Issue - meetings

Community Grants Review of Applications Quarter 1 and Quarter 2 Allocation

Meeting: 20/11/2012 - Community Scrutiny Committee (Item 426)

426 Community Grants Review of Applications Quarter 1 and Quarter 2 Allocation pdf icon PDF 65 KB

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The Executive Member for Health, Housing and Community Support submitted a progress report on the Community Grants programme following policy amendments made by the Executive on 10 January 2012, which included the establishment of a one-off Jubilee and Olympic Fund; a general community capital pot; and a simpler application process for projects costing less than £2,000, the detail of which was set out in the report now submitted.


The Community Engagement and Partnerships Officer provided a breakdown of those organisations which had received grants.  The grants had been classified into Summer Activities; Olympic / Jubilee; Community capital (large and small 1st round (rural); Councillor Engagement; and Performance for Excellence (Arts and Sport).  It was noted that the total community capital budget for 2012/13 was £198,600 and the total revenue budget for the same period stood at £49,390.  The Community Engagement and Partnerships Officer drew attention to the huge difference even small grants could make to a community / organisation and drew Members’ attention to comments received following successful grant applications, the detail of which was set out in the report now submitted.


The Chairman referred to the fact that more people were approaching the Council for assistance from a diminishing pot.  He referred to the New Homes Bonus which would benefit the towns more than rural areas.  The Executive Member for Health, Housing and Community Support explained how the grant process now worked and said that Officers attempted to allocate funds fairly and geographically.  It was noted that priority for our own funding pots was usually given to rural areas.  The Head of Communications, Community Engagement and Cultural Services explained that Officers had contacted Towns and asked them to make the District Council aware of their local town allocation policy for use of this new money and what help could be provided from the towns’ portion of the New Homes Bonus for applicants in the town.


Members praised Officers for their work and the success of events.  Councillor M Wood referred to the former Councillor Grants which he said, helped Members engage with their community.  He queried whether this could be reintroduced.  The Executive Member for Health, Housing and Community agreed that there were issues within the grants scheme which needed to be reviewed and agreed to discuss this issue with other Executive Members at the appropriate budget time.  Members supported this approach.


RESOLVED – that (A) the progress made in allocating grants according to the new policies be noted; and


(B) the Executive be requested to review community grants and specifically, the allocation of grant monies formerly distributed by Members in order to allow grants to be used in the most flexible and appropriate way possible.