Issue - meetings

Community Scrutiny Work Programme

Meeting: 12/06/2012 - Community Scrutiny Committee (Item 71)

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The Scrutiny Officer submitted a report outlining the future work of Community Scrutiny Committee.  The Scrutiny Officer referred to the possible review of taxi licensing processes and procedures, and the rationale for this.  She explained that Licensing Committee had devolved powers in terms of any recommendations which might be made by a Task and Finish Group.  Members supported the establishment of a Task and Finish Group to review the processes and procedures.


Members considered the possibility of Housing Associations reporting back to Community Scrutiny.  Following a lengthy debate on the advantages and disadvantages  of having each of the key associations attend a future meeting of Community Scrutiny Committee, Members were reminded of what other avenues existed for Members to scrutinise the actions of Housing Associations, rather than have key officers attend meetings. 


Members considered the suggestion that a report on the Housing Stock (Transfer of Residual Undertaking) Annual Statement and the Action Plan to support the new East Herts Housing Strategy (including how the “Ageing Well” theme might be integrated into housing matters, be reported to Members.  This was supported.


Members were reminded that the report on Hertford Theatre would also be reported to the next meeting of Community Scrutiny Committee.


Members received the report and supported the amendments, as proposed.


RESOLVED – that the work programme as amended, be agreed.