a query from Councillor C Woodward regarding achieving affordable housing targets of 40%, the Manager of Housing Services confirmed that this target was regularly achieved on eligible sites but acknowledged that sometimes, these could be negotiated down.  If all sites were included, then the figure did come in at less than 40%. 


Councillor N Symonds referred to unscrupulous practices of some private landlords and asked what the Council could do about this.  The Manager of Housing Services explained the associated difficulties but essentially, the Council did not have a registration scheme for private rented landlords and that there was a lack of properties in multiple occupation.


In response to query from Councillor R Beeching, the Manager of Housing Services provided clarification of the definitions of rough sleepers and sofa surfers.  She also explained the difference between housing applications and housing acceptances.


In response to a query from Councillor M Wood regarding the number of homeless applications this year, the Manager of Housing Services provided an update.


The Committee supported the Homeless Strategy as a basis for consultation with external partners and stakeholders.


RESOLVED – that the Homeless Strategy 2013-2018 be supported as a basis for consultation with external partners and stakeholders and that the Executive be so informed.



Community Scrutiny Corporate Healthcheck May to July 2013 pdf icon PDF 139 KB

Additional documents:


The Chief Executive and Director of Customer and Community Services submitted a report on the performance of key indicators relating to Community Scrutiny for the period May – July 2013.  He drew Members’ attention to EHPI 3b (Usage: number of swims (16 - 60 year olds) which was showing as “red” for Quarter 1.


Members received the report.


RESOLVED – that performance figures for May to July 2013 as detailed in Essential Reference Paper “B” of the report now submitted, be received.



Health and Wellbeing Panel pdf icon PDF 103 KB


To receive:-


(A) the Minutes of the meeting held on 18 June 2013 and


(B) a verbal update from the Health and Wellbeing Panel Chairman


Councillor N Symonds, Chairman of the Health and Wellbeing Panel, provided Members with an update on the work of the Panel.  It was noted that she had a meeting shortly in Bedfordshire to consider the short supply of ambulances for use by the District.


RESOLVED – that (A) the verbal report be received; and


(B)     the Minutes of the Health and Wellbeing Panel meeting held on 18 June 2013 be noted.