415 2012 – 13 Service Plans: Summary of Progress and Exceptions Report PDF 29 KB
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The Chief Executive and Director of Customer and Community Services submitted a report in respect of a mid-year summary of the Council’s achievements against its priorities for 2012/13 and details of service plan actions that required a revised completion date or had been suspended. The report also monitored the outstanding four service plan actions from 2011/12, which were detailed in Essential Reference Paper “D” of the report submitted.
Members were referred to paragraph 2.1 of the report for the 30 actions covered by the 2012/13 service plans, of which 13% (4) had been achieved, 60% (18) were on target, 13% (4) had revised completion dates, 3% (1) had been suspended and 10% (3) had been deleted as they were no longer appropriate.
Members were referred to Essential Reference Paper “B” for an overview of Service Plan Actions by Corporate Priority. This also detailed the actions taken by the Authority in relation to the outcomes that had been achieved.
The Committee received the report.
RESOLVED – that the progress against the Council’s priorities and the revised completion dates, suspensions and deletions against the 2012/13 Service Plan Actions be received.