Issue - meetings

Economic Development Strategy Revisions

Meeting: 04/07/2012 - Council (Item 132)

Economic Development Strategy Revisions

Minute 75 refers


Note – Members are asked to bring their copy of the Executive agenda to the meeting.

Additional documents:


Various Members commented on the current economic situation and the difficulties faced by town centre retailers.  The Leader referred to the challenges faced by the Council and the need for a more proactive approach towards economic development.  


In response to a question by Councillor M Wood, the Leader stated that the possibility of bidding for “Portas funds” in the second tranche could be revisited.


Councillor J Wing commented on the pressures for retailers caused by the inflexible lease arrangements of commercial landlords.  The Leader agreed that this was a problem and that whilst the Council had little direct influence, Members could make a wider appeal, perhaps involving local MPs.


Council approved the revised Strategy as now detailed.


RESOLVED -  that (A) a revision of the Economic Development Strategy to incorporate amended strategic themes that will extend the timeframe of the strategy for another five years, be approved;


(B)      the proposed key activities be noted; and


(C)      the projects to be supported be funded by priority spend from the New Homes Bonus.

Meeting: 19/06/2012 - Executive (Item 75)

75 Economic Development Strategy Revisions pdf icon PDF 49 KB

Additional documents:


The Executive Member for Economic Development submitted a report proposing four new strategic themes as a revision of the Council’s Economic Development Strategy.  He also identified specific projects and their funding that would deliver these themes.  The four themes were:


·        Create a more business friendly environment in our towns and town centres and deliver targeted initiatives to support the viability of employment land in the district.


·        Contribute to the competitiveness and survival rates of local business.


·        Encourage and support resilience and growth in the rural economy.


·        Develop a coordinated and targeted approach to the “Get Britain Working” agenda and to skills, training and advice programmes.


The Executive Member reminded the Executive that the Council had previously agreed to commit 25% of New Homes Bonus funding in 2012/13 to support economic development initiatives.  He detailed the specific projects that would utilise this funding.


The Executive supported the proposals as now detailed.


RECOMMENDED -  that (A) a revision of the Economic Development Strategy to incorporate amended strategic themes that will extend the timeframe of the strategy for another five years, be approved;


(B)      the proposed key activities be noted; and


(C)      the projects to be supported be funded by priority spend from the New Homes Bonus.